
sealed trait Trace[+A]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def result: Result[A]

Concrete methods

final def &&(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def <==>(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def ==>(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def >>>[B](that: Trace[B]): Trace[B]
final def annotate(annotation: Annotation*): Trace[A]
final def implies(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def unary_!(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]
final def withCode(code: Option[String]): Trace[A]

Apply the code to every node in the tree.

Apply the code to every node in the tree.

def withLocation(location: Option[String]): Trace[A]

Apply the location to every node in the tree.

Apply the location to every node in the tree.

Apply the parent span to every node in the tree.

Apply the parent span to every node in the tree.

final def withSpan(span: Option[Span]): Trace[A]

Apply the metadata to the rightmost node in the trace.

Apply the metadata to the rightmost node in the trace.

final def ||(that: Trace[Boolean])(implicit ev: A <:< Boolean): Trace[Boolean]