
See theAssertion companion class


trait Product
trait Mirror
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Concise view

Type members

Inherited types

type MirroredElemLabels <: Tuple

The names of the product elements

The names of the product elements


Inherited from:

The name of the type

The name of the type


Inherited from:

Value members

Concrete methods

def approximatelyEquals[A : Numeric](reference: A, tolerance: A): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a given numeric value to match a value with some tolerance.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given numeric value to match a value with some tolerance.


def assertion[A](name: String)(run: (=> A) => Boolean): Assertion[A]

Makes a new Assertion from a function.

Makes a new Assertion from a function.


def assertionRec[A, B](name: String)(assertion: Assertion[B])(get: A => Option[B]): Assertion[A]
def contains[A](element: A): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain the specified element. See Assertion.exists if you want to require an Iterable to contain an element satisfying an assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain the specified element. See Assertion.exists if you want to require an Iterable to contain an element satisfying an assertion.


def containsCause[E](cause: Cause[E]): Assertion[Cause[E]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Cause contain the specified cause.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Cause contain the specified cause.


Makes a new assertion that requires a substring to be present.

Makes a new assertion that requires a substring to be present.


def dies(assertion: Assertion[Throwable]): Assertion[Exit[Any, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to die.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to die.


def diesWithA[E : ClassTag]: Assertion[Exit[Any, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to die with an instance of given type (or its subtype).

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to die with an instance of given type (or its subtype).


def endsWith[A](suffix: Seq[A]): Assertion[Seq[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to end with the specified suffix.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to end with the specified suffix.


Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to end with the specified suffix.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to end with the specified suffix.


Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to equal another ignoring case.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to equal another ignoring case.


def exists[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain an element satisfying the given assertion. See Assertion.contains if you only need an Iterable to contain a given element.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain an element satisfying the given assertion. See Assertion.contains if you only need an Iterable to contain a given element.


def fails[E](assertion: Assertion[E]): Assertion[Exit[E, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to fail.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to fail.


def failsCause[E](assertion: Assertion[Cause[E]]): Assertion[Exit[E, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to fail with a cause that meets the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to fail with a cause that meets the specified assertion.


def failsWithA[E : ClassTag]: Assertion[Exit[Any, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires the expression to fail with an instance of given type (or its subtype).

Makes a new assertion that requires the expression to fail with an instance of given type (or its subtype).


def forall[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain only elements satisfying the given assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain only elements satisfying the given assertion.


def hasAt[A](pos: Int)(assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Seq[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain at least one of the specified elements.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain at least one of the specified elements.


def hasAtMostOneOf[A](other: Iterable[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain at most one of the specified elements.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain at most one of the specified elements.


def hasField[A, B](name: String, proj: A => B, assertion: Assertion[B]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that focuses in on a field in a case class.

Makes a new assertion that focuses in on a field in a case class.

hasField("age", _.age, within(0, 10))


def hasFirst[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to contain the first element satisfying the given assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to contain the first element satisfying the given assertion.


def hasIntersection[A](other: Iterable[A])(assertion: Assertion[Iterable[A]]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires the intersection of two Iterables satisfy the given assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires the intersection of two Iterables satisfy the given assertion.


def hasKey[K, V](key: K, assertion: Assertion[V]): Assertion[Map[K, V]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Map to have the specified key with value satisfying the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Map to have the specified key with value satisfying the specified assertion.


def hasKey[K, V](key: K): Assertion[Map[K, V]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Map to have the specified key.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Map to have the specified key.


def hasKeys[K, V](assertion: Assertion[Iterable[K]]): Assertion[Map[K, V]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Map have keys satisfying the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Map have keys satisfying the specified assertion.


def hasLast[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to contain the last element satisfying the given assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to contain the last element satisfying the given assertion.


Makes a new assertion that requires an exception to have a certain message.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exception to have a certain message.


def hasNoneOf[A](other: Iterable[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain none of the specified elements.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain none of the specified elements.


def hasOneOf[A](other: Iterable[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain exactly one of the specified elements.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable contain exactly one of the specified elements.


Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to have the same elements as the specified Iterable, though not necessarily in the same order.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to have the same elements as the specified Iterable, though not necessarily in the same order.


Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to have the same distinct elements as the other Iterable, though not necessarily in the same order.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to have the same distinct elements as the other Iterable, though not necessarily in the same order.


def hasSize[A](assertion: Assertion[Int]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires the size of an Iterable be satisfied by the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires the size of an Iterable be satisfied by the specified assertion.


Makes a new assertion that requires the size of a string be satisfied by the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires the size of a string be satisfied by the specified assertion.


def hasSubset[A](other: Iterable[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires the specified Iterable to be a subset of the other Iterable.

Makes a new assertion that requires the specified Iterable to be a subset of the other Iterable.


Makes a new assertion that requires an exception to have certain suppressed exceptions.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exception to have certain suppressed exceptions.


Makes a new assertion that requires an exception to have a certain cause.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exception to have a certain cause.


def hasValues[K, V](assertion: Assertion[Iterable[V]]): Assertion[Map[K, V]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Map have values satisfying the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Map have values satisfying the specified assertion.


def isCase[Sum, Proj](termName: String, term: Sum => Option[Proj], assertion: Assertion[Proj]): Assertion[Sum]

Makes a new assertion that requires the sum type be a specified term.

Makes a new assertion that requires the sum type be a specified term.

isCase("Some", Some.unapply, anything)


def isFailure(assertion: Assertion[Throwable]): Assertion[Try[Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Failure value satisfying the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Failure value satisfying the specified assertion.


Makes a new assertion that requires a value be false.

Makes a new assertion that requires a value be false.


def isGreaterThan[A](reference: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be greater than the specified reference value.

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be greater than the specified reference value.


def isGreaterThanEqualTo[A](reference: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be greater than or equal to the specified reference value.

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be greater than or equal to the specified reference value.


def isInterrupted: Assertion[Exit[Any, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to be interrupted.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to be interrupted.


Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to be interrupted.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to be interrupted.


def isLeft[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Either[A, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Left value satisfying a specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Left value satisfying a specified assertion.


def isLessThan[A](reference: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be less than the specified reference value.

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be less than the specified reference value.


def isLessThanEqualTo[A](reference: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be less than or equal to the specified reference value.

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be less than or equal to the specified reference value.


def isNegative[A](implicit num: Numeric[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is negative.

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is negative.


def isOneOf[A](values: Iterable[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a value to be equal to one of the specified values.

Makes a new assertion that requires a value to be equal to one of the specified values.


def isPositive[A](implicit num: Numeric[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is positive.

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is positive.


def isRight[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Either[Any, A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Right value satisfying a specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Right value satisfying a specified assertion.


def isSome[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Option[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Some value satisfying the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Some value satisfying the specified assertion.


def isSorted[A](implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable is sorted.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable is sorted.


def isSortedReverse[A](implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Assertion[Iterable[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable is sorted in reverse order.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable is sorted in reverse order.


def isSubtype[A](assertion: Assertion[A])(implicit C: ClassTag[A]): Assertion[Any]

Makes a new assertion that requires a value have the specified type.

Makes a new assertion that requires a value have the specified type.




def isSuccess[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Try[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a Success value satisfying the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Success value satisfying the specified assertion.


Makes a new assertion that requires a value be true.

Makes a new assertion that requires a value be true.


def isWithin[A](min: A, max: A)(implicit ord: Ordering[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a value to fall within a specified min and max (inclusive).

Makes a new assertion that requires a value to fall within a specified min and max (inclusive).


def isZero[A](implicit num: Numeric[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is zero.

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is zero.


Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to match the specified regular expression.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to match the specified regular expression.


def nonNegative[A](implicit num: Numeric[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is non negative.

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is non negative.


def nonPositive[A](implicit num: Numeric[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is non positive.

Makes a new assertion that requires a numeric value is non positive.


def not[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that negates the specified assertion.

Makes a new assertion that negates the specified assertion.


def startsWith[A](prefix: Seq[A]): Assertion[Seq[A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires a given sequence to start with the specified prefix.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given sequence to start with the specified prefix.


Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to start with a specified prefix.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to start with a specified prefix.


def succeeds[A](assertion: Assertion[A]): Assertion[Exit[Any, A]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to succeed.

Makes a new assertion that requires an exit value to succeed.


def throws[A](assertion: Assertion[Throwable]): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires the expression to throw.

Makes a new assertion that requires the expression to throw.


def throwsA[E : ClassTag]: Assertion[Any]

Makes a new assertion that requires the expression to throw an instance of given type (or its subtype).

Makes a new assertion that requires the expression to throw an instance of given type (or its subtype).


Inherited methods

final def equalTo[A](expected: A): Assertion[A]

Makes a new assertion that requires a value equal the specified value.

Makes a new assertion that requires a value equal the specified value.


Inherited from:

Concrete fields

Makes a new assertion that always succeeds.

Makes a new assertion that always succeeds.


Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable is distinct.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable is distinct.


Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to be empty.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to be empty.


Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to be empty.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to be empty.


Makes a new assertion that requires a Try value is Failure.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Try value is Failure.


val isLeft: Assertion[Either[Any, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Either is Left.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Either is Left.


Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to be non empty.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Iterable to be non empty.


Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to be non empty.

Makes a new assertion that requires a given string to be non empty.


Makes a new assertion that requires a None value.

Makes a new assertion that requires a None value.


val isNull: Assertion[Any]

Makes a new assertion that requires a null value.

Makes a new assertion that requires a null value.


val isRight: Assertion[Either[Any, Any]]

Makes a new assertion that requires an Either is Right.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Either is Right.


Makes a new assertion that requires an Option is Some.

Makes a new assertion that requires an Option is Some.


Makes a new assertion that requires a Try value is Success.

Makes a new assertion that requires a Try value is Success.


Makes a new assertion that requires the value be unit.

Makes a new assertion that requires the value be unit.


val nothing: Assertion[Any]

Makes a new assertion that always fails.

Makes a new assertion that always fails.
