
  • package root
    Definition Classes
  • package zio
    Definition Classes
  • package test
    Definition Classes
  • package scalacheck

    Provides functionality for converting legacy ScalaCheck generators to ZIO Test generators to support upgrading to ZIO Test without having to reimplement existing generators.

    Provides functionality for converting legacy ScalaCheck generators to ZIO Test generators to support upgrading to ZIO Test without having to reimplement existing generators. To use it import this module and then call toGenZIO on any existing ScalaCheck generator. For example:

    import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
    import zio._
    import zio.test._
    import zio.test.scalacheck._
    val anyInt: Gen[Random with Sized, Int] =



package test

Linear Supertypes
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. test
  2. CompileVariants
  3. AnyRef
  4. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package scalacheck

    Provides functionality for converting legacy ScalaCheck generators to ZIO Test generators to support upgrading to ZIO Test without having to reimplement existing generators.

    Provides functionality for converting legacy ScalaCheck generators to ZIO Test generators to support upgrading to ZIO Test without having to reimplement existing generators. To use it import this module and then call toGenZIO on any existing ScalaCheck generator. For example:

    import org.scalacheck.Arbitrary
    import zio._
    import zio.test._
    import zio.test.scalacheck._
    val anyInt: Gen[Random with Sized, Int] =

Type Members

  1. type Annotated[+A] = (A, TestAnnotationMap)
  2. type Annotations = Has[Service]
  3. type AssertResult = BoolAlgebra[AssertionValue]
  4. type AssertResultM = BoolAlgebraM[Any, Nothing, AssertionValue]
  5. type Sized = Has[Service]
  6. type TestAspectAtLeastR[R] = TestAspect[Nothing, R, Nothing, Any]
  7. type TestAspectPoly = TestAspect[Nothing, Any, Nothing, Any]
  8. type TestConfig = Has[Service]
  9. type TestLogger = Has[Service]
  10. type TestReporter[-E] = (Duration, ExecutedSpec[E]) => URIO[TestLogger, Unit]
  11. type TestResult = BoolAlgebra[AssertionResult]
  12. type ZSpec[-R, +E] = Spec[R, TestFailure[E], TestSuccess]
  13. type ZTest[-R, +E] = ZIO[R, TestFailure[E], TestSuccess]
  14. type ZTestEnv = TestClock with TestConsole with TestRandom with TestSystem

Value Members

  1. macro def assert[A](expr: => A)(assertion: Assertion[A]): TestResult
    Definition Classes
  2. val assertCompletes: TestResult
  3. val assertCompletesM: UIO[TestResult]
  4. macro def assertM[R, E, A](effect: ZIO[R, E, A])(assertion: AssertionM[A]): ZIO[R, E, TestResult]
    Definition Classes
  5. macro def assertTrue(expr: Boolean): Assert
    Definition Classes
  6. macro def assertTrue(expr: Boolean, exprs: Boolean*): Assert
    Definition Classes
  7. def check[R <: TestConfig, A, B, C, D, F, G](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  8. def check[R <: TestConfig, A, B, C, D, F](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F])(test: (A, B, C, D, F) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  9. def check[R <: TestConfig, A, B, C, D](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D])(test: (A, B, C, D) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  10. def check[R <: TestConfig, A, B, C](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C])(test: (A, B, C) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  11. def check[R <: TestConfig, A, B](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B])(test: (A, B) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  12. def check[R <: TestConfig, A](rv: Gen[R, A])(test: (A) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  13. def checkAll[R <: TestConfig, A, B, C, D, F, G](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  14. def checkAll[R <: TestConfig, A, B, C, D, F](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F])(test: (A, B, C, D, F) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  15. def checkAll[R <: TestConfig, A, B, C, D](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D])(test: (A, B, C, D) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  16. def checkAll[R <: TestConfig, A, B, C](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C])(test: (A, B, C) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  17. def checkAll[R <: TestConfig, A, B](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B])(test: (A, B) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  18. def checkAll[R <: TestConfig, A](rv: Gen[R, A])(test: (A) => TestResult): URIO[R, TestResult]
  19. def checkAllM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D, F, G](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  20. def checkAllM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D, F](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F])(test: (A, B, C, D, F) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  21. def checkAllM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D])(test: (A, B, C, D) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  22. def checkAllM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C])(test: (A, B, C) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  23. def checkAllM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B])(test: (A, B) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  24. def checkAllM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A](rv: Gen[R, A])(test: (A) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  25. def checkAllMPar[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D, F, G](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  26. def checkAllMPar[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D, F](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C, D, F) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  27. def checkAllMPar[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C, D) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  28. def checkAllMPar[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B, C) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  29. def checkAllMPar[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], parallelism: Int)(test: (A, B) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  30. def checkAllMPar[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A](rv: Gen[R, A], parallelism: Int)(test: (A) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  31. def checkM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D, F, G](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F], rv6: Gen[R, G])(test: (A, B, C, D, F, G) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  32. def checkM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D, F](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D], rv5: Gen[R, F])(test: (A, B, C, D, F) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  33. def checkM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C, D](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C], rv4: Gen[R, D])(test: (A, B, C, D) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  34. def checkM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B, C](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B], rv3: Gen[R, C])(test: (A, B, C) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  35. def checkM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A, B](rv1: Gen[R, A], rv2: Gen[R, B])(test: (A, B) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  36. def checkM[R <: TestConfig, R1 <: R, E, A](rv: Gen[R, A])(test: (A) => ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]): ZIO[R1, E, TestResult]
  37. def checkN(n: Int): CheckN
  38. def checkNM(n: Int): CheckNM
  39. val defaultTestRunner: TestRunner[test.environment.TestEnvironment, Any]
  40. def failed[E](cause: Cause[E]): ZIO[Any, TestFailure[E], Nothing]
  41. val ignored: UIO[TestSuccess]
  42. def platformSpecific[R, E, A](js: => A, jvm: => A)(f: (A) => ZTest[R, E]): ZTest[R, E]
  43. def suite[R, E, T](label: String)(specs: Spec[R, E, T]*): Spec[R, E, T]
  44. def suiteM[R, E, T](label: String)(specs: ZIO[R, E, Iterable[Spec[R, E, T]]]): Spec[R, E, T]
  45. def test(label: String)(assertion: => TestResult)(implicit loc: SourceLocation): ZSpec[Any, Nothing]
  46. def testM[R, E](label: String)(assertion: => ZIO[R, E, TestResult])(implicit loc: SourceLocation): ZSpec[R, E]
  47. final macro def typeCheck(code: String): UIO[Either[String, Unit]]
    Definition Classes
  48. def versionSpecific[R, E, A](dotty: => A, scala2: => A)(f: (A) => ZTest[R, E]): ZTest[R, E]

Inherited from CompileVariants

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any
