



package logging

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. logging
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package internal

Type Members

  1. final case class LogAnnotation[A](name: String, combine: (A, A) => A, render: (A) => String)(implicit evidence$1: Tag[A]) extends Product with Serializable

    A LogAnnotation describes a particular type of statically-typed log annotation applied to log lines.

    A LogAnnotation describes a particular type of statically-typed log annotation applied to log lines. Log annotations combine in user-defined ways, which means they can have arbitrary structure. In the end, however, it must be possible to render each log annotation as a string.

    myEffect @@ UserId("jdoe")
  2. final case class LogColor extends AnyVal with Product with Serializable
  3. final case class LogContext extends Product with Serializable

    A LogContext stores context associated with logging operations.

  4. trait LogFormat extends AnyRef

    A LogFormat represents a DSL to describe the format of text log messages.

    A LogFormat represents a DSL to describe the format of text log messages.

    import zio.logging.LogFormat._
    timestamp.fixed(32) |-| level |-| label("message", quoted(line))

Value Members

  1. def console(format: LogFormat = LogFormat.colored, logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  2. def consoleErr(format: LogFormat = LogFormat.default, logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  3. def consoleErrJson(format: LogFormat = LogFormat.default, logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  4. def consoleJson(format: LogFormat = LogFormat.default, logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  5. def file(destination: Path, format: LogFormat = LogFormat.default, logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info, charset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8, autoFlushBatchSize: Int = 1, bufferedIOSize: Option[Int] = None): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  6. def fileAsync(destination: Path, format: LogFormat = LogFormat.default, logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info, charset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8, autoFlushBatchSize: Int = 1, bufferedIOSize: Option[Int] = None): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  7. def fileAsyncJson(destination: Path, format: LogFormat = LogFormat.default, logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info, charset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8, autoFlushBatchSize: Int = 1, bufferedIOSize: Option[Int] = None): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  8. def fileJson(destination: Path, format: LogFormat = LogFormat.default, logLevel: LogLevel = LogLevel.Info, charset: Charset = StandardCharsets.UTF_8, autoFlushBatchSize: Int = 1, bufferedIOSize: Option[Int] = None): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  9. val logContext: FiberRef[LogContext]

    The logContext fiber reference is used to store typed, structured log annotations, which can be utilized by backends to enrich log messages.

    The logContext fiber reference is used to store typed, structured log annotations, which can be utilized by backends to enrich log messages.

    Because logContext is an ordinary zio.FiberRef, it may be get, set, and updated like any other fiber reference. However, the idiomatic way to interact with logContext is by using zio.logging.LogAnnotation.

    For example:

    myResponseHandler(request) @@ UserId(request.userId)

    This code would add the structured log annotation LogAnnotation.UserId to all log messages emitted by the myResponseHandler(request) effect.

  10. val removeDefaultLoggers: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
  11. object LogAnnotation extends Serializable
  12. object LogColor extends Serializable
  13. object LogContext extends Serializable
  14. object LogFormat

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
