
See theRecord companion object
final class Record

CSV record representation. A record is basically a map from string to string. Values are indexed by header provided explicitly or read from header row in source data. If no header is provided nor can be scanned from source, a tuple-style header "_1", "_2" etc. is generated.

Position information is always available for parsed data - for records created through CSVParser. It is missing for records created explicitly in application code (in order to be rendered to CSV).

Value parameters


indexing header (field names)


record position in source data


core record data


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Members list

Type members


final class Field[A]

Intermediary to delegate parsing to in order to infer type of formatter used by parser. Provides exception-free parsing method.

Intermediary to delegate parsing to in order to infer type of formatter used by parser. Provides exception-free parsing method.

Type parameters


target type for parsing


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
object unsafe

Access to unsafe (exception throwing) methods

Access to unsafe (exception throwing) methods


class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
Self type

Value members

Concrete methods

def altered[A : StringParser, B : StringRenderer](key: String)(f: A => B): Either[ContentError, Record]

Creates new record with value at given key updated by provided function. The function receives existing, typed value as an argument.

Creates new record with value at given key updated by provided function. The function receives existing, typed value as an argument.

This method may fail if incorrect key is provided or existing value cannot be parsed to requested type.

The new record shares the header with the old one.

Type parameters


type of existing value


type of new value

Value parameters


the function to be applied to existing value


the key (name) of field to be updated



a new record with updated value or an error

val kmToMile = record.altered[Double,Double]("distance")(km => 0.621371 * km)
def apply(key: String): Option[String]

Gets field value.

Gets field value.

Value parameters


the key of retrieved field



field value in its original, string format if correct key is provided or None otherwise.

def apply(idx: Int): Option[String]

Gets field value.

Gets field value.

Value parameters


the index of retrieved field, starting from 0.



field value in original, string format or None if index is out of bounds.

def get[A : StringParser](key: String): Decoded[A]

Safely gets typed record value.

Safely gets typed record value.

Parsers for basic types are provided through StringParser object.

To parse optional values provide Option[?] as type parameter. Parsing empty value to simple type will result in an error.

If wrong header key is provided this function will return Left[error.HeaderError,?]. If parsing fails Left[error.DataError,?] will be returned.

Type parameters


type to parse the field to

Value parameters


the key of retrieved field



either parsed value or an error

See also

StringParser for information on providing custom parsers.


When relying on default string parsers, this function assumes "standard" string formatting, without any locale support, e.g. point as decimal separator or ISO date and time formats. Use get or provide own parser if more control over source format is required.

def get[A : StringParser](idx: Int): Decoded[A]

Safely gets typed record value.

Safely gets typed record value.

Type parameters


type to parse the field to

Value parameters


index of retrieved field



either parsed value or an error

See also

get by key for details.

def get[A]: Field[A]

Safely gets typed record value.

Safely gets typed record value.

The combination of get, Field constructor and apply method allows value retrieval in following form:

val date: Decoded[LocalDate] = record.get[LocalDate]("key", DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yy"))

(type of formatter is inferred based on target type).

Parsers for basic types are available through StringParser object. Additional ones may be provided as given instances.

To parse optional values provide Option[?] as type parameter. Parsing empty value to simple type will result in an error.

Type parameters


type to parse the field to



intermediary to retrieve value according to custom format

See also

StringParser for information on providing custom parsers.

def patch: Builder

Creates a builder, initialized with content of this record. A builder may be used to enhance or reduce record.

Creates a builder, initialized with content of this record. A builder may be used to enhance or reduce record.

Please note, that this method creates new header for each patched record.



record builder

See also
val imperial = record.patch.remove("m").add("foot", foot).add("yard", yard).get
def size: Int

Gets number of fields in record.

Gets number of fields in record.


def to[P <: Product : ToProduct]: Decoded[P]

Converts this record to scala.Product, e.g. case class.

Converts this record to scala.Product, e.g. case class.

For example:

// Assume following CSV source
// ----------------
// name,born,died
// Nicolaus Copernicus,1473-02-19,1543-05-24
// Johannes Hevelius,1611-01-28,
// ----------------
// and a Record created based on it
val record: Record = ???
case class Person(name: String, born: LocalDate, died: Option[LocalDate])
val person: Decoded[Person] =[Person]

Please note, that the conversion for case classes is name-based (case class field names have to match record (CSV) header) and is case sensitive. The order of fields does not matter. Case class may be narrower and effectively retrieve only a subset of record's fields.

It is possible to use a tuple instead of case class - see the tuple-optimized version of to.

Current implementation supports only shallow conversion - each product field has to be retrieved from single record field through StringParser.

Because conversion to product requires parsing of all fields through StringParser, there is no way to provide custom formatter, like while using get method. If other then the default formatting has to be handled, a custom given instance stringParser has to be provided:

// Assume following CSV source
// ----------------
// name,born,died
// Nicolaus Copernicus,19.02.1473,24.05.1543
// Johannes Hevelius,28.01.1611,
// ----------------
// and a Record created based on it
val record: Record = ???
case class Person(name: String, born: LocalDate, died: Option[LocalDate])
given ldsp: StringParser[LocalDate] with
 def apply(str: String) = LocalDate.parse(str.strip, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy"))
val person: Decoded[Person] =[Person]

Type parameters


the scala.Product type to converter this record to, with given type class providing support for conversion (arranged internally by spata, assuming StringParser is available for all product field types)



either converted product or an error

def to[T <: Tuple : ToTuple]: Decoded[T]

Converts this record to scala.Tuple. Althogh the product conversion to method works for tuples too, this tuple-optimized version is more efficient.

Converts this record to scala.Tuple. Althogh the product conversion to method works for tuples too, this tuple-optimized version is more efficient.

For example:

// Assume following CSV source
// ----------------
// name,born,died
// Nicolaus Copernicus,1473-02-19,1543-05-24
// Johannes Hevelius,1611-01-28,
// ----------------
// and a Record created based on it
val record: Record = ???
tyoe T3 = (String, LocalDate, Option[LocalDate])
val person: Decoded[T3] =[T3]

Please note, that the conversion to tuples is index-based and header names are not taken into account. Tuple may be narrower and effectively retrieve only an initial subset of record's fields.

Current implementation supports only shallow conversion - each tuple field has to be retrieved from single record field through StringParser.

Because conversion to tuple requires parsing of all fields through StringParser, there is no way to provide custom formatter, like while using get method. If other then the default formatting has to be handled, a custom given instnce of stringParser has to be provided:

// Assume following CSV source
// ----------------
// name,born,died
// Nicolaus Copernicus,19.02.1473,24.05.1543
// Johannes Hevelius,28.01.1611,
// ----------------
// and a Record created based on it
val record: Record = ???
tyoe T3 = (String, LocalDate, Option[LocalDate])
given ldsp: StringParser[LocalDate] with
 def apply(str: String) = LocalDate.parse(str.strip, DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd.MM.yyyy"))
val person: Decoded[T3] =[T3]

Type parameters


the scala.Tuple type to converter this record to, with given type class providing support for conversion (arranged internally by spata, assuming StringParser is available for all tuple field types)



either converted tuple or an error

override def toString: String

Gets text representation of record, with fields separated by comma.

Gets text representation of record, with fields separated by comma.


Definition Classes
def updated(key: String, value: String): Record

Creates new record with value at given key updated with provided one. Original record is returned if the key does not match any header key.

Creates new record with value at given key updated with provided one. Original record is returned if the key does not match any header key.

The new record shares the header with the old one.

Value parameters


the key (name) of field to be updated


the new value



a new record with updated value

def updated(idx: Int, value: String): Record

Creates new record with value at given index updated with provided one. Original record is returned if the index is out of bounds.

Creates new record with value at given index updated with provided one. Original record is returned if the index is out of bounds.

The new record shares the header with the old one.

Value parameters


the index of field to be updated


the new value



a new record with updated value

def updatedWith(key: String)(f: String => String): Record

Creates new record with value at given key updated by provided function. The function receives existing value as an argument. Original record is returned if the key does not match any header key.

Creates new record with value at given key updated by provided function. The function receives existing value as an argument. Original record is returned if the key does not match any header key.

The new record shares the header with the old one.

Value parameters


the function to be applied to existing value


the key (name) of field to be updated



a new record with updated value

val updated = record.updatedWith("name")(s => s.toLowerCase)
def updatedWith(idx: Int)(f: String => String): Record

Creates new record with value at given index updated by provided function. The function receives existing value as an argument. Original record is returned if the index is out of bounds.

Creates new record with value at given index updated by provided function. The function receives existing value as an argument. Original record is returned if the index is out of bounds.

The new record shares the header with the old one.

Value parameters


the function to be applied to existing value


the index of field to be updated



a new record with updated value

Concrete fields

lazy val header: Header

Indexing header - provided explicitly or generated in tuple style: "_1", "_2" etc.

Indexing header - provided explicitly or generated in tuple style: "_1", "_2" etc.


lazy val lineNum: Int

Last line number in source data this record is built from or 0 if this information is not available (i.e. record is not created through CSV parsing).

Last line number in source data this record is built from or 0 if this information is not available (i.e. record is not created through CSV parsing).


See also

Position for line number description.

lazy val rowNum: Int

Row number in source data this record comes from or 0 if this information is not available (i.e. record is not created through CSV parsing).

Row number in source data this record comes from or 0 if this information is not available (i.e. record is not created through CSV parsing).


See also

Position for row number description.