
See theZLogger companion object
trait ZLogger[-Message, +Output]


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type
ZLogger[Message, Output]

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Abstract methods

def apply(trace: Trace, fiberId: FiberId, logLevel: LogLevel, message: () => Message, cause: Cause[Any], context: FiberRefs, spans: List[LogSpan], annotations: Map[String, String]): Output

Concrete methods

def ++[M <: Message, O](that: ZLogger[M, O])(implicit zippable: Zippable[Output, O]): ZLogger[M, Out]

Combines this logger with the specified logger to produce a new logger that logs to both this logger and that logger.

Combines this logger with the specified logger to produce a new logger that logs to both this logger and that logger.


def +>[M <: Message, O](that: ZLogger[M, O]): ZLogger[M, O]
def <+[M <: Message](that: ZLogger[M, Any]): ZLogger[M, Output]
final def contramap[Message1](f: Message1 => Message): ZLogger[Message1, Output]
final def filterLogLevel(f: LogLevel => Boolean): ZLogger[Message, Option[Output]]

Returns a version of this logger that only logs messages when the log level satisfies the specified predicate.

Returns a version of this logger that only logs messages when the log level satisfies the specified predicate.


final def map[B](f: Output => B): ZLogger[Message, B]
final def test(input: => Message): Output