Getting Started

To include Minart, simply add the minart library to your project:

// JVM Only
libraryDependencies += "eu.joaocosta" %% "minart" % "0.6.0-M2"
// For JVM/JS/Native cross-compilation
libraryDependencies += "eu.joaocosta" %%% "minart" % "0.6.0-M2"

Or just create a new project using the provided giter8 template, with:



The easiest way to start using the library is to follow the tutorials in the examples directory.

The examples in examples/release target the latest released version, while the examples in examples/snapshot target the code in the repository.

All the examples are .sc files that can be executed via scala-cli.

General recommendations

It is strongly recommended to use fullLinkJs for Scala.js releases and release-full for Scala native, as those can lead to huge speedups.

Since Scala Native release-full can be quite slow, it might be useful to use the JVM version during development and only building the native version once in a while.