
package phases

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class HandleFormalStatements extends Transform with RegisteredTransform with DependencyAPIMigration

    This controls the handling of the verification formal statements for treadle.

    This controls the handling of the verification formal statements for treadle. currently it does the following converts assert statements to a printf / stop block by default it will also do this for assumne statements but assume statement can be dropped by using "tr-ignore-format-assumes" or [IgnoreFormalAssumesAnnotation] cover statement are currently skipped

  2. class PrepareAst extends Phase

    Call a bunch of transforms so TreadleTester can operate

Value Members

  1. object CreateTester extends Phase
  2. object DontAssertAllAssumptionsAnnotation extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  3. object GetFirrtlAst extends Phase

    There are multiple ways to get a FirrtlCircuit into treadle.

    There are multiple ways to get a FirrtlCircuit into treadle. There is a priority to these methods 1. Specify a Firrtl AST with the FirrtlCircuitAnnotation 2. Specify Firrtl text with a FirrtlSourceAnnotation 3. Specify a file containing Firrtl with the FirrtlFileAnnotation

  4. object IgnoreFormalAssumesAnnotation extends NoTargetAnnotation with Product with Serializable
  5. object SetImplicitOutputInfo extends Phase

    Set a default output stuff Sets the default target directory if one has not been defined and uses the circuit name unless there is as TopName override
