
object Runtime
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


class Proxy[+R](underlying: Runtime[R]) extends Runtime[R]
final case class Scoped[+R](environment: ZEnvironment[R], fiberRefs: FiberRefs, runtimeFlags: RuntimeFlags, shutdown0: () => Unit) extends Runtime[R]

A runtime that can be shutdown to release resources allocated to it.

A runtime that can be shutdown to release resources allocated to it.

object unsafe

Value members

Concrete methods

def addFatal(fatal: Class[_ <: Throwable])(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def addLogger(logger: ZLogger[String, Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def addSupervisor(supervisor: Supervisor[Any])(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def apply[R](r: ZEnvironment[R], fiberRefs0: FiberRefs, runtimeFlags0: RuntimeFlags): Runtime[R]

Builds a new runtime given an environment R and a zio.FiberRefs.

Builds a new runtime given an environment R and a zio.FiberRefs.

def enableCooperativeYielding(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def enableCurrentFiber(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def enableFiberRoots(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def enableOpLog(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def enableOpSupervision(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def enableRuntimeMetrics(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def setBlockingExecutor(executor: Executor)(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def setExecutor(executor: Executor)(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]
def setReportFatal(reportFatal: Throwable => Nothing)(implicit trace: Trace): ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]

Concrete fields

val default: Runtime[Any]

The default Runtime for most ZIO applications. This runtime is configured with the the default runtime configuration, which is optimized for typical ZIO applications.

The default Runtime for most ZIO applications. This runtime is configured with the the default runtime configuration, which is optimized for typical ZIO applications.

val removeDefaultLoggers: ZLayer[Any, Nothing, Unit]

Inherited fields

Inherited from:
RuntimePlatformSpecific (hidden)
Inherited from:
RuntimePlatformSpecific (hidden)
Inherited from:
RuntimePlatformSpecific (hidden)
final val defaultLoggers: Set[ZLogger[String, Any]]
Inherited from:
RuntimePlatformSpecific (hidden)
final val defaultReportFatal: Throwable => Nothing
Inherited from:
RuntimePlatformSpecific (hidden)
Inherited from:
RuntimePlatformSpecific (hidden)