
trait TEnqueue[-A] extends Serializable

A transactional queue that can only be enqueued.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class THub[A]
trait TQueue[A]

Value members

Abstract methods

def capacity: Int

The maximum capacity of the queue.

The maximum capacity of the queue.

def isShutdown: USTM[Boolean]

Checks whether the queue is shut down.

Checks whether the queue is shut down.

def offer(a: A): ZSTM[Any, Nothing, Boolean]

Offers a value to the queue, returning whether the value was offered to the queue.

Offers a value to the queue, returning whether the value was offered to the queue.

def offerAll(as: Iterable[A]): ZSTM[Any, Nothing, Boolean]

Offers all of the specified values to the queue, returning whether they were offered to the queue.

Offers all of the specified values to the queue, returning whether they were offered to the queue.

def shutdown: USTM[Unit]

Shuts down the queue.

Shuts down the queue.

def size: USTM[Int]

The current number of values in the queue.

The current number of values in the queue.

Concrete methods

def awaitShutdown: USTM[Unit]

Waits for the hub to be shut down.

Waits for the hub to be shut down.

def isEmpty: USTM[Boolean]

Checks if the queue is empty.

Checks if the queue is empty.

def isFull: USTM[Boolean]

Checks if the queue is at capacity.

Checks if the queue is at capacity.