
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def alterConsumerGroupOffsets(groupId: String, offsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetAndMetadata], options: Option[AlterConsumerGroupOffsetsOptions]): Task[Unit]

Alter offsets for the specified partitions and consumer group.

Alter offsets for the specified partitions and consumer group.

def createPartitions(newPartitions: Map[String, NewPartitions], options: Option[CreatePartitionsOptions]): Task[Unit]

Add new partitions to a topic.

Add new partitions to a topic.

def createTopic(newTopic: NewTopic, validateOnly: Boolean): Task[Unit]

Create a single topic.

Create a single topic.

def createTopics(newTopics: Iterable[NewTopic], options: Option[CreateTopicsOptions]): Task[Unit]

Create multiple topics.

Create multiple topics.

def deleteRecords(recordsToDelete: Map[TopicPartition, RecordsToDelete], deleteRecordsOptions: Option[DeleteRecordsOptions]): Task[Unit]

Delete records.

Delete records.

def deleteTopic(topic: String): Task[Unit]

Delete a single topic.

Delete a single topic.

def deleteTopics(topics: Iterable[String], options: Option[DeleteTopicsOptions]): Task[Unit]

Delete multiple topics.

Delete multiple topics.

Get the cluster authorized operations.

Get the cluster authorized operations.

def describeClusterController(options: Option[DescribeClusterOptions]): Task[Option[Node]]

Get the cluster controller.

Get the cluster controller.

def describeClusterId(options: Option[DescribeClusterOptions]): Task[String]

Get the cluster id.

Get the cluster id.

def describeClusterNodes(options: Option[DescribeClusterOptions]): Task[List[Node]]

Get the cluster nodes.

Get the cluster nodes.

def describeConfigs(configResources: Iterable[ConfigResource], options: Option[DescribeConfigsOptions]): Task[Map[ConfigResource, KafkaConfig]]

Get the configuration for the specified resources.

Get the configuration for the specified resources.

def describeConsumerGroups(groupIds: String*): Task[Map[String, ConsumerGroupDescription]]

Describe the specified consumer groups.

Describe the specified consumer groups.

def describeLogDirs(brokersId: Iterable[Int]): ZIO[Any, Throwable, Map[Int, Map[String, LogDirDescription]]]

Describe the log directories of the specified brokers

Describe the log directories of the specified brokers

def describeTopics(topicNames: Iterable[String], options: Option[DescribeTopicsOptions]): Task[Map[String, TopicDescription]]

Describe the specified topics.

Describe the specified topics.

List Consumer Group offsets for the specified partitions.

List Consumer Group offsets for the specified partitions.

List the consumer groups in the cluster.

List the consumer groups in the cluster.

def listOffsets(topicPartitionOffsets: Map[TopicPartition, OffsetSpec], options: Option[ListOffsetsOptions]): Task[Map[TopicPartition, ListOffsetsResultInfo]]

List offset for the specified partitions.

List offset for the specified partitions.

def listTopics(listTopicsOptions: Option[ListTopicsOptions]): Task[Map[String, TopicListing]]

List the topics in the cluster.

List the topics in the cluster.

def metrics: Task[Map[MetricName, Metric]]

Retrieves metrics for the underlying AdminClient

Retrieves metrics for the underlying AdminClient

def removeMembersFromConsumerGroup(groupId: String, membersToRemove: Set[String]): Task[Unit]

Remove the specified members from a consumer group.

Remove the specified members from a consumer group.