
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


type Base[A] = IndexedReaderWriterStateT[IO, ConfigEnv, Log, State, State, A]
type Check[A] = EitherT[Base, Err, A]
type Env = Context
type Err = ShExError
type Evidence = (NodeShape, String)

Value members

Concrete methods

def addAction2Log(a: Action): Check[Unit]
def addEvidence(nodeShape: NodeShape, msg: String): Check[ShapeTyping]
def addLog(log: Log): Check[Unit]
def addNotEvidence(nodeShape: NodeShape, e: ShExError, msg: String): Check[ShapeTyping]
def attempt[A](c: Check[A]): Check[Either[Err, A]]
def bind[A, Other](c1: Check[Other], c2: Check[A]): Check[A]
def checkAll[A](xs: List[Check[A]]): Check[List[A]]

Checks all elements in a list If any of the elements fails, it fails

Checks all elements in a list If any of the elements fails, it fails

def checkAllFailFAtFirstFlag[A, B : Monoid, F[_] : Monad](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => F[(B, Boolean)], last: => B): F[(B, Boolean)]
def checkAllFlag[A, B : Monoid, F[_] : Monad](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => F[(B, Boolean)], last: => B): F[(B, Boolean)]
def checkCond(condition: Boolean, attempt: Attempt, error: ShExError, evidence: String): CheckTyping
def checkList[A, B](ls: List[A], check: A => Check[B]): Check[List[B]]
def checkLs[A](cs: List[Check[A]]): Check[List[A]]

Given a list of checks, return the list of values that pass It never fails (in case of failure, it ignores the value)

Given a list of checks, return the list of values that pass It never fails (in case of failure, it ignores the value)

def checkOneOf[A](cs: List[Check[A]], errNone: Err, errMoreThanOne: List[A] => Err): Check[A]
def checkPair1st[A, B](p: (Check[A], B)): Check[(A, B)]
def checkPair2nd[A, B](p: (A, Check[B])): Check[(A, B)]
def checkSequenceFlag[A : Monoid, F[_] : Monad](ls: => List[F[(A, Boolean)]], last: A): F[(A, Boolean)]
def checkSome[A](cs: List[Check[A]], errorIfNone: Err): Check[A]
def checkSome[A](cs: LazyList[Check[A]])(implicit ev: Monoid[Err]): Check[A]
def checkSomeFlag[A, B, F[_] : Monad](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => F[(B, Boolean)], last: F[(B, Boolean)]): F[(B, Boolean)]

Given a computation check that returns a pair of value and a flag, returns the first value whose flag is true If none is true, returns the value of the computation parameter last

Given a computation check that returns a pair of value and a flag, returns the first value whose flag is true If none is true, returns the value of the computation parameter last

def checkSomeFlagCount[A, B : Monoid](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => Check[(B, Boolean)], last: B): Check[(B, Int)]
def checkSomeFlagValue[A, B](ls: => LazyList[A], check: A => Check[B], last: Check[B]): Check[(B, Option[A])]
def checkSomeLazyList[A](cs: LazyList[Check[A]], errIfNone: => Err): Check[A]
def cond[A, B](check: Check[A], thenPart: A => Check[B], elsePart: Err => Check[B]): Check[B]

Attempts to execute a check If it fails, applies thenPart to the result, otherwise applies elsePart to the error

Attempts to execute a check If it fails, applies thenPart to the result, otherwise applies elsePart to the error

Type Params

type returned by the computation


type returned the the condition

Value Params

Computation to check


part to be executed when the check fails


part to be executed when it passes

def condFlag[A, B](check: Check[A], thenPart: A => Check[B], elsePart: Err => Check[B]): Check[(B, Boolean)]
def err[A](e: Err): Check[A]
def errStr[A](msg: String): Check[A]
def filterSuccess[A, B](ls: List[A], check: A => Check[B]): Check[List[(A, B)]]

Returns the list of values whose computation is successful

Returns the list of values whose computation is successful

Type Params

type of values


type returned by computation

Value Params

computation to check for each value


list of values


a computation with a list of pairs for whom the computation was successful

def fromBase[A](b: Base[A]): Check[A]
def fromEither[A](e: Either[Err, A]): Check[A]
def fromEitherIO[A](e: EitherT[IO, Err, A]): Check[A]
def fromEitherIOS[A](e: EitherT[IO, String, A]): Check[A]
def fromEitherString[A](e: Either[String, A]): Check[A]
def fromIO[A](io: IO[A]): Check[A]
def fromIOUnsafe[A](io: IO[A]): Check[A]
def fromStream[A](s: Stream[IO, A]): Check[List[A]]
def getNeighPaths(node: RDFNode, paths: List[Path]): Check[Neighs]
def getNeighs(node: RDFNode): Check[Neighs]
def getNodesPrefixMap: Check[PrefixMap]
def getNotAllowedPredicates(node: RDFNode, paths: List[Path], neighs: Neighs): Check[Set[IRI]]
def getPaths(s: Shape, schema: ResolvedSchema): Check[List[Path]]
def getRDF: Check[RDFReader]
def getTargetNodeDeclarations(rdf: RDFReader): Check[List[(RDFNode, ShapeLabel)]]
def getValuesPath(node: RDFNode, path: Path): Check[Set[RDFNode]]
def getVerbose: Check[Boolean]
def info(msg: String): Check[Unit]
def infoTyping(t: ShapeTyping, msg: String, shapesPrefixMap: PrefixMap): Check[Unit]
def local[A](f: Env => Env)(comp: Check[A]): Check[A]
def mkErr[F[_] : Applicative](e: Err): F[Err]
def mkLabel(label: ShapeMapLabel): ShapeLabel
def mkSeq[A, B](vs: List[A], f: A => IO[List[B]]): IO[List[B]]
def ok[A](x: A): Check[A]
def optCheck[A, B](c: Option[A], check: A => Check[B], default: => Check[B]): Check[B]

If c is some value, applies check, otherwise applies default

If c is some value, applies check, otherwise applies default

Value Params

Optional value


check function


value in case there is no option

def orElse[A](c1: Check[A], c2: => Check[A]): Check[A]
def run[A](c: Check[A])(config: Config)(env: Env): IO[(Log, Either[Err, A])]
def runCheck[A : Show](c: Check[A], rdf: RDFReader, verbose: Boolean): IO[CheckResult[ShExError, A, Log]]
def runLocal[A](c: Check[A], f: Env => Env): Check[A]
def runLocalNeighs[A](c: Check[A], node: RDFNode, neighs: Neighs): Check[A]
def runLocalSafe[A](c: Check[A], f: Env => Env, safe: (Err, Env) => A): Check[A]

Run a computation in a local environment. If the computation fails, return the result of calling safe function over the current environment

Run a computation in a local environment. If the computation fails, return the result of calling safe function over the current environment

Value Params

computation to run




function to call if the computation fails

def runLocalSafeTyping[A](c: Check[A], f: ShapeTyping => ShapeTyping, safe: (Err, ShapeTyping) => A): Check[A]
def sequence[A](xs: List[Check[A]]): Check[List[A]]
def showCurrentTyping(msg: String, shapesPrefixMap: PrefixMap): Check[Unit]
def validateCheck(condition: Boolean, e: Err): Check[Unit]

Abstract fields

val builder: RDFBuilder

Concrete fields
