
package vcd

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Type Members

  1. case class Change(wire: Wire, value: BigInt) extends Product with Serializable

    A Record of a change to a wire.

    A Record of a change to a wire.


    wire that was changed


    the value this wire now has


    hashCode and equals are overridden so that sets of Change can only hold one value for a specific wire

  2. trait HasVCDConfig extends AnyRef
  3. case class Scope(name: String, parent: Option[Scope] = None) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class VCD(date: String, version: String, comment: String, timeScale: String, scope: String, ignoreUnderscoredNames: Boolean) extends LazyLogging with Product with Serializable

    Accumulates changes to wires in a running circuit.

    Accumulates changes to wires in a running circuit. If a wire is changed that it doesn't know about it will add it to the list. Only actual changed values will be seen in final output. This version only supports a single top level scope because right now that is what the firrtl-engine supports. It probably is not too too hard to add, all wires are initialized to 'x' in this version.


    date file was created


    this software version, but I suppose this could be a DUT version


    could be a comment


    seems to be more text (I like to work in picoseconds)


    Not really used here except as the name of the top level module

  5. case class VCDConfig(vcdSourceName: String = "", vcdTargetName: String = "", startScope: String = "", renameStartScope: String = "", varPrefix: String = "", newVarPrefix: String = "", dumpHumanReadable: Boolean = false) extends ComposableOptions with Product with Serializable
  6. class VCDOptionsManager extends ExecutionOptionsManager with HasVCDConfig
  7. case class Wire(name: String, id: String, width: Int, path: Array[String] = Array.empty) extends Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object VCD extends LazyLogging with Serializable
  2. object VCDDiff extends StageMain
