
sealed trait JsonCursor[-From, +To <: Json]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class DownField
class FilterType[A]
object Identity.type
JsonCursor[From, To]

Value members

Concrete methods

final def >>>[Next <: Json](that: JsonCursor[To, Next]): JsonCursor[From, Next]
final def element(index: Int)(implicit ev: To <:< Arr): DownElement
final def field(field: String)(implicit ev: To <:< Obj): DownField
final def filterType[B <: Json](jsonType: JsonType[B]): JsonCursor[Json, B]
final def isArray: JsonCursor[Json, Arr]
final def isBool: JsonCursor[Json, Bool]
final def isNull: JsonCursor[Json, Null]