abstract class ZIOSpec[R] extends ZIOSpecAbstract with ZIOSpecVersionSpecific[R]

Type members


type Environment = R

Value members

Concrete methods

def suite[In](label: String)(specs: In*)(implicit suiteConstructor: SuiteConstructor[In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): Spec[OutEnvironment, OutError]
def test[In](label: String)(assertion: => In)(implicit testConstructor: TestConstructor[Nothing, In], sourceLocation: SourceLocation, trace: Trace): Out

Builds a spec with a single test.

Builds a spec with a single test.

Inherited methods

final def <>(that: ZIOSpecAbstract)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIOSpecAbstract
Inherited from:
final def <>(that: ZIOApp)(implicit trace: Trace): ZIOApp

Composes this ZIOApp with another ZIOApp, to yield an application that executes the logic of both applications.

Composes this ZIOApp with another ZIOApp, to yield an application that executes the logic of both applications.

Inherited from:
def bootstrap: ZLayer[Any, Any, Environment]

A layer that manages the acquisition and release of services necessary for the application to run.

A layer that manages the acquisition and release of services necessary for the application to run.

Inherited from:
final def exit(code: ExitCode)(implicit trace: Trace): UIO[Unit]

A helper function to exit the application with the specified exit code.

A helper function to exit the application with the specified exit code.

Inherited from:
final def getArgs(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[ZIOAppArgs, Nothing, Chunk[String]]

A helper function to obtain access to the command-line arguments of the application. You may use this helper function inside your run function.

A helper function to obtain access to the command-line arguments of the application. You may use this helper function inside your run function.

Inherited from:
final def invoke(args: Chunk[String])(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Any, Any, Any]

Invokes the main app. Designed primarily for testing.

Invokes the main app. Designed primarily for testing.

Inherited from:
final def main(args0: Array[String]): Unit

The Scala main function, intended to be called only by the Scala runtime.

The Scala main function, intended to be called only by the Scala runtime.

Inherited from:
ZIOAppPlatformSpecific (hidden)
final def run: ZIO[Environment & ZIOAppArgs & Scope, Any, Summary]

The main function of the application, which can access the command-line arguments through the args helper method of this class. If the provided effect fails for any reason, the cause will be logged, and the exit code of the application will be non-zero. Otherwise, the exit code of the application will be zero.

The main function of the application, which can access the command-line arguments through the args helper method of this class. If the provided effect fails for any reason, the cause will be logged, and the exit code of the application will be non-zero. Otherwise, the exit code of the application will be zero.

Inherited from:
final protected def runSpec(implicit trace: Trace): ZIO[Environment & TestEnvironment & ZIOAppArgs & Scope, Throwable, Summary]
Inherited from:
def runtime: Runtime[Any]
Inherited from:
transparent inline def suiteAll(inline name: String)(inline spec: Any): Any
Inherited from:

Concrete fields

final val environmentTag: Tag[R]


Inherited implicits

implicit inline def validateEnv[R1, R, E, A](inline spec: Spec[R, E]): Spec[R1, E]

This implicit conversion macro will ensure that the provided ZIO effect does not require more than the provided environment.

This implicit conversion macro will ensure that the provided ZIO effect does not require more than the provided environment.

If it is missing requirements, it will report a descriptive error message. Otherwise, the effect will be returned unmodified.

Inherited from:
implicit inline def validateEnv[R1, R, E, A](inline zio: ZIO[R, E, A]): ZIO[R1, E, A]

This implicit conversion macro will ensure that the provided ZIO effect does not require more than the provided environment.

This implicit conversion macro will ensure that the provided ZIO effect does not require more than the provided environment.

If it is missing requirements, it will report a descriptive error message. Otherwise, the effect will be returned unmodified.

Inherited from: