



package framework

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait CheckableApp extends AnyRef

    Represents distage apps that can be checked by izumi.distage.framework.PlanCheck at compile-time.

    Represents distage apps that can be checked by izumi.distage.framework.PlanCheck at compile-time. CheckableApp must be inherited in a top-level object to be usable with PlanCheck

    Role-based applications automatically inherit from RoleCheckableApp and can be checked out of the box.

    Apps assembled directly using distage-core's distage.Injector will need to implement the interface manually, using CoreCheckableApp or CoreCheckableAppSimple

    See also


  2. abstract class CoreCheckableApp[F[_]] extends CheckableApp
  3. abstract class CoreCheckableAppSimple[F[_]] extends CoreCheckableApp[[_]F[_]]
  4. final class PlanCheckConfig[Roles <: String, ExcludeActivations <: String, Config <: String, CheckConfig <: Boolean, PrintBindings <: Boolean, OnlyWarn <: Boolean] extends AnyRef

    Options to alter the behavior of izumi.distage.framework.PlanCheck

    Options to alter the behavior of izumi.distage.framework.PlanCheck

    If on Scala 2.12 you're getting errors such as

    [error]  type mismatch;
    [error]  found   : String("mode:test")
    [error]  required: izumi.fundamentals.platform.language.literals.LiteralString{type T = String("mode:test")} with izumi.fundamentals.platform.language.literals.LiteralString

    Then you'll have to refactor your instance of PlanCheck.Main (or similar) to make sure that PlanCheckConfig is defined in a separate val. You may do this by moving it from constructor parameter to early initializer.


    object WiringTest extends PlanCheck.Main(MyApp, PlanCheckConfig(...))
    // [error]


    object WiringTest extends {
      val config = PlanCheckConfig(
    } with PlanCheck.Main(MyApp, config)

    Note that such an issue does not exist on 2.13+, it is caused by a bug in Scala 2.12's treatment of implicits in class-parameter scope.

  5. final case class PlanCheckMaterializer[AppMain <: CheckableApp, -Cfg <: Any](checkPassed: Boolean, checkedPlugins: Seq[PluginBase], app: AppMain, roles: String, excludeActivations: String, config: String, checkConfig: Option[Boolean], printBindings: Option[Boolean], onlyWarn: Option[Boolean]) extends Product with Serializable

    This implicit performs a compile-time check for a given distage-based App when materialized.

    This implicit performs a compile-time check for a given distage-based App when materialized.

    The reason to use an implicit macro for this, instead of a direct def-macro is because implicit macros are more compositional – you may write new functions using the implicit without writing new macros, by contrast macros can only be composed inside new macros – and this in turn requires separating them into different sbt modules.


    The application to check, this should be a static object, most often a main object inherited from izumi.distage.roles.RoleAppMain


    Additional configuration options for compile-time checker

    See also

    User API

    Configuration Options

  6. abstract class RoleCheckableApp[F[_]] extends CheckableApp

Value Members

  1. object CheckableApp
  2. object DebugProperties extends
  3. object PlanCheck

    API for performing compile-time and runtime checks of correctness for distage applications.

    API for performing compile-time and runtime checks of correctness for distage applications.

    The easiest way to add compile-time safety to your application is to add an object inheriting PlanCheck.Main in test scope of the same module where you define your Role Launcher

    1. import izumi.distage.framework.PlanCheck
      import com.example.myapp.MainLauncher
      object WiringCheck extends PlanCheck.Main(MainLauncher)

      This object will emit compile-time errors for any issues or omissions in your ModuleDefs

    See also

    Configuration Options

    Support for checking not role-based applications

    Implicit-based API

    Configuration options in system properties

  4. object PlanCheckConfig
  5. object PlanCheckMaterializer extends Serializable
