
trait SqlModule[F[_]]

These are the bits that are specific to the underlying database layer.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait SqlMapping[F]

Type members


trait SqlFragment[T] extends Monoid[T]

Typeclass for SQL fragments.

Typeclass for SQL fragments.


type Codec

The type of a codec that reads and writes column values of type A.

The type of a codec that reads and writes column values of type A.

type Encoder

The type of an encoder that writes column values of type A.

The type of an encoder that writes column values of type A.

type Fragment

The type of a fragment of SQL together with any interpolated arguments.

The type of a fragment of SQL together with any interpolated arguments.

Value members

Abstract methods

def fetch(fragment: Fragment, codecs: List[(Boolean, Codec)]): F[Table]

Extract an encoder from a codec.

Extract an encoder from a codec.

