Interface SupportsUseXctestrunFileOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>>

    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Default Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      default java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> doesUseXctestrunFile()
      Get whether to use of .xctestrun file to launch WDA
      default T setUseXctestrunFile​(boolean value)
      Use Xctestrun file to launch WDA.
      default T useXctestrunFile()
      Enforce usage of .xctestrun file to launch WDA.
      • Methods inherited from interface org.openqa.selenium.Capabilities

        asMap, getBrowserName, getBrowserVersion, getCapability, getCapabilityNames, getPlatform, getPlatformName, getVersion, is, merge
    • Field Detail


        static final java.lang.String USE_XCTESTRUN_FILE_OPTION
        See Also:
        Constant Field Values
    • Method Detail

      • useXctestrunFile

        default T useXctestrunFile()
        Enforce usage of .xctestrun file to launch WDA.
        self instance for chaining.
      • setUseXctestrunFile

        default T setUseXctestrunFile​(boolean value)
        Use Xctestrun file to launch WDA. It will search for such file in bootstrapPath. Expected name of file is WebDriverAgentRunner_iphoneos<sdkVersion>-arm64.xctestrun for real device and WebDriverAgentRunner_iphonesimulator<sdkVersion>-x86_64.xctestrun for simulator. One can do build-for-testing for WebDriverAgent project for simulator and real device and then you will see Product Folder like this and you need to copy content of this folder at bootstrapPath location. Since this capability expects that you have already built WDA project, it neither checks whether you have necessary dependencies to build WDA nor will it try to build project. Defaults to false. Tips: Xcodebuild builds for the target platform version. We'd recommend you to build with minimal OS version which you'd like to run as the original WDA module. e.g. If you build WDA for 12.2, the module cannot run on iOS 11.4 because of loading some module error on simulator. A module built with 11.4 can work on iOS 12.2. (This is xcodebuild's expected behaviour.)
        value - Whether to use .xctestrun file to launch WDA.
        self instance for chaining.
      • doesUseXctestrunFile

        default java.util.Optional<java.lang.Boolean> doesUseXctestrunFile()
        Get whether to use of .xctestrun file to launch WDA
        True or false.