Package csv.util

Class BeanReader<T>

Type Parameters:
T - Type of bean to be read
All Implemented Interfaces:

public class BeanReader<T>
extends java.lang.Object
implements java.util.Iterator<T>
Reads beans from the underlying table stream.

Please notice that you need to explicitely pass the bean class to the constructor when you create a parameterized BeanReader inline:

   // Error: Invalid usage
   BeanReader<TestBean> beanReader = new BeanReader<TestBean>(tableReader);
   // Correct usage
   BeanReader<TestBean> beanReader = new BeanReader<TestBean>(TestBean.class, tableReader);

You can omit the class argument in constructors when your BeanReader was explicitely defined as a class:

 public class MyBeanReader extends BeanReader<TestBean> {
 // Ok here 
 BeanReader<TestBean> = new MyBeanReader(tableReader);

The reason for this is the lack of class parameter inspection for in-line parameters at runtime.

  • Constructor Summary

    Modifier Constructor Description
      BeanReader​(TableReader reader)
      BeanReader​(TableReader reader, java.lang.String[] attributes)
      BeanReader​(java.lang.Class<T> beanClass, TableReader reader)
    protected BeanReader​(java.lang.Class<T> beanClass, TableReader reader, boolean evaluateHeaderRow, java.lang.String[] attributes)
    Internal Constructor.
      BeanReader​(java.lang.Class<T> beanClass, TableReader reader, java.lang.String[] attributes)
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type Method Description
    void close()
    Closes the reader.
    T convertToBean​(java.lang.Object[] columns)
    Constructs new bean from values in array.
    protected java.lang.String getAttributeName​(int columnIndex)
    Returns the attribute name of specified column
    java.lang.String[] getAttributes()
    Returns the attributes that will be used for each column index.
    protected java.lang.reflect.Method getMethod​(java.lang.String attribute)
    Returns the correct setter method object for the given attribute.
    protected java.lang.String getMethodName​(java.lang.String attribute)
    This implementation returns the name of setter method for the given attribute
    boolean hasNext()
    Returns true when there are more beans to be returned.
    boolean isEvaluateHeaderRow()
    Returns true if attribute names will be evaluated from header row.
    protected boolean isValidSetterMethod​(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
    Returns true if method conforms to JavaBean style of a Setter.
    T next()
    Returns the next bean from the table reader.
    void readHeaderRow()
    Reads the next row from stream and sets the attribute names.
    void remove()
    Method not supported.
    void reset()
    Resets the reader.
    protected void setAttributes​(java.lang.String[] attributes)
    Sets the attribute names to be set for each column.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

    Methods inherited from interface java.util.Iterator

  • Constructor Details

    • BeanReader

      public BeanReader​(java.lang.Class<T> beanClass, TableReader reader)
      Constructor. Use this constructor when underlying reader will deliver the attribute names in first record.
      beanClass - class of bean - reflection does not guarantee to find out the correct class.
      reader - the underlying reader to read bean properties from
    • BeanReader

      public BeanReader​(TableReader reader)
      Constructor. Use this constructor when underlying reader will deliver the attribute names in first record and you created a specific parameterized class for the reader.
      reader - the underlying reader to read bean properties from
    • BeanReader

      public BeanReader​(TableReader reader, java.lang.String[] attributes)
      Constructor. Use this constructor if underlying reader does NOT deliver attribute names and you created a specific parameterized class for the reader.
      reader - the underlying reader to read bean properties from
      attributes - list of attribute names that will be used to create the beans
    • BeanReader

      public BeanReader​(java.lang.Class<T> beanClass, TableReader reader, java.lang.String[] attributes)
      Constructor. Use this constructor if underlying reader does NOT deliver attribute names.
      beanClass - class of bean - reflection does not guarantee to find out the correct class.
      reader - the underlying reader to read bean properties from
      attributes - list of attribute names that will be used to create the beans
    • BeanReader

      protected BeanReader​(java.lang.Class<T> beanClass, TableReader reader, boolean evaluateHeaderRow, java.lang.String[] attributes)
      Internal Constructor.
      beanClass - class of bean - reflection does not guarantee to find out the correct class.
      reader - the underlying reader to read bean properties from
      attributes - list of attribute names that will be used to create the beans
      evaluateHeaderRow - whether header row will be delivered by reader
  • Method Details

    • hasNext

      public boolean hasNext()
      Returns true when there are more beans to be returned.
      Specified by:
      hasNext in interface java.util.Iterator<T>
      See Also:
      Iterator.hasNext(), Iterator.hasNext()
    • next

      public T next()
      Returns the next bean from the table reader.
      Specified by:
      next in interface java.util.Iterator<T>
      See Also:,, convertToBean(Object[])
    • reset

      public void reset()
      Resets the reader.
    • close

      public void close()
      Closes the reader.
    • convertToBean

      public T convertToBean​(java.lang.Object[] columns)
      Constructs new bean from values in array.
      columns - attribute values
      new bean
    • remove

      public void remove()
      Method not supported.
      Specified by:
      remove in interface java.util.Iterator<T>
      See Also:
    • isEvaluateHeaderRow

      public boolean isEvaluateHeaderRow()
      Returns true if attribute names will be evaluated from header row.
      true if attribute names will be evaluated
    • getAttributes

      public java.lang.String[] getAttributes()
      Returns the attributes that will be used for each column index.
      the attributes array where attribute name stands at respective index.
    • setAttributes

      protected void setAttributes​(java.lang.String[] attributes)
      Sets the attribute names to be set for each column.
      attributes - attribute names to set
    • readHeaderRow

      public void readHeaderRow()
      Reads the next row from stream and sets the attribute names.
    • getAttributeName

      protected java.lang.String getAttributeName​(int columnIndex)
      Returns the attribute name of specified column
      columnIndex - index of column
      name or null if it was not set
    • getMethod

      protected java.lang.reflect.Method getMethod​(java.lang.String attribute)
      Returns the correct setter method object for the given attribute. The method will be found by inspection of the JavaBean class.
      attribute - attribute to be set
      setter method
    • isValidSetterMethod

      protected boolean isValidSetterMethod​(java.lang.reflect.Method method)
      Returns true if method conforms to JavaBean style of a Setter.
      method - method
      true if method is a setter.
    • getMethodName

      protected java.lang.String getMethodName​(java.lang.String attribute)
      This implementation returns the name of setter method for the given attribute
      attribute - attribute
      the name of the setter method for this attribute