
abstract class EdgeEndStar()

A EdgeEndStar is an ordered list of EdgeEnds around a node. They are maintained in CCW order (starting with the positive x-axis) around the node for efficient lookup and topology building.



class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Abstract methods

def insert(e: EdgeEnd): Unit

Insert a EdgeEnd into this EdgeEndStar

Insert a EdgeEnd into this EdgeEndStar

Concrete methods

def computeLabelling(geomGraph: Array[GeometryGraph]): Unit
def findIndex(eSearch: EdgeEnd): Int

return the coordinate for the node this star is based at

return the coordinate for the node this star is based at

def getDegree: Int
def getEdges: List[EdgeEnd]
protected def insertEdgeEnd(e: EdgeEnd, obj: EdgeEnd): Unit

Insert an EdgeEnd into the map, and clear the edgeList cache, since the list of edges has now changed

Insert an EdgeEnd into the map, and clear the edgeList cache, since the list of edges has now changed

def isAreaLabelsConsistent(geomGraph: GeometryGraph): Boolean
def iterator: Iterator[EdgeEnd]

Iterator access to the ordered list of edges is optimized by copying the map collection to a list. (This assumes that once an iterator is requested, it is likely that insertion into the map is complete).

Iterator access to the ordered list of edges is optimized by copying the map collection to a list. (This assumes that once an iterator is requested, it is likely that insertion into the map is complete).

override def toString: String
Definition Classes

Concrete fields

protected var edgeList: List[EdgeEnd]

A list of all outgoing edges in the result, in CCW order

A list of all outgoing edges in the result, in CCW order

protected var edgeMap: TreeMap[EdgeEnd, EdgeEnd]

A map which maintains the edges in sorted order around the node

A map which maintains the edges in sorted order around the node