



package codec

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. sealed abstract class @container extends IriResource
  2. case class ActiveContext(@prefix: ListMap[String, String] = ListMap[String, String](), @vocab: List[String] = List(), @language: List[String] = List(), @base: Option[Option[String]] = None, definitions: Map[String, ActiveProperty] = Map[String, ActiveProperty]()) extends Product with Serializable
  3. case class ActiveProperty(@context: ActiveContext = ActiveContext(), @type: List[structure.ClassType[_]] = Nil, @container: List[@container] = Nil, @reverse: Boolean = false, property: structure.Property) extends Product with Serializable
  4. case class ContextedT[T](t: T)(implicit activeContext: ActiveContext) extends Product with Serializable
  5. class ExpandedMap[V] extends AnyRef
  6. case class JsonInProgress[Json](json: Json)(implicit activeContext: ActiveContext) extends Product with Serializable
  7. case class JsonObjectInProgress[Json](json: List[(String, Json)])(implicit activeContext: ActiveContext) extends Product with Serializable
  8. trait NativeTypeDecoder extends AnyRef
  9. trait NativeTypeEncoder extends AnyRef

Value Members

  1. object @container
  2. object ActiveContext extends Serializable
  3. object ExpandedMap
  4. object JsonInProgress extends Serializable
  5. object JsonObjectInProgress extends Serializable
  6. object NativeTypeDecoder
  7. object NativeTypeEncoder
