

package cspom

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. class Annotations extends Parameterized
  2. class CSPOM extends LazyLogging

    CSPOM is the central class of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem Object Model.

    CSPOM is the central class of the Constraint Satisfaction Problem Object Model. You can create a problem from scratch by instantiating this class and then using the ctr and var methods. The CSPOM.load() method can be used in order to create a CSPOM object from an XCSP file.

    The CSPOM class adheres to the following definition :

    A CSP is defined as a pair (X, C), X being a finite set of variables, and C a finite set of constraints.

    A domain is associated to each variable x in X. Each constraint involves a finite set of variables (its scope) and defines a set of allowed and forbidden instantiations of these variables.

    See also



  3. final case class CSPOMConstraint[+T](result: CSPOMExpression[T], function: Symbol, arguments: Seq[CSPOMExpression[Any]], params: Map[String, Any] = Map()) extends Parameterized with LazyLogging with Product with Serializable
  4. sealed trait CSPOMGoal[+T] extends AnyRef
  5. final class CSPParseException extends Exception

    Exception used to report an error while parsing an XCSP file.

  6. case class ConstraintParameters(m: Map[String, Any]) extends Map[String, Any] with Product with Serializable
  7. class ExpressionMap extends LazyLogging
  8. trait Parameterized extends AnyRef
  9. class Statistic extends Annotation with Annotation with ClassfileAnnotation
  10. class StatisticsManager extends LazyLogging
  11. class UNSATException extends Exception
  12. case class WithParam[+T](obj: T, params: Map[String, Any] = Map()) extends Parameterized with Product with Serializable

Value Members

  1. object Annotations
  2. object CSPOM extends LazyLogging
  3. object CSPOMConstraint extends Serializable
  4. object CSPOMGoal
  5. object GML

  6. object JCSPOM
  7. object NameParser extends JavaTokenParsers
  8. object StatisticsManager
