
class Decoder(chunk: Chunk[Byte]) extends MutableSchemaBasedValueBuilder[Any, DecoderContext]
trait MutableSchemaBasedValueBuilder[Any, DecoderContext]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def decodeBigInteger: () => BigInteger
def decodeBinary: () => Chunk[Byte]
def decodeBoolean: () => Boolean
def decodeByte: () => Byte
def decodeDouble: () => Double
def decodeFloat: () => Float
def decodeInt: () => Int
def decodeLong: () => Long
def decodePrimitive[A](f: TProtocol => A, name: String): () => A
def decodeShort: () => Short
def decodeString: () => String
def decodeUUID: () => UUID

Inherited methods

def create[A](schema: Schema[A]): Any

Create a value of type A with the provided schema using this builder

Create a value of type A with the provided schema using this builder

Inherited from:

Concrete fields

val p: TBinaryProtocol
val read: Read