
Partial implementation of TaxonomyApi, formed by combining partial implementations of other query API traits.

Partial implementation of TaxonomyApi, formed by combining partial implementations of other query API traits.


Chris de Vreeze

Value members

Concrete methods

final def findAllAllowedEnumerationValues(enumerationConcept: EName): Set[EName]
final def findAllEnumerationValues(enumerationConcept: EName): Set[EName]

Inherited methods

final def computeHasHypercubeInheritanceForElrReturningPrimaries(elr: String): Map[EName, Set[EName]]
Inherited from
final def filterDimensionalRelationshipsOfType[A <: DimensionalRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
Inherited from
final def filterIncomingInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: InterElementDeclarationRelationship](targetConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterIncomingNonStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: NonStandardRelationship](targetKey: XmlFragmentKey, relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterIncomingStandardInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardInterConceptRelationship](targetConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: InterElementDeclarationRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterItemDeclarations(p: ItemDeclaration => Boolean): IndexedSeq[ItemDeclaration]
Inherited from
Inherited from
final def filterNonStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: NonStandardRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterOutgoingDomainMemberRelationshipsOnElr(sourceConcept: EName, elr: String): IndexedSeq[DomainMemberRelationship]
final def filterOutgoingHasHypercubeRelationshipsOnElr(sourceConcept: EName, elr: String): IndexedSeq[HasHypercubeRelationship]
final def filterOutgoingInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: InterElementDeclarationRelationship](sourceConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterOutgoingNonStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: NonStandardRelationship](sourceKey: XmlFragmentKey, relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterOutgoingParentChildRelationshipsOnElr(sourceConcept: EName, elr: String): IndexedSeq[ParentChildRelationship]
final def filterOutgoingStandardInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardInterConceptRelationship](sourceConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterOutgoingStandardRelationships(sourceConcept: EName)(p: StandardRelationship => Boolean): IndexedSeq[StandardRelationship]
final def filterOutgoingStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardRelationship](sourceConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterPresentationRelationshipsOfType[A <: PresentationRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterRelationships(p: Relationship => Boolean): IndexedSeq[Relationship]
final def filterRelationshipsOfType[A <: Relationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterStandardInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardInterConceptRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A])(p: A => Boolean): IndexedSeq[A]
final def filterTupleDeclarations(p: TupleDeclaration => Boolean): IndexedSeq[TupleDeclaration]
Inherited from
final def filterXsdSchemas(p: XsdSchema => Boolean): IndexedSeq[XsdSchema]
Inherited from
final def findAllDimensionMembers(hasHypercubeRelationship: HasHypercubeRelationship): Map[EName, Set[EName]]
final def findAllDimensionalRelationshipsOfType[A <: DimensionalRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllIncomingInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: InterElementDeclarationRelationship](targetConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllIncomingNonStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: NonStandardRelationship](targetKey: XmlFragmentKey, relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllIncomingStandardInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardInterConceptRelationship](targetConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllInheritedHasHypercubesAsElrToPrimariesMap(concept: EName): Map[String, Set[EName]]
Inherited from
def findAllLinkbases: IndexedSeq[Linkbase]

Returns the linkbase elements, which are typically top-level, but may be embedded in schemas.

Returns the linkbase elements, which are typically top-level, but may be embedded in schemas.

Inherited from
final def findAllMembers(dimension: EName, domainElrPairs: Set[(EName, String)]): Set[EName]
final def findAllMembers(dimension: EName, domain: EName, dimensionDomainElr: String): Set[EName]
final def findAllMembers(domain: EName, elr: String): Set[EName]
def findAllNonStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: NonStandardRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllNonUsableDimensionMembers(hasHypercubeRelationship: HasHypercubeRelationship): Map[EName, Set[EName]]
final def findAllNonUsableMembers(dimension: EName, domainElrPairs: Set[(EName, String)]): Set[EName]
final def findAllNonUsableMembers(dimension: EName, domain: EName, dimensionDomainElr: String): Set[EName]
final def findAllNonUsableMembers(domain: EName, elr: String, headUsable: Boolean): Set[EName]
final def findAllOutgoingInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: InterElementDeclarationRelationship](sourceConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllOutgoingNonStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: NonStandardRelationship](sourceKey: XmlFragmentKey, relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllOutgoingStandardInterConceptRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardInterConceptRelationship](sourceConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllOutgoingStandardRelationships(sourceConcept: EName): IndexedSeq[StandardRelationship]
final def findAllOutgoingStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardRelationship](sourceConcept: EName, relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllOwnOrInheritedHasHypercubesAsElrToPrimariesMap(concept: EName): Map[String, Set[EName]]
final def findAllPresentationRelationshipsOfType[A <: PresentationRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
def findAllRelationshipsOfType[A <: Relationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
def findAllStandardRelationshipsOfType[A <: StandardRelationship](relationshipType: ClassTag[A]): IndexedSeq[A]
final def findAllUsableDimensionMembers(hasHypercubeRelationship: HasHypercubeRelationship): Map[EName, Set[EName]]
final def findAllUsableMembers(dimension: EName, domainElrPairs: Set[(EName, String)]): Set[EName]
final def findAllUsableMembers(dimension: EName, domain: EName, dimensionDomainElr: String): Set[EName]
final def findAllUsableMembers(domain: EName, elr: String, headUsable: Boolean): Set[EName]
def findAllXsdSchemas: IndexedSeq[XsdSchema]
Inherited from
def findBaseTypeOrSelfUntil(typeEName: EName, p: EName => Boolean): Option[EName]
Inherited from
def findConceptDeclaration(ename: EName): Option[ConceptDeclaration]

Finds the optional concept declaration with the given target expanded name (name plus target namespace). Make sure the implementation of this method is very fast, thus ensuring that the other lookup methods on target expanded name are very fast as well.

Finds the optional concept declaration with the given target expanded name (name plus target namespace). Make sure the implementation of this method is very fast, thus ensuring that the other lookup methods on target expanded name are very fast as well.

Inherited from
final def findDimensionDeclaration(ename: EName): Option[DimensionDeclaration]
Inherited from
Inherited from
final def findHypercubeDeclaration(ename: EName): Option[HypercubeDeclaration]
Inherited from
final def findItemDeclaration(ename: EName): Option[ItemDeclaration]
Inherited from
final def findItemDeclaration(p: ItemDeclaration => Boolean): Option[ItemDeclaration]
Inherited from
final def findMemberDeclarationOfTypedDimension(typedDimension: EName): Option[GlobalElementDeclaration]
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
Inherited from
def findNamedTypeDefinition(ename: EName): Option[NamedTypeDefinition]
Inherited from
final def findNamedTypeOfGlobalElementDeclaration(ename: EName): Option[EName]
Inherited from
final def findPrimaryItemDeclaration(ename: EName): Option[PrimaryItemDeclaration]
Inherited from
final def findTupleDeclaration(ename: EName): Option[TupleDeclaration]
Inherited from
final def findTupleDeclaration(p: TupleDeclaration => Boolean): Option[TupleDeclaration]
Inherited from
Inherited from
final def findXsdSchema(p: XsdSchema => Boolean): Option[XsdSchema]
Inherited from
final def getConceptDeclaration(ename: EName): ConceptDeclaration
Inherited from
final def getItemDeclaration(ename: EName): ItemDeclaration
Inherited from
Inherited from
final def getTupleDeclaration(ename: EName): TupleDeclaration
Inherited from

Returns a map from source concepts to standard/generic inter-concept relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Returns a map from source concepts to standard/generic inter-concept relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Inherited from

Returns a map from target concepts to standard/generic inter-concept relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Returns a map from target concepts to standard/generic inter-concept relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Inherited from
final def isEnumerationConcept(itemDecl: ItemDeclaration): Boolean
Inherited from
final def isEnumerationConcept(ename: EName): Boolean
Inherited from
final def isEnumerationItemType(ename: EName): Boolean
Inherited from
final def isSetValueEnumerationConcept(itemDecl: ItemDeclaration): Boolean
Inherited from
final def isSetValueEnumerationConcept(ename: EName): Boolean
Inherited from
final def isSetValueEnumerationItemType(ename: EName): Boolean
Inherited from
final def isSingleValueEnumerationConcept(itemDecl: ItemDeclaration): Boolean
Inherited from
final def isSingleValueEnumerationConcept(ename: EName): Boolean
Inherited from
final def isSingleValueEnumerationItemType(ename: EName): Boolean
Inherited from

Returns the max length of a path beyond the first cycle found in the path, if any.

Returns the max length of a path beyond the first cycle found in the path, if any.

Inherited from

Returns a map from source XML fragment keys to non-standard relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Returns a map from source XML fragment keys to non-standard relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Inherited from

Returns a map from target XML fragment keys to non-standard relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Returns a map from target XML fragment keys to non-standard relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Inherited from
def rootElems: IndexedSeq[TaxonomyElem]

Returns all (document) root elements. To find certain taxonomy elements across the taxonomy, in taxonomy schemas and linkbases, the following pattern can be used:

Returns all (document) root elements. To find certain taxonomy elements across the taxonomy, in taxonomy schemas and linkbases, the following pattern can be used:

Inherited from

Returns a map from source concepts to standard inter-concept relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Returns a map from source concepts to standard inter-concept relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Inherited from

Returns a map from target concepts to standard inter-concept relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Returns a map from target concepts to standard inter-concept relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Inherited from

Returns a map from source concepts to standard relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Returns a map from source concepts to standard relationships. Must be fast in order for this trait to be fast.

Inherited from
def taxonomyDocs: IndexedSeq[TaxonomyDocument]

Returns all taxonomy documents.

Returns all taxonomy documents.

Inherited from