



package experimental

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class BoringUtilsException extends Exception

    An exception related to BoringUtils

  2. case class ChiselLoadMemoryAnnotation[T <: Data](target: MemBase[T], fileName: String, hexOrBinary: FileType = MemoryLoadFileType.Hex) extends ChiselAnnotation with RunFirrtlTransform with Product with Serializable

    This is the annotation created when using loadMemoryFromFile, it records the memory, the load file and the format of the file.

    This is the annotation created when using loadMemoryFromFile, it records the memory, the load file and the format of the file.


    memory to load


    name of input file


    use $readmemh or $readmemb, i.e. hex or binary text input, default is hex

  3. trait FlattenInstance extends AnyRef

    Flattens an instance of a module

    Flattens an instance of a module

    1. trait Internals { this: Module =>
        val io = IO(new Bundle{ val a = Input(Bool()) })
      class Foo extends Module with Internals with FlattenInstance
      class Bar extends Module with Internals {
        val baz = Module(new Baz) := io.a
      class Baz extends Module with Internals
      /* The resulting instances will be:
           - Top
           - Top.x
           - Top.y
           - Top.z
           - Top.z.baz */
      class Top extends Module with Internals {
        val x = Module(new Foo)                      // x will be flattened
        val y = Module(new Bar with FlattenInstance) // y will also be flattened
        val z = Module(new Bar)                      // z will not be flattened
        Seq(x, y, z).map( := io.a)
  4. trait InlineInstance extends AnyRef

    Inlines an instance of a module

    Inlines an instance of a module

    1. trait Internals { this: Module =>
        val io = IO(new Bundle{ val a = Input(Bool()) })
      class Sub extends Module with Internals
      trait HasSub { this: Module with Internals =>
        val sub = Module(new Sub) := io.a
      /* InlineInstance is mixed directly into Foo's definition. Every instance
       * of this will be inlined. */
      class Foo extends Module with Internals with InlineInstance with HasSub
      /* Bar will, by default, not be inlined */
      class Bar extends Module with Internals with HasSub
      /* The resulting instances will be:
       - Top
       - Top.x$sub
       - Top.y$sub
       - Top.z
       - Top.z.sub */
      class Top extends Module with Internals {
        val x = Module(new Foo)                     // x will be inlined
        val y = Module(new Bar with InlineInstance) // y will also be inlined
        val z = Module(new Bar)                     // z will not be inlined
        Seq(x, y, z).map( := io.a)
  5. class LoadMemoryTransform extends Transform

    This transform only is activated if Verilog is being generated (determined by presence of the proper emit annotation) when activated it creates additional Verilog files that contain modules bound to the modules that contain an initializable memory

    This transform only is activated if Verilog is being generated (determined by presence of the proper emit annotation) when activated it creates additional Verilog files that contain modules bound to the modules that contain an initializable memory

    Currently the only non-Verilog based simulation that can support loading memory from a file is treadle but it does not need this transform to do that.

Value Members

  1. object BoringUtils

    Utilities for generating synthesizable cross module references that "bore" through the hierarchy.

    Utilities for generating synthesizable cross module references that "bore" through the hierarchy. The underlying cross module connects are handled by FIRRTL's Wiring Transform.

    Consider the following exmple where you want to connect a component in one module to a component in another. Module Constant has a wire tied to 42 and Expect will assert unless connected to 42:

    class Constant extends Module {
      val io = IO(new Bundle{})
      val x = Wire(UInt(6.W))
      x := 42.U
    class Expect extends Module {
      val io = IO(new Bundle{})
      val y = Wire(UInt(6.W))
      y := 0.U
      // This assertion will fail unless we bore!
      chisel3.assert(y === 42.U, "y should be 42 in module Expect")

    We can then connect x to y using BoringUtils without modifiying the Chisel IO of Constant, Expect, or modules that may instantiate them. There are two approaches to do this:

    1. Hierarchical boring using BoringUtils.bore

    2. Non-hierarchical boring using BoringUtils.addSink/BoringUtils.addSource

    Hierarchical Boring

    Hierarchcical boring involves connecting one sink instance to another source instance in a parent module. Below, module Top contains an instance of Cosntant and Expect. Using BoringUtils.bore, we can connect constant.x to expect.y.

    class Top extends Module {
      val io = IO(new Bundle{})
      val constant = Module(new Constant)
      val expect = Module(new Expect)
      BoringUtils.bore(constant.x, Seq(expect.y))
    Non-hierarchical Boring

    Non-hierarchical boring involves connections from sources to sinks that cannot see each other. Here, x is described as a source and given a name, uniqueId, and y is described as a sink with the same name. This is equivalent to the hierarchical boring example above, but requires no modifications to Top.

    class Constant extends Module {
      val io = IO(new Bundle{})
      val x = Wire(UInt(6.W))
      x := 42.U
      BoringUtils.addSource(x, "uniqueId")
    class Expect extends Module {
      val io = IO(new Bundle{})
      val y = Wire(UInt(6.W))
      y := 0.U
      // This assertion will fail unless we bore!
      chisel3.assert(y === 42.U, "y should be 42 in module Expect")
      BoringUtils.addSink(y, "uniqueId")
    class Top extends Module {
      val io = IO(new Bundle{})
      val constant = Module(new Constant)
      val expect = Module(new Expect)


    Both hierarchical and non-hierarchical boring emit FIRRTL annotations that describe sources and sinks. These are matched by a name key that indicates they should be wired together. Hierarhical boring safely generates this name automatically. Non-hierarchical boring unsafely relies on user input to generate this name. Use of non-hierarchical naming may result in naming conflicts that the user must handle.

    The automatic generation of hierarchical names relies on a global, mutable namespace. This is currently persistent across circuit elaborations.

  2. object loadMemoryFromFile

    loadMemoryFromFile is an annotation generator that helps with loading a memory from a text file.

    loadMemoryFromFile is an annotation generator that helps with loading a memory from a text file. This relies on Verilator and Verilog's $readmemh or $readmemb. The Treadle backend can also recognize this annotation and load memory at run-time.

    This annotation, when the FIRRTL compiler runs, triggers the LoadMemoryTransform. That will add Verilog directives to enable the specified memories to be initialized from files.

    Example module

    Consider a simple Module containing a memory:

    import chisel3._
    class UsesMem(memoryDepth: Int, memoryType: Data) extends Module {
      val io = IO(new Bundle {
        val address = Input(UInt(memoryType.getWidth.W))
        val value   = Output(memoryType)
      val memory = Mem(memoryDepth, memoryType)
      io.value := memory(io.address)

    Above module with annotation

    To load this memory from the file /workspace/workdir/mem1.hex.txt just add an import and annotate the memory:

    import chisel3._
    import chisel3.util.experimental.loadMemoryFromFile   // <<-- new import here
    class UsesMem(memoryDepth: Int, memoryType: Data) extends Module {
      val io = IO(new Bundle {
        val address = Input(UInt(memoryType.getWidth.W))
        val value   = Output(memoryType)
      val memory = Mem(memoryDepth, memoryType)
      io.value := memory(io.address)
      loadMemoryFromFile(memory, "/workspace/workdir/mem1.hex.txt")  // <<-- Note the annotation here

    Example file format

    A memory file should consist of ASCII text in either hex or binary format. The following example shows such a file formatted to use hex:


    A binary file can be similarly constructed.

    See also

    LoadMemoryFromFileSpec.scala in the test suite for additional examples.

    Chisel3 Wiki entry on "Loading Memories in Simulation"
