Interface SupportsCommandTimeoutsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default java.util.Optional<org.openqa.selenium.internal.Either<CommandTimeouts,​java.time.Duration>> getCommandTimeouts()
      Get custom timeout(s) in milliseconds for WDA backend commands execution.
      default T setCommandTimeouts​(CommandTimeouts timeouts)
      Custom timeout(s) in milliseconds for WDA backend commands execution.
      default T setCommandTimeouts​(java.time.Duration timeout)
      Custom timeout for all WDA backend commands execution.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities

        asMap, getBrowserName, getBrowserVersion, getCapability, getCapabilityNames, getPlatform, getPlatformName, getVersion, is, merge
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String COMMAND_TIMEOUTS_OPTION
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • setCommandTimeouts

        default T setCommandTimeouts​(CommandTimeouts timeouts)
        Custom timeout(s) in milliseconds for WDA backend commands execution. This might be useful if WDA backend freezes unexpectedly or requires too much time to fail and blocks automated test execution.
        timeouts - Command timeouts.
        self instance for chaining.
      • setCommandTimeouts

        default T setCommandTimeouts​(java.time.Duration timeout)
        Custom timeout for all WDA backend commands execution. This might be useful if WDA backend freezes unexpectedly or requires too much time to fail and blocks automated test execution.
        timeout - The timeout value for all commands.
        self instance for chaining.
      • getCommandTimeouts

        default java.util.Optional<org.openqa.selenium.internal.Either<CommandTimeouts,​java.time.Duration>> getCommandTimeouts()
        Get custom timeout(s) in milliseconds for WDA backend commands execution.
        Either a global timeout duration or detailed command timeouts.