


package gem

The Gem science model.

Linear Supertypes
AnyRef, Any
  1. Alphabetic
  2. By Inheritance
  1. gem
  2. AnyRef
  3. Any
  1. Hide All
  2. Show All
  1. Public
  2. Protected

Package Members

  1. package config

    Data types that define sequences of instructions consumed and executed by the SeqExec.

  2. package data
  3. package enum

    Enumerated types (normally generated from database tables) and related syntactic enrichments.

  4. package geom
  5. package instances

    Implicit instances for types defined outside of Gen.

    Implicit instances for types defined outside of Gen. Each set of instances is provided as a trait that can be extended and as a module whose members can be imported (preferred).

  6. package math
  7. package parser

    Package of atto parsers, for parsing things in the science model.

    Package of atto parsers, for parsing things in the science model. The idea here is that parsers compose, so for internal use it's nice to have them together and so we can share implementations. In end-user code we normally want to expose something weaker like String => Option[A] that delegates to a parser, rather than exposing Parser[A] directly. Each set of parsers is provided as a trait that can be extended and as a module whose members can be imported (preferred).

  8. package syntax
  9. package util

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class Asterism extends Product with Serializable
  2. sealed abstract case class CoAdds extends Product with Serializable
  3. final case class Dataset(label: Label, filename: String, timestamp: Instant) extends Product with Serializable

    A labeled, timestamped data file.

  4. trait EnumParsers extends AnyRef

    Parsers for gem.enum data types.

  5. sealed trait EphemerisKey extends Product with Serializable

    Ephemeris data lookup key which uniquely identifies a non-sidreal object in the database.

  6. final case class EphemerisMeta(lastUpdate: Timestamp, lastUpdateCheck: Timestamp, solnRef: Option[HorizonsSolutionRef]) extends Product with Serializable

    Ephemeris meta data related to updates.

    Ephemeris meta data related to updates.


    time of last update


    time of last update check


    horizons solution reference, if any (applies to comet and asteroid ephemeris data fetched from horizons)

  7. trait EphemerisOptics extends AnyRef
  8. sealed trait Event extends AnyRef

    An observing event, with many constuctors.

  9. final case class HorizonsSolutionRef(stringValue: String) extends Product with Serializable

    Horizons solution reference.

    Horizons solution reference. Comets and asteriods have a unique version that is updated when the ephemeris calculation changes. For our purposes this is opaque data whose only use is to compare to an earlier version in order to check for changes.

  10. final case class Magnitude(value: MagnitudeValue, band: MagnitudeBand, error: Option[MagnitudeValue], system: MagnitudeSystem) extends Product with Serializable

    Describes the magnitude of a target on a given band

  11. sealed trait Observation extends AnyRef

    ADT for an observation, with constructors for each instrument.

  12. final case class Program(id: Id, title: String, observations: SortedMap[Index, Observation]) extends Product with Serializable

    A science program, the root data type in the science model.

  13. sealed trait ProgramId extends Product with Serializable

    A science program id, which has three constructors: Science for standard programs; Science for standard daily engineering and calibration programs; and Nonstandard for all others.

  14. final case class Semester(year: Year, half: Half) extends Product with Serializable

    A (Year, Half) pair.

  15. sealed trait SpatialProfile extends Product with Serializable
  16. sealed trait Step extends AnyRef
  17. final case class Target(name: String, track: Either[EphemerisKey, ProperMotion]) extends Product with Serializable

    A target of observation.

  18. sealed trait TargetEnvironment extends AnyRef

    Collection of targets associated with an observation.

  19. sealed trait Track extends Product with Serializable

    Time/site-parameterized coordinates over a span of time.

    Time/site-parameterized coordinates over a span of time. This generalizes proper motion and ephemerides.

  20. final case class User[A](id: Id, firstName: String, lastName: String, email: String, isStaff: Boolean, roles: Map[Id, Set[A]]) extends Product with Serializable

    A Gem user, parameterized on the type of granted program roles, typically ProgramRole for a fully specified user, or Nothing for a user with unstated grants.

    A Gem user, parameterized on the type of granted program roles, typically ProgramRole for a fully specified user, or Nothing for a user with unstated grants. Permissions are granted based on a combination of granted roles, staff status, and rootness.

  21. final case class UserTarget(target: Target, targetType: UserTargetType) extends Product with Serializable

    Pairs a Target and a UserTargetType.

Value Members

  1. object Asterism extends Serializable
  2. object CoAdds extends Serializable
  3. object Dataset extends Serializable
  4. object EnumParsers extends EnumParsers
  5. object EphemerisKey extends EphemerisOptics with Serializable
  6. object EphemerisMeta extends Serializable
  7. object Event
  8. object HorizonsSolutionRef extends Serializable
  9. object Magnitude extends Serializable
  10. object Observation
  11. object Program extends Serializable
  12. object ProgramId extends Serializable
  13. object Semester extends Serializable
  14. object SmartGcal

    Module of types and constuctors related to Smart GCal.

  15. object SpatialProfile extends Serializable
  16. object Step
  17. object Target extends Serializable
  18. object TargetEnvironment
  19. object Track extends Serializable
  20. object User extends Serializable
  21. object UserTarget extends Serializable

Inherited from AnyRef

Inherited from Any

Application Model

Program Model

Sequence Model
