
object Names

Names, as per the XML specification. See for example

Only characters in the Unicode BMP (max. \uFFFF) are considered. So the range from #x10000 to #xEFFFF is not recognized as valid name characters in this implementation.

The functions of this class must be fast, because they are typically called very many times during parsing of XPath expressions.

Classes like NCName lean on this object. An NCName is an XML name without colon.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def canBeName(s: String): Boolean

Returns true if the given string is a valid XML name. Names starting with "xml" are not excluded, and names containing non-BMP characters are not included.

Returns true if the given string is a valid XML name. Names starting with "xml" are not excluded, and names containing non-BMP characters are not included.

def canBePartOfName(c: Char): Boolean

Returns true if the character can be a part of an XML name. Only 2-byte characters in the BMP are considered.

Returns true if the character can be a part of an XML name. Only 2-byte characters in the BMP are considered.

Some excluded characters are: multiplication sign ('\u00D7'), (other) plus sign ('\u00F7'), at-symbol, dollar sign, percentage sign, ampersand, slash, plus sign ('\u002B'), comma, semicolon, open parenthesis, close parenthesis, open bracket, close bracket, open brace, close brace, smaller-than symbol, greater-than symbol, equals sign, single quote ('\u0060'), double quote ('\u0022'), asterisk, exclamation mark, question mark, and '#'.

Note that these excluded characters are important to distinguish names from XPath language elements such as operators and (string and numeric) literals.

def canBeStartOfName(s: String): Boolean

Returns true if the given string can start valid XML names. This is the same as saying that the string is a valid XML name, so canBeName(s) is returned.

Returns true if the given string can start valid XML names. This is the same as saying that the string is a valid XML name, so canBeName(s) is returned.

def canBeStartOfName(c: Char): Boolean

Returns true if the character can be a start of an XML name. Only 2-byte characters in the BMP are considered.

Returns true if the character can be a start of an XML name. Only 2-byte characters in the BMP are considered.

It returns the same as method canBePartOfName, except that some characters are excluded, such as digits, dash, dot and combining diacritical marks.