
object Live
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def live[R <: Live, E, A](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R & Live, E, A]

Provides a workflow with the "live" default ZIO services.

Provides a workflow with the "live" default ZIO services.

def withLive[R <: Live, E, E1, A, B](zio: ZIO[R, E, A])(f: ZIO[R, E, A] => ZIO[R, E1, B])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[R, E1, B]

Runs a transformation function with the live default ZIO services while ensuring that the workflow itself is run with the test services.

Runs a transformation function with the live default ZIO services while ensuring that the workflow itself is run with the test services.

Concrete fields

val default: ZLayer[Clock & Console & System & Random, Nothing, Live]

Constructs a new Live service that implements the Live interface. This typically should not be necessary as the TestEnvironment already includes the Live service but could be useful if you are mixing in interfaces to create your own environment type.

Constructs a new Live service that implements the Live interface. This typically should not be necessary as the TestEnvironment already includes the Live service but could be useful if you are mixing in interfaces to create your own environment type.