
final case class ExecutedSpec[+E](caseValue: SpecCase[E, ExecutedSpec[E]])

An ExecutedSpec is a spec that has been run to produce test results.

trait Product
trait Equals
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Determines if any node in the spec is satisfied by the given predicate.

Determines if any node in the spec is satisfied by the given predicate.

def fold[Z](f: SpecCase[E, Z] => Z): Z

Folds over all nodes to produce a final result.

Folds over all nodes to produce a final result.

Determines if all nodes in the spec are satisfied by the given predicate.

Determines if all nodes in the spec are satisfied by the given predicate.

def size: Int

Computes the size of the spec, i.e. the number of tests in the spec.

Computes the size of the spec, i.e. the number of tests in the spec.

def transform[E1](f: SpecCase[E, ExecutedSpec[E1]] => SpecCase[E1, ExecutedSpec[E1]]): ExecutedSpec[E1]

Transforms the spec one layer at a time.

Transforms the spec one layer at a time.

def transformAccum[E1, Z](z0: Z)(f: (Z, SpecCase[E, ExecutedSpec[E1]]) => (Z, SpecCase[E1, ExecutedSpec[E1]])): (Z, ExecutedSpec[E1])

Transforms the spec statefully, one layer at a time.

Transforms the spec statefully, one layer at a time.

Inherited methods

Inherited from: