



package internal

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AbstractTesterThread extends AnyRef
  2. trait BackendAnnotation extends TestOptionObject
  3. trait BackendInstance[T <: MultiIOModule] extends BackendInterface

    Backend associated with a particular circuit, and can run tests

  4. trait BackendInterface extends AnyRef

    Common interface definition for tester backends.

    Common interface definition for tester backends. Internal API.

  5. class FailedExpectException extends Exception
  6. case class ForkBuilder(name: Option[String], region: Option[Region], threads: Seq[AbstractTesterThread]) extends Product with Serializable
  7. trait TestEnvInterface extends AnyRef

    Interface into the testing environment, like ScalaTest

  8. trait TestOption extends Unserializable
  9. trait TestOptionObject extends NoTargetAnnotation with HasShellOptions with TestOption
  10. class TesterThreadList extends AnyRef
  11. trait ThreadedBackend[T <: MultiIOModule] extends BackendInterface

    Base trait for backends implementing concurrency by threading.

    Base trait for backends implementing concurrency by threading.

    Implements these BackendInterface methods: - doFork - doJoin

    Provides these methods for use by subclasses: - doPoke, doPeek, which logs peek and poke actions for cross-thread-interaction checking - newTimescope, closeTimescope: provides record-keeping for timescopes - runThreads: runs all threads waiting on a set of clocks - scheduler: called from within a test thread, suspends the current thread and runs the next one

  12. case class TesterOptions(name: String, writeVcd: Boolean) extends Product with Serializable

    (Since version chisel-testers2 20190604) Use annotation based options instead. See: .withAnnotations

Value Members

  1. object Context
  2. object TreadleBackendAnnotation extends BackendAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  3. object VerilatorBackendAnnotation extends BackendAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  4. object WriteVcdAnnotation extends TestOptionObject with Product with Serializable
