
object Live

The Live trait provides access to the "live" environment from within the test environment for effects such as printing test results to the console or timing out tests where it is necessary to access the real environment.

The easiest way to access the "live" environment is to use the live method with an effect that would otherwise access the test environment.

import zio.clock
import zio.test.environment._

val realTime = live(clock.nanoTime)

The withLive method can be used to apply a transformation to an effect with the live environment while ensuring that the effect itself still runs with the test environment, for example to time out a test. Both of these methods are re-exported in the environment package for easy availability.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


trait Service

Value members

Concrete methods

def default: ZLayer[ZEnv, Nothing, Live]

Constructs a new Live service that implements the Live interface. This typically should not be necessary as TestEnvironment provides access to live versions of all the standard ZIO environment types but could be useful if you are mixing in interfaces to create your own environment type.

Constructs a new Live service that implements the Live interface. This typically should not be necessary as TestEnvironment provides access to live versions of all the standard ZIO environment types but could be useful if you are mixing in interfaces to create your own environment type.

def live[E, A](zio: ZIO[ZEnv, E, A]): ZIO[Live, E, A]

Provides an effect with the "live" environment.

Provides an effect with the "live" environment.

def withLive[R <: Live, E, E1, A, B](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(f: IO[E, A] => ZIO[ZEnv, E1, B]): ZIO[R, E1, B]

Provides a transformation function with access to the live environment while ensuring that the effect itself is provided with the test environment.

Provides a transformation function with access to the live environment while ensuring that the effect itself is provided with the test environment.