
object ProtoJson
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

Combine possibly partial fields to create a possibly partial object.

Combine possibly partial fields to create a possibly partial object.

If all fields are complete then they will be combined as a complete Json object.

def fromJson(value: Json): ProtoJson

Combine possibly partial values to create a possibly partial array.

Combine possibly partial values to create a possibly partial array.

If all values are complete then they will be combined as a complete Json array.

Test whether the argument contains any deferred subtrees

Test whether the argument contains any deferred subtrees

Yields true if the argument contains any component or staged subtrees, false otherwise.

def select(elem: ProtoJson, fieldName: String): ProtoJson

Select a value from a possibly partial object.

Select a value from a possibly partial object.

If the object is complete the selection will be a complete Json value.

def staged[F[_]](interpreter: QueryInterpreter[F], query: Query, rootTpe: Type, env: Env): ProtoJson

Delegate query to the interpreter interpreter. When evaluated by that interpreter the query will have expected type rootTpe.

Delegate query to the interpreter interpreter. When evaluated by that interpreter the query will have expected type rootTpe.