
trait DepGraph[Node]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
class DepGraphJGraphT[Node]

Value members

Abstract methods

def addEdge(node1: Node, posNeg: PosNeg, node2: Node): DepGraph[Node]
def addNode(node: Node): DepGraph[Node]
def edgeBetween(node1: Node, node2: Node): Option[PosNeg]
def empty: DepGraph[Node]
def inEdges(node: Node): Either[String, Set[(Node, PosNeg)]]

Checks if this graph is isomorphic with another one

Checks if this graph is isomorphic with another one

Value parameters:

the other dependency graph


Left(msg) if it is not isomorphic or Right(()) if it is isomorphic

def negCycles: Set[Set[(Node, Node)]]
def nodes: Set[Node]
def outEdges(node: Node): Either[String, Set[(PosNeg, Node)]]
def showEdges(showNode: Node => String): String

Concrete methods

def addNegEdge(node1: Node, node2: Node): DepGraph[Node]
def addPosEdge(node1: Node, node2: Node): DepGraph[Node]
def oddNegCycles: Set[Set[(Node, Node)]]