

Type members

Inherited types

type WithOut[In, Out0] = ZManagedConstructor[In] { type Out = Out0; }

The type of the ZManagedConstructor with the type of the ZManaged value.

The type of the ZManagedConstructor with the type of the ZManaged value.

Inherited from:



implicit def EitherConstructor[E, A]: WithOut[Either[E, A], ZManaged[Any, E, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, E, A] from an Either[E, A].

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, E, A] from an Either[E, A].

implicit def EitherLeftConstructor[E, A]: WithOut[Left[E, A], ZManaged[Any, E, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, E, A]] from an Either[E, A].

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, E, A]] from an Either[E, A].

implicit def EitherRightConstructor[E, A]: WithOut[Right[E, A], ZManaged[Any, E, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, E, A] from an Either[E, A].

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, E, A] from an Either[E, A].

implicit def OptionConstructor[A]: WithOut[Option[A], ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A] from an Option[A].

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A] from an Option[A].

implicit val OptionNoneConstructor: WithOut[None.type, ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], Nothing]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A] from a None.

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A] from a None.

implicit def OptionSomeConstructor[A]: WithOut[Some[A], ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A] from a Some[A].

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Option[Nothing], A] from a Some[A].

implicit def ReservationConstructor[R, E, A]: WithOut[Reservation[R, E, A], ZManaged[R, E, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[R, E, A] from a Reservation[R, E, A].

Constructs a ZManaged[R, E, A] from a Reservation[R, E, A].

implicit def ReservationZIOConstructor[R1, R2, E1 <: E3, E2 <: E3, E3, A]: WithOut[ZIO[R1, E1, Reservation[R2, E2, A]], ZManaged[R1 & R2, E3, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[R, E, A] from a Reservation[R, E, A].

Constructs a ZManaged[R, E, A] from a Reservation[R, E, A].

implicit def TryConstructor[A]: WithOut[Try[A], ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A] from a Try[A].

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A] from a Try[A].

implicit def TryFailureConstructor[A]: WithOut[Failure[A], ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A] from a Failure[A].

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A] from a Failure[A].

implicit def TrySuccessConstructor[A]: WithOut[Success[A], ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A] from a Success[A].

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A] from a Success[A].

Inherited implicits

implicit def AttemptConstructor[A]: WithOut[A, ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A] from an A.

Constructs a ZManaged[Any, Throwable, A] from an A.

Inherited from:
implicit def ZIOConstructor[R, E, A]: WithOut[ZIO[R, E, A], ZManaged[R, E, A]]

Constructs a ZManaged[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, E, A].

Constructs a ZManaged[R, E, A] from a ZIO[R, E, A].

Inherited from: