
final implicit class ZManagedZIOSyntax[R, E, A](self: ZIO[R, E, A])
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

final def forkManaged(implicit trace: Trace): ZManaged[R, Nothing, Runtime[E, A]]

Forks the fiber in a ZManaged. Using the ZManaged value will execute the effect in the fiber, while ensuring its interruption when the effect supplied to ZManaged#use completes.

Forks the fiber in a ZManaged. Using the ZManaged value will execute the effect in the fiber, while ensuring its interruption when the effect supplied to ZManaged#use completes.

final def toManaged(implicit trace: Trace): ZManaged[R, E, A]

Converts this ZIO to ZManaged with no release action. It will be performed interruptibly.

Converts this ZIO to ZManaged with no release action. It will be performed interruptibly.

final def toManagedWith[R1 <: R](release: A => URIO[R1, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZManaged[R1, E, A]

Converts this ZIO to Managed. This ZIO and the provided release action will be performed uninterruptibly.

Converts this ZIO to Managed. This ZIO and the provided release action will be performed uninterruptibly.