
object DecoderUtils
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def fieldDecode[A](c: HCursor, name: String)(`evidence$1`: Decoder[A]): Result[A]
def fixedFieldValue(c: HCursor, name: String, value: String): Result[String]
def mapDecoder[A, B](c: ACursor)(ka: KeyDecoder[A], db: Decoder[B]): Result[Map[A, B]]

Explicit mapDecoder which needs the key decoder as well as the value decoder It should not be needed, but I found some problems about implicits resolution which I solved by using this method

Explicit mapDecoder which needs the key decoder as well as the value decoder It should not be needed, but I found some problems about implicits resolution which I solved by using this method

def optFieldDecode[A](c: HCursor, name: String)(`evidence$2`: Decoder[A]): Result[Option[A]]
def optFieldDecodeMap[A, B](c: HCursor, name: String)(`evidence$3`: KeyDecoder[A], `evidence$4`: Decoder[B]): Result[Option[Map[A, B]]]