Interface Lexer

All Known Implementing Classes:
Ar, Bg, Bm, Ca, Cs, Cy_gb, Da, De, En, En_au, En_lol, En_pirate, En_scouse, En_tx, Eo, Es, Et, Fi, Fr, He, Hr, Hu, I18nLexer, Id, Is, It, Ja, Ko, Lt, Lu, Lv, Nl, No, Pl, Pt, Ro, Ru, Sk, Sr_cyrl, Sr_latn, Sv, Tr, Uk, Uz, Vi, Zh_cn, Zh_tw

public interface Lexer

Method Summary
 void scan(String source)
          Lexes the source.

Method Detail


void scan(String source)
Lexes the source.

source - a string containing Gherkin source.

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