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ABSOLUTE_WEB_LOCATIONS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsAbsoluteWebLocationsOption
absoluteWebLocations() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsAbsoluteWebLocationsOption
Enforces Get Element Location to return coordinates relative to the page origin for web view elements.
AbstractOptionCombinedWithPosition<T extends AbstractOptionCombinedWithPosition<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.touch.offset
AbstractOptionCombinedWithPosition() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.AbstractOptionCombinedWithPosition
ACCEPT_INSECURE_CERTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAcceptInsecureCertsOption
acceptInsecureCerts() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAcceptInsecureCertsOption
Enforces untrusted and self-signed TLS certificates are implicitly trusted on navigation for the duration of the session.
accessibilityId(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
About Android accessibility About iOS accessibility UIAccessibilityIdentification_Protocol/index.html
AccessibilityId(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
ActionOptions<T extends ActionOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.touch
ActionOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.touch.ActionOptions
ActionParameter(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction.ActionParameter
ActionParameter(String, ActionOptions) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction.ActionParameter
ActionSupplier<T extends PerformsActions<?>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.functions
ACTIVATE_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
activateApp(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Activates the given app if it installed, but not running or if it is running in the background.
activateApp(String, BaseActivateApplicationOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Activates the given app if it installed, but not running or if it is running in the background.
Activity - Class in
This is a simple POJO class to support the StartsActivity.
Activity(String, String) - Constructor for class
A constructor with two mandatory parameters.
ACTIVITY_OPTIONS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
ActivityOptions - Class in
ActivityOptions() - Constructor for class
ActivityOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
ADB_EXEC_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Timeout in milliseconds used to wait for adb command execution.
ADB_EXEC_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
ADB_PORT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Port used to connect to the ADB server (default 5037).
ADB_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
add(TouchAction) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction
Add a TouchAction to this multi-touch gesture.
addCommand(HttpMethod, String, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
This method is used to add custom appium commands in Appium 2.0.
addConnectionHandler(Runnable) - Method in interface
Register a new message handler.
addDisconnectionHandler(Runnable) - Method in interface
Register a new web socket disconnect handler.
addErrorHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface
Register a new error handler.
ADDITIONAL_APP_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in class
ADDITIONAL_WEBVIEW_BUNDLE_IDS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsAdditionalWebviewBundleIdsOption
addLogcatConnectionListener(Runnable) - Method in interface
Adds a new log broadcasting connection handler.
addLogcatDisconnectionListener(Runnable) - Method in interface
Adds a new log broadcasting disconnection handler.
addLogcatErrorsListener(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface
Adds a new log broadcasting errors handler.
addLogcatMessagesListener(Consumer<String>) - Method in interface
Adds a new log messages broadcasting handler.
addLogMessageConsumer(Consumer<String>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
When a complete log message is available (from server output data), the specified Consumer is invoked with that log message.
addMessageHandler(Consumer<T>) - Method in interface
Register a new message handler.
addOutPutStream(OutputStream) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Adds other output stream which should accept server output data.
addOutPutStreams(List<OutputStream>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Adds other output streams which should accept server output data.
addSlf4jLogMessageConsumer(BiConsumer<String, Slf4jLogMessageContext>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
When a complete log message is available (from server output data) that message is parsed for its slf4j context (logger name, logger level etc.) and the specified BiConsumer is invoked with the log message and slf4j context.
addSyslogConnectionListener(Runnable) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Adds a new log broadcasting connection handler.
addSyslogDisconnectionListener(Runnable) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Adds a new log broadcasting disconnection handler.
addSyslogErrorsListener(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Adds a new log broadcasting errors handler.
addSyslogMessagesListener(Consumer<String>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Adds a new log messages broadcasting handler.
afterCall(Object, Method, Object[], Object) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.proxy.MethodCallListener
The callback to be invoked after any public method of the proxy is called.
AIRPLANE_MODE_MASK - Static variable in class
alias(String, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumW3CHttpCommandCodec
ALLOW_DELAY_ADB_OPTION - Static variable in interface
ALLOW_PROVISIONING_DEVICE_REGISTRATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAllowProvisioningDeviceRegistrationOption
ALLOW_TEST_PACKAGES - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Allow to install a test package which has android:testOnly="true" in the manifest.
ALLOW_TEST_PACKAGES_OPTION - Static variable in interface
ALLOW_TOUCHID_ENROLL - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Enrolls simulator for touch id.
allowInvisibleElements(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether the source output/xpath search should consider all elements, visible and invisible.
allowProvisioningDeviceRegistration() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAllowProvisioningDeviceRegistrationOption
Allows xcodebuild to register your destination device on the developer portal.
allowTestPackages() - Method in interface
Enables usage of packages built with the test flag for the automated testing (literally adds -t flag to the adb install command).
amend(String, Object) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
amend(String, Object) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.CanSetCapability
Set a custom option.
amendParameters(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumW3CHttpCommandCodec
ANDROID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
ANDROID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform
ANDROID_COVERAGE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Fully qualified instrumentation class.
ANDROID_COVERAGE_END_INTENT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
A broadcast action implemented by yourself which is used to dump coverage into file system.
ANDROID_DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Timeout in seconds used to wait for a device to become ready after booting.
ANDROID_DEVICE_SOCKET - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Devtools socket name.
ANDROID_INSTALL_PATH - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
The name of the directory on the device in which the apk will be push before install.
ANDROID_INSTALL_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Timeout in milliseconds used to wait for an apk to install to the device.
ANDROID_INSTALL_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
ANDROID_NATURAL_ORIENTATION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Allow for correct handling of orientation on landscape-oriented devices.
ANDROID_SCREENSHOT_PATH - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
The name of the directory on the device in which the screenshot will be put.
ANDROID_STORAGE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsAndroidStorageOption
ANDROID_UIAUTOMATOR2 - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
AndroidBatteryInfo - Class in
AndroidBatteryInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
AndroidBatteryInfo.BatteryState - Enum in
AndroidBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to build a complex android automator locator.
androidDataMatcher(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
This locator strategy is only available in Espresso Driver mode.
androidDataMatcher(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
AndroidDriver - Class in
Android driver implementation.
AndroidDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on command executor and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on Appium server URL and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on Appium server URL, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on Appium driver local service and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on Appium driver local service, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on Appium service builder and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on Appium service builder, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on HTTP client factory and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(ClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(AppiumClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
AndroidDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on capabilities.
AndroidDriver(URL, String) - Constructor for class
This is a special constructor used to connect to a running driver instance.
AndroidFindAll - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page/Screen Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of AndroidBy tags It will then search for all elements that match any criteria.
AndroidFindBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate an alternative mechanism for locating the element or a list of elements.
AndroidFindByAllSet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Defines set of chained/possible locators.
AndroidFindByChainSet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Defines set of chained/possible locators.
AndroidFindBys - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of AndroidBy tags.
AndroidFindBySet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Defines set of chained/possible locators.
AndroidGeoLocation - Class in
AndroidGeoLocation() - Constructor for class
Initializes AndroidLocation instance.
AndroidGeoLocation(double, double) - Constructor for class
Initializes AndroidLocation instance with longitude and latitude values.
AndroidInstallApplicationOptions - Class in
AndroidInstallApplicationOptions() - Constructor for class
AndroidKey - Enum in
AndroidMobileCapabilityType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
The list of Android-specific capabilities.
AndroidMobileCommandHelper - Class in
This util class helps to prepare parameters of Android-specific JSONWP commands.
AndroidMobileCommandHelper() - Constructor for class
AndroidRemoveApplicationOptions - Class in
AndroidRemoveApplicationOptions() - Constructor for class
AndroidServerFlag - Enum in io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
Here is the list of Android specific server arguments.
AndroidStartScreenRecordingOptions - Class in
AndroidStartScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class
AndroidStopScreenRecordingOptions - Class in
AndroidStopScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class
AndroidTerminateApplicationOptions - Class in
AndroidTerminateApplicationOptions() - Constructor for class
AndroidTouchAction - Class in
Touch actions are deprecated. Please use W3C Actions instead or the corresponding extension methods for the driver (if available). Check - - - for more details.
AndroidTouchAction(PerformsTouchActions) - Constructor for class
androidUIAutomator(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
Refer to
AndroidUIAutomator(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
androidViewMatcher(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
This locator strategy is only available in Espresso Driver mode.
androidViewMatcher(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
androidViewTag(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
This locator strategy is available in Espresso Driver mode.
AndroidViewTag(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
andThen(Function<? super T, ? extends V>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.functions.AppiumFunction
AnnotatedElementContainer - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder
This is the POJO for the setting/getting of an AnnotatedElement instances.
AnnotatedElementContainer() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AnnotatedElementContainer
annotatedElementContainer - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
APP - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
The absolute local path or remote http URL to a .ipa file (IOS), .app folder (IOS Simulator), .apk file (Android) or .apks file (Android App Bundle), or a .zip file containing one of these (for .app, the .app folder must be the root of the zip file).
APP_ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Activity name for the Android activity you want to launch from your package.
APP_ACTIVITY_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_ADDRESS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.YouiEngineCapabilityType
IP address of the app to execute commands against.
APP_ARGUMENTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_INSTALL_STRATEGY_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_LOCALE_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_NAME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
The display name of the application under test.
APP_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAppOption
APP_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Java package of the Android app you want to run.
APP_PACKAGE_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_PUSH_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_TOP_LEVEL_WINDOW_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_WAIT_ACTIVITY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Activity name/names, comma separated, for the Android activity you want to wait for.
APP_WAIT_ACTIVITY_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_WAIT_DURATION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Timeout in milliseconds used to wait for the appWaitActivity to launch (default 20000).
APP_WAIT_DURATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_WAIT_FOR_LAUNCH_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_WAIT_PACKAGE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Java package of the Android app you want to wait for.
APP_WAIT_PACKAGE_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APP_WORKING_DIR_OPTION - Static variable in interface
APPIUM - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
APPIUM_PATH - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
The environmental variable used to define the path to executable appium.js (1.4.x and lower) or main.js (1.5.x and higher).
APPIUM_PREFIX - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
AppiumBy - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy(String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
AppiumBy.ByAccessibilityId - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByAndroidDataMatcher - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByAndroidViewMatcher - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByAndroidViewTag - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByClassName - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByCustom - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ById - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByImage - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByIosClassChain - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByIosNsPredicate - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumBy.ByName - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumByBuilder - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder
It is the basic handler of Appium-specific page object annotations About the Page Object design pattern please read these documents: - -
AppiumByBuilder(String, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
AppiumClientConfig - Class in io.appium.java_client
A class to store the appium http client configuration.
AppiumClientConfig(URI, Duration, Duration, Filter, Proxy, Credentials, Boolean) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
Client side configuration.
AppiumCommandExecutor - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, DriverService, HttpClient.Factory, AppiumClientConfig) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
Create an AppiumCommandExecutor instance.
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, DriverService, HttpClient.Factory) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, URL, HttpClient.Factory) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, AppiumClientConfig) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, URL) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, URL, AppiumClientConfig) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, DriverService) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandExecutor(Map<String, CommandInfo>, DriverService, AppiumClientConfig) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
AppiumCommandInfo - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumCommandInfo(String, HttpMethod) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumCommandInfo
It conntains method and URL of the command.
AppiumDriver - Class in io.appium.java_client
Default Appium driver implementation.
AppiumDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Creates a new instance based on command executor and capabilities.
AppiumDriver(AppiumClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
AppiumDriver(URL, String, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
This is a special constructor used to connect to a running driver instance.
AppiumDriverLocalService - Class in io.appium.java_client.service.local
AppiumElementLocatorFactory - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
AppiumElementLocatorFactory(SearchContext, Duration, AppiumByBuilder) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumElementLocatorFactory
Creates a new mobile element locator factory.
AppiumExecutionMethod - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumExecutionMethod(AppiumDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumExecutionMethod
AppiumFieldDecorator - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Default decorator for use with PageFactory.
AppiumFieldDecorator(SearchContext, Duration) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
Creates field decorator based on SearchContext and timeout duration.
AppiumFieldDecorator(SearchContext) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
AppiumFluentWait<T> - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumFluentWait(T) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
The input value to pass to the evaluated conditions.
AppiumFluentWait(T, Clock, Sleeper) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
Creates wait object based on input value, clock and sleeper.
AppiumFluentWait.IterationInfo - Class in io.appium.java_client
AppiumFunction<F,T> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.functions
This is extended version of Function.
AppiumNewSessionCommandPayload - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote
AppiumNewSessionCommandPayload(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumNewSessionCommandPayload
Overrides the default new session behavior to only handle W3C capabilities.
AppiumProtocolHandshake - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote
AppiumProtocolHandshake() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumProtocolHandshake
AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException - Exception in io.appium.java_client.service.local
AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException
AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException(String) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServerHasNotBeenStartedLocallyException
AppiumServiceBuilder - Class in io.appium.java_client.service.local
AppiumServiceBuilder() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
AppiumUserAgentFilter - Class in io.appium.java_client
Manage Appium Client configurations.
AppiumUserAgentFilter() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumUserAgentFilter
AppiumW3CHttpCommandCodec - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote
AppiumW3CHttpCommandCodec() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumW3CHttpCommandCodec
This class overrides the built-in Selenium W3C commands codec, since the latter hardcodes many commands in Javascript, which does not work with Appium.
AppleScriptData - Class in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
AppleScriptData() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.AppleScriptData
AppleScriptData(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.AppleScriptData
ApplicationState - Enum in io.appium.java_client.appmanagement
AppLocale - Class in
AppLocale() - Constructor for class
AppLocale(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
apply(HttpHandler) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumUserAgentFilter
ARGUMENTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsArgumentsOption
asMap() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
assertExtensionExists(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
assertExtensionExists(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.CanRememberExtensionPresence
Verifies if the given extension is not present in the list of absent extensions for the given driver instance.
assertValidAnnotations() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
assertValidAnnotations() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.DefaultElementByBuilder
assignOptionValue(String, Object) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseMapOptionData
Sets the given value on the data object.
authenticateAs(Credentials) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
AuthenticatesByFinger - Interface in
AUTO_ACCEPT_ALERTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Accept all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up.
AUTO_ACCEPT_ALERTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAutoAcceptAlertsOption
AUTO_DISMISS_ALERTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Dismiss all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up.
AUTO_DISMISS_ALERTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAutoDismissAlertsOption
AUTO_GRANT_PERMISSIONS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Have Appium automatically determine which permissions your app requires and grant them to the app on install.
AUTO_GRANT_PERMISSIONS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
AUTO_LAUNCH - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Initializing the app under test automatically.
AUTO_WEB_VIEW_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAutoWebViewOption
AUTO_WEBVIEW - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Move directly into Webview context.
AUTO_WEBVIEW_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Amount of time to wait for Webview context to become active, in ms.
AUTO_WEBVIEW_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
autoAcceptAlerts() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAutoAcceptAlertsOption
Enforce to accept all alerts automatically.
autoDismissAlerts() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAutoDismissAlertsOption
Enforce to dismiss all alerts automatically.
autoGrantPermissions() - Method in interface
Enables granting of all the requested application permissions automatically when a test starts.
automation - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
AUTOMATION_NAME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Which automation engine to use.
AUTOMATION_NAME_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAutomationNameOption
AutomationName - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
autoWebview() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAutoWebViewOption
Set the app to move directly into Webview context.
AVD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Name of avd to launch.
AVD_ARGS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Additional emulator arguments used when launching an avd.
AVD_ARGS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
AVD_ENV_OPTION - Static variable in interface
AVD_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to launch and connect to ADB (default 120000).
AVD_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
AVD_OPTION - Static variable in interface
AVD_READY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
How long to wait in milliseconds for an avd to finish its boot animations (default 120000).
AVD_READY_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface


BaseActivateApplicationOptions<T extends BaseActivateApplicationOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.appmanagement
BaseActivateApplicationOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.BaseActivateApplicationOptions
BaseComparisonOptions<T extends BaseComparisonOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
BaseComparisonOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.BaseComparisonOptions
BaseInstallApplicationOptions<T extends BaseInstallApplicationOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.appmanagement
BaseInstallApplicationOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.BaseInstallApplicationOptions
BaseMapOptionData<T extends BaseMapOptionData<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
BaseMapOptionData() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseMapOptionData
BaseMapOptionData(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseMapOptionData
BaseMapOptionData(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseMapOptionData
BaseOptions<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.appmanagement
BaseOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.BaseOptions
BaseOptions<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
This class represents capabilities that are available in the base driver, e.g.
BaseOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
Creates new instance with no preset capabilities.
BaseOptions(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
Creates new instance with provided capabilities.
BaseOptions(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
Creates new instance with provided capabilities.
BaseRemoveApplicationOptions<T extends BaseRemoveApplicationOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.appmanagement
BaseRemoveApplicationOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.BaseRemoveApplicationOptions
BaseScreenRecordingOptions<T extends BaseScreenRecordingOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.screenrecording
BaseScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseScreenRecordingOptions
BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions<T extends BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.screenrecording
BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions
BaseStopScreenRecordingOptions<T extends BaseStopScreenRecordingOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.screenrecording
BaseStopScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseStopScreenRecordingOptions
BaseTerminateApplicationOptions<T extends BaseTerminateApplicationOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.appmanagement
BaseTerminateApplicationOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.BaseTerminateApplicationOptions
baseUri(URI) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
baseUrl(URL) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
BatteryInfo - Class in io.appium.java_client.battery
BatteryInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.battery.BatteryInfo
beforeCall(Object, Method, Object[]) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.proxy.MethodCallListener
The callback to be invoked before any public method of the proxy is called.
BOOTSTRAP_ROOT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsBootstrapRootOption
BROADCAST_IP4_ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
BROADCAST_IP6_ADDRESS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
BROWSER - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
BROWSER_NAME_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsBrowserNameOption
BROWSER_VERSION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsBrowserVersionOption
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
build() - Method in class
Builds connection state instance, which is ready to be passed as Appium server parameter.
build() - Method in class
Builds parameters map suitable for passing to the downstream API.
build() - Method in class
Builds a map, which is ready to be used by the downstream API.
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.BaseOptions
Creates a map based on the provided options.
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.driverscripts.ScriptOptions
Builds a values map for further usage in HTTP requests to Appium.
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.BaseComparisonOptions
Builds a map, which is ready to be passed to the subordinated Appium API.
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingOptions
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.OccurrenceMatchingOptions
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.touch.IOSPressOptions
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseScreenRecordingOptions
Builds a map, which is ready to be passed to the subordinated Appium API.
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
Builds a map, which is ready to be passed to the subordinated Appium API.
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.ActionOptions
Creates a map based on the provided options.
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.LongPressOptions
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.AbstractOptionCombinedWithPosition
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.TapOptions
build() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.WaitOptions
build() - Method in class
BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Specify the Android build-tools version to be something different than the default, which is to use the most recent version.
BUILD_TOOLS_VERSION_OPTION - Static variable in interface
buildBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
Defines how to transform given object (field, class, etc) into By class used by webdriver to locate elements.
buildBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.DefaultElementByBuilder
buildDefaultBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
buildDefaultBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.DefaultElementByBuilder
buildDefaultBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WidgetByBuilder
buildDefaultService() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
buildMobileNativeBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
buildMobileNativeBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.DefaultElementByBuilder
buildMobileNativeBy() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WidgetByBuilder
buildService(AppiumServiceBuilder) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
buildUserAgent(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumUserAgentFilter
Returns the User Agent.
BUNDLE_ID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Bundle ID of the app under test.
BUNDLE_ID_OPTION - Static variable in interface
BUNDLE_ID_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsBundleIdOption
ByAccessibilityId(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByAccessibilityId
ByAccessibilityId(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId
ByAll - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder
Use ByAll
ByAll(By[]) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.ByAll
Finds all elements that matches any of the locators in sequence.
ByAndroidDataMatcher(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByAndroidDataMatcher
ByAndroidDataMatcher(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidDataMatcher
ByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator
ByAndroidUIAutomator(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator
ByAndroidViewMatcher(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByAndroidViewMatcher
ByAndroidViewMatcher(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidViewMatcher
ByAndroidViewTag(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByAndroidViewTag
ByAndroidViewTag(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidViewTag
ByChained - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder
ByChained(By[]) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.ByChained
Finds elements that matches each of the locators in sequence.
ByClassName(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByClassName
ByCustom(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByCustom
ByCustom(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByCustom
ById(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ById
ByImage(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByImage
ByImage(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByImage
ByIosClassChain(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByIosClassChain
ByIosClassChain(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByIosClassChain
ByIosNsPredicate(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByIosNsPredicate
ByIosNsPredicate(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByIosNsPredicate
ByName(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy.ByName
ByWindowsAutomation(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByWindowsAutomation


CacheableElementLocatorFactory - Interface in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator
CacheableLocator - Interface in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator
CALENDAR_ACCESS_AUTHORIZED_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCalendarAccessAuthorizedOption
CALENDAR_FORMAT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Calendar format to set for the iOS Simulator.
CALENDAR_FORMAT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCalendarFormatOption
calendarAccessAuthorized() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCalendarAccessAuthorizedOption
Enable calendar access on IOS Simulator.
call(Object, Method, Object[], Callable<?>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfAListOfElements
call(Object, Method, Object[], Callable<?>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
call(Object, Method, Object[], Callable<?>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WidgetInterceptor
call(Object, Method, Object[], Callable<?>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.proxy.MethodCallListener
Override this callback in order to change/customize the behavior of a single or multiple methods.
cancel() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Cancel this action, if it was partially completed by the performsTouchActions.
CanHandleConnects - Interface in
CanHandleDisconnects - Interface in
CanHandleErrors - Interface in
CanHandleMessages<T> - Interface in
CanRecordScreen - Interface in io.appium.java_client.screenrecording
CanRememberExtensionPresence - Interface in io.appium.java_client
CanReplaceElementValue - Interface in
CanSetCapability<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
CapabilityHelpers - Class in io.appium.java_client.internal
CapabilityHelpers() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
CHROME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
CHROME_LOGGING_PREFS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
CHROME_OPTIONS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Allows passing chromeOptions capability for ChromeDriver.
CHROME_OPTIONS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
CHROMEDRIVER_ARGS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
An array of arguments to be passed to the chromedriver binary when it's run by Appium.
CHROMEDRIVER_ARGS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
CHROMEDRIVER_CHROME_MAPPING_FILE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
The absolute path to a file which maps Chromedriver versions to the minimum Chrome that it supports.
CHROMEDRIVER_DISABLE_BUILD_CHECK - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Sets the chromedriver flag --disable-build-check for Chrome webview tests.
CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
The absolute local path to webdriver executable (if Chromium embedder provides its own webdriver, it should be used instead of original chromedriver bundled with Appium).
CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE_DIR - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
The absolute path to a directory to look for Chromedriver executables in, for automatic discovery of compatible Chromedrivers.
CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE_DIR_OPTION - Static variable in interface
CHROMEDRIVER_EXECUTABLE_OPTION - Static variable in interface
CHROMEDRIVER_PORT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Numeric port to start Chromedriver on.
CHROMEDRIVER_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
CHROMEDRIVER_PORTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
A list of valid ports for Appium to use for communication with Chromedrivers.
CHROMEDRIVER_PORTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
CHROMEDRIVER_USE_SYSTEM_EXECUTABLE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
If true, bypasses automatic Chromedriver configuration and uses the version that comes downloaded with Appium.
chromedriverDisableBuildCheck() - Method in interface
Disables the compatibility validation between the current chromedriver and the destination browser/web view.
chromedriverUseSystemExecutable() - Method in interface
Enforce the usage of chromedriver, which gets downloaded by Appium automatically upon installation.
CHROMIUM - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
className(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
For IOS it is the full name of the XCUI element and begins with XCUIElementType.
CLEAR_DEVICE_LOGS_ON_START_OPTION - Static variable in interface
CLEAR_SYSTEM_FILES - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
The desired capability which specifies whether to delete any generated files at the end of a session (see iOS and Android entries for particulars).
CLEAR_SYSTEM_FILES_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsClearSystemFilesOption
clearActions() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction
Clears all the existing touch actions and resets the instance to the initial state.
clearDeviceLogsOnStart() - Method in interface
Makes UiAutomator2 to delete all the existing logs in the device buffer before starting a new test.
clearOutPutStreams() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Remove all existing server output streams.
clearParameters() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Clears all the existing action parameters and resets the instance to the initial state.
clearSystemFiles() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsClearSystemFilesOption
Set the app to delete any generated files at the end of a session.
ClipboardContentType - Enum in io.appium.java_client.clipboard
clone() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
Makes a deep clone of the current Options instance.
CLOSE_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
closeApp() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.SupportsLegacyAppManagement
This method is deprecated and will be removed. See
closeApp() - Method in class
Close the app under test.
COMMAND_TIMEOUTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Custom timeout(s) in milliseconds for WDA backend commands execution.
COMMAND_TIMEOUTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsCommandTimeoutsOption
CommandEvent - Class in io.appium.java_client.serverevents
CommandEvent() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.CommandEvent
CommandExecutionHelper - Class in io.appium.java_client
CommandExecutionHelper() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.CommandExecutionHelper
commandRepository - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
commands - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.ServerEvents
CommandTimeouts - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other
CommandTimeouts() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.CommandTimeouts
CommandTimeouts(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.CommandTimeouts
CommandTimeouts(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.CommandTimeouts
COMPARE_IMAGES - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
compareImagesCommand(ComparisonMode, byte[], byte[], BaseComparisonOptions) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
Forms a Map of parameters for images comparison.
ComparesImages - Interface in io.appium.java_client
ComparisonMode - Enum in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
ComparisonResult - Class in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
ComparisonResult(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonResult
compose(Function<? super V, ? extends F>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.functions.AppiumFunction
Config - Class in io.appium.java_client.internal
configuratorSetActionAcknowledgmentTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
invoke setActionAcknowledgmentTimeout in
configuratorSetKeyInjectionDelay(Duration) - Method in interface
invoke configuratorSetKeyInjectionDelay in
configuratorSetScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
invoke setScrollAcknowledgmentTimeout in
configuratorSetWaitForIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
invoke setWaitForIdleTimeout in
configuratorSetWaitForSelectorTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
invoke setWaitForSelectorTimeout in
connect(URI) - Method in class
Connects web socket client.
CONNECT_HARDWARE_KEYBOARD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Set this option to true in order to enable hardware keyboard in Simulator.
CONNECT_HARDWARE_KEYBOARD_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsConnectHardwareKeyboardOption
connectHardwareKeyboard() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsConnectHardwareKeyboardOption
Enforce connecting of hardware keyboard to Simulator.
ConnectionState - Class in
ConnectionState(long) - Constructor for class
ConnectionStateBuilder - Class in
ConnectionStateBuilder() - Constructor for class
Initializes connection state builder with the default value (all off).
ConnectionStateBuilder(long) - Constructor for class
Initializes connection state builder with the the predefined bit mask.
ConnectionStateBuilder(ConnectionState) - Constructor for class
Initializes connection state builder with the the predefined bit mask.
connectionTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
containsAppiumName(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumUserAgentFilter
Returns true if the given User Agent includes "appium/", which implies the User Agent already has the Appium UA by this method.
ContentMappedBy - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys
ContentMappedBy(Map<ContentType, By>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentMappedBy
ContentType - Enum in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys
context(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsContextSwitching
Switches to the given context.
coordinates - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption
CREATE_SESSION_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
createArgs() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
createBy(Annotation[], HowToUseSelectors) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
createDriverService(File, int, Duration, List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
createLocator(Field) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumElementLocatorFactory
createLocator(AnnotatedElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumElementLocatorFactory
createLocator(Field) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator.CacheableElementLocatorFactory
createLocator(AnnotatedElement) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator.CacheableElementLocatorFactory
createProxy(Class<T>, Object[], Class<?>[], Collection<MethodCallListener>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.proxy.Helpers
Creates a transparent proxy instance for the given class.
createProxy(Class<T>, Object[], Class<?>[], Collection<MethodCallListener>, ElementMatcher<MethodDescription>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.proxy.Helpers
Creates a transparent proxy instance for the given class.
createProxy(Class<T>, Collection<MethodCallListener>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.proxy.Helpers
Creates a transparent proxy instance for the given class.
createProxy(Class<T>, MethodCallListener) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.proxy.Helpers
Creates a transparent proxy instance for the given class.
createProxy(Class<T>, Object[], Class<?>[], MethodCallListener) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.proxy.Helpers
Creates a transparent proxy instance for the given class.
createSession(HttpHandler, Command) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumProtocolHandshake
createSession(HttpHandler, NewSessionPayload) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumProtocolHandshake
CURRENT_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
currentActivity() - Method in interface
Get the current activity being run on the mobile device.
currentActivityCommand() - Static method in class
currentPackageCommand() - Static method in class
custom(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
This type of locator requires the use of the 'customFindModules' capability and a separately-installed element finding plugin.
custom(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
CUSTOM_SSL_CERT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim only) Add an SSL certificate to IOS Simulator.
CUSTOM_SSLCERT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCustomSslCertOption
CustomEvent - Class in io.appium.java_client.serverevents
CustomEvent() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.CustomEvent


DATA_MASK - Static variable in class
decorate(ClassLoader, Field) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
Decorated page object field.
DEFAULT_ANNOTATION_METHOD_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
DEFAULT_APPIUM_PORT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
DEFAULT_COMMAND - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.CommandTimeouts
DEFAULT_WAITING_TIMEOUT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.AppiumFieldDecorator
DEFAULT_XCODE_SIGNING_ID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsXcodeCertificateOptions
defaultConfig() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
Return the instance of AppiumClientConfig with a default config.
DefaultElementByBuilder - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
DefaultElementByBuilder(String, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.DefaultElementByBuilder
deleteC(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This methods forms DELETE commands.
DERIVED_DATA_PATH_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsDerivedDataPathOption
DEVICE_NAME - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
The kind of mobile device or emulator to use.
DEVICE_NAME_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsDeviceNameOption
DEVICE_READY_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Timeout in seconds while waiting for device to become ready.
directConnect(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
Whether enable directConnect feature described in Connecting Directly to Appium Hosts in Distributed Environments.
DirectConnect - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote
DirectConnect(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.DirectConnect
Create a DirectConnect instance.
DISABLE_ANDROID_WATCHERS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Disables android watchers that watch for application not responding and application crash, this will reduce cpu usage on android device/emulator.
DISABLE_AUTOMATIC_SCREENSHOTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsDisableAutomaticScreenshotsOption
DISABLE_WINDOW_ANIMATION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Set device animation scale zero if the value is true.
DISABLE_WINDOWS_ANIMATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface
disableForcedRestart() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions
Whether to return silently if there is an active video recording.
disableSuppressAccessibilityService() - Method in interface
Tells the instrumentation process to not suppress accessibility services during the automated test.
disableWindowAnimation() - Method in interface
Disables window animations when starting the instrumentation process.
doesAbsoluteWebLocations() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsAbsoluteWebLocationsOption
Get whether Get Element Location returns coordinates relative to the page origin for web view elements.
doesAcceptInsecureCerts() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAcceptInsecureCertsOption
Get whether untrusted and self-signed TLS certificates are implicitly trusted on navigation for the duration of the session.
doesAllowDelayAdb() - Method in interface
Get whether to prevent the emulator to use -delay-adb feature.
doesAllowProvisioningDeviceRegistration() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAllowProvisioningDeviceRegistrationOption
Get whether to allow xcodebuild to register your destination device on the developer portal.
doesAllowTestPackages() - Method in interface
Get whether it is possible to use packages built with the test flag for the automated testing (literally adds -t flag to the adb install command).
doesAppWaitForLaunch() - Method in interface
Get whether to block until the app under test returns the control to the caller after its activity has been started by Activity Manager.
doesAutoAcceptAlerts() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAutoAcceptAlertsOption
Get whether to accept all alerts automatically.
doesAutoDismissAlerts() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAutoDismissAlertsOption
Get whether to dismiss all alerts automatically.
doesAutoGrantPermissions() - Method in interface
Get whether to grant all the requested application permissions automatically when a test starts.
doesAutoWebview() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get whether the app moves directly into Webview context.
doesAutoWebview() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAutoWebViewOption
Get whether the app moves directly into Webview context.
doesCalendarAccessAuthorized() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCalendarAccessAuthorizedOption
Get whether to enable calendar access on IOS Simulator.
doesChromedriverDisableBuildCheck() - Method in interface
Get whether to disable the compatibility validation between the current chromedriver and the destination browser/web view.
doesChromedriverUseSystemExecutable() - Method in interface
Get whether to use the system chromedriver.
doesClearDeviceLogsOnStart() - Method in interface
Get whether to delete all the existing logs in the device buffer before starting a new test.
doesClearSystemFiles() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get whether the app deletes generated files at the end of a session.
doesClearSystemFiles() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsClearSystemFilesOption
Get whether the app deletes generated files at the end of a session.
doesConnectHardwareKeyboard() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsConnectHardwareKeyboardOption
Get whether to connect hardware keyboard to Simulator.
doesDhowChromedriverLog() - Method in interface
Get whether to forward chromedriver output to the Appium server log.
doesDisableAutomaticScreenshots() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsDisableAutomaticScreenshotsOption
Get whether to disable automatic XCTest screenshots.
doesDisableIceCandidateFiltering() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.WebrtcData
Get whether to disable ICE candidates filtering.
doesDisableInsecureMediaCapture() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.WebrtcData
Get whether to disable insecure media capture.
doesDisableSuppressAccessibilityService() - Method in interface
Get whether to suppress accessibility services.
doesDisableWindowAnimation() - Method in interface
Get whether window animations when starting the instrumentation process are disabled.
doesEnableAsyncExecuteFromHttps() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsEnableAsyncExecuteFromHttpsOption
Get whether to allow simulators to execute async JavaScript on pages using HTTPS.
doesEnforceAppInstall() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEnforceAppInstallOption
Get whether the application under test is always reinstalled even if a newer version of it already exists on the device under test.
doesEnforceFreshSimulatorCreation() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsEnforceFreshSimulatorCreationOption
Get whether to create a new simulator for each new test session.
doesEnsureWebviewsHavePages() - Method in interface
Get whether to ensure if web views have pages.
doesEventTimings() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get whether the app reports the timings for various Appium-internal events.
doesEventTimings() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEventTimingsOption
Get whether the app reports the timings for various Appium-internal events.
doesExtractChromeAndroidPackageFromContextName() - Method in interface
Get whether to use the android package identifier associated with the context name.
doesForceAppLaunch() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsForceAppLaunchOption
Get whether to enforce app restart on session startup.
doesForceEspressoRebuild() - Method in interface
Get to force Espresso server rebuild on a new session startup.
doesForceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresence() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsForceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresenceOption
Get to enforce software keyboard presence.
doesFullContextList() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsFullContextListOption
Get whether to return the detailed information on contexts for the get available context command.
doesFullReset() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get whether the app does a full reset.
doesFullReset() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsFullResetOption
Get whether the app does a full reset.
doesIgnoreHiddenApiPolicyError() - Method in interface
Get whether to ignore a failure while changing hidden API access policies.
doesIncludeDeviceCapsToSessionInfo() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general.SupportsIncludeDeviceCapsToSessionInfoOption
Get whether to include screen information as the result of Get Session Capabilities.
doesIncludeSafariInWebviews() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsIncludeSafariInWebviewsOption
Get whether to add Safari web views to the list of contexts available during a native/webview app test.
doesKeepKeyChains() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsKeepKeyChainsOption
Get whether to preserve Simulator keychains after full reset.
doesLaunchWithIdb() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsLaunchWithIdbOption
Get whether to launch WebDriverAgentRunner with idb instead of xcodebuild.
doesNativeWebScreenshot() - Method in interface
Get whether to use native screenshots in web view context.
doesNativeWebTap() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsNativeWebTapOption
Get whether to enable native taps in web view mode.
doesNativeWebTapStrict() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsNativeWebTapStrictOption
Get whether native taps are done by XCUITest driver rather than WebDriverAgent.
doesNoReset() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get whether the app does not do a reset.
doesNoReset() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsNoResetOption
Get whether the app does not do a reset.
doesNoSign() - Method in interface
Get whether to skip package signing.
doesPrintPageSourceOnFindFailure() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get whether the app to print page source when a find operation fails.
doesPrintPageSourceOnFindFailure() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPrintPageSourceOnFindFailureOption
Get whether the app to print page source when a find operation fails.
doesRecreateChromeDriverSessions() - Method in interface
Get whether chromedriver sessions should be killed and then recreated instead of just suspending it on context switch.
doesReduceMotion() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsReduceMotionOption
Get whether to reduce motion accessibility preference.
doesResetLocationService() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general.SupportsResetLocationServiceOption
Get whether to reset the location service in the session deletion on real device.
doesResetOnSessionStartOnly() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsResetOnSessionStartOnlyOption
Get whether to perform reset on test session finish (false) or not (true).
doesSafariAllowPopups() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariAllowPopupsOption
Get whether to allow javascript to open new windows in Safari.
doesSafariAutomaticInspection() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariAutomaticInspectionOption
Get whether to use automatic inspection.
doesSafariAutomaticProfiling() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariAutomaticProfilingOption
Get whether to use automatic profiling.
doesSafariGarbageCollect() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariGarbageCollectOption
Get whether to turn on garbage collection when executing scripts on Safari.
doesSafariIgnoreFraudWarning() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariIgnoreFraudWarningOption
Get whether to prevent Safari from showing a fraudulent website warning.
doesSafariLogAllCommunication() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationOption
Get whether to log of plists sent to and received from the Web Inspector.
doesSafariLogAllCommunicationHexDump() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationHexDumpOption
Get whether to log of plists sent to and received from the Web Inspector in hex dump format.
doesSafariOpenLinksInBackground() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariOpenLinksInBackgroundOption
Get whether Safari should allow links to open in new windows.
doesSafariUseSimulator() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariUseSimulatorOption
Get whether to use iOS Simulator.
doesSetWindowRect() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsSetWindowRectOption
Get whether the remote end supports all of the resizing and repositioning commands.
doesShowGradleLog() - Method in interface
Get whether to include Gradle log to the regular server log.
doesShowIosLog() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsShowIosLogOption
Get whether to show any logs captured from a device in the appium logs.
doesShowServerLogs() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsShowServerLogsOption
Get whether to show WDA server logs in the Appium log.
doesShowXcodeLog() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShowXcodeLogOption
Get whether to display the output of the Xcode command used to run the tests.
doesShutdownOtherSimulators() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsShutdownOtherSimulatorsOption
Get whether to shutdown of other booted simulators except of the current one.
doesSimpleIsVisibleCheck() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsSimpleIsVisibleCheckOption
Get whether to use native methods for determining visibility of elements.
doesSimulatorTracePointerd() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorTracePointerOption
Get whether to highlight pointer moves in the Simulator window.
doesSkipAppKill() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSkipAppKillOption
Get whether to skip the termination of the application under test.
doesSkipDeviceInitialization() - Method in interface
Get whether initial device startup checks by the server are disabled.
doesSkipLogCapture() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsSkipLogCaptureOption
Get whether to skip capturing system logs.
doesSkipLogcatCapture() - Method in interface
Get whether to delete all the existing logs in the device buffer before starting a new test.
doesSkipServerInstallation() - Method in interface
Get whether to skip the server components installation on the device under test and all the related checks.
doesSkipUnlock() - Method in interface
Get whether to skip the check for lock screen presence.
doesSuppressKillServer() - Method in interface
Get whether to prevent the driver from ever killing the ADB server explicitly.
doesTerminateApp() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShouldTerminateAppOption
Get whether to enforce app termination on session quit.
doesUseJSONSource() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsUseJsonSourceOption
Get whether to get JSON source from WDA and transform it to XML.
doesUseKeystore() - Method in interface
Get whether to use a custom keystore.
doesUseNativeCachingStrategy() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseNativeCachingStrategyOption
Get whether to use the native caching strategy.
doesUseNewWDA() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseNewWdaOption
Get whether to uninstall of any existing WebDriverAgent app on the device under test.
doesUsePrebuiltWda() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUsePrebuiltWdaOption
Get whether to skip the build phase of running the WDA app.
doesUseSimpleBuildTest() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseSimpleBuildTestOption
Get whether to use simple build test.
doesUseSingletonTestManager() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShouldUseSingletonTestManagerOption
Get whether to use the default proxy for test management within WebDriverAgent.
doesUseXctestrunFile() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseXctestrunFileOption
Get whether to use of .xctestrun file to launch WDA
doesWaitForAppLaunch() - Method in interface
Get the timeout used to retry Appium Windows Driver session startup.
doesWaitForQuiescence() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWaitForQuiescenceOption
Get whether to wait for application quiescence.
DONT_STOP_APP_ON_RESET - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Doesn't stop the process of the app under test, before starting the app using adb.
doubleTap(PointOption) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSTouchAction
Double taps using coordinates.
driver - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
duration - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.touch.LongPressOptions
duration - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.touch.WaitOptions
DurationBuilder() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WithTimeout.DurationBuilder


element(WebElement, Point) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
This method creates a build instance of the ElementOption.
element(WebElement, int, int) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
This method creates a build instance of the ElementOption.
element(WebElement) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
This method creates a build instance of the ElementOption.
ElementInterceptor - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Intercepts requests to WebElement.
ElementInterceptor(ElementLocator, WebDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.ElementInterceptor
ElementListInterceptor - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Intercepts requests to the list of WebElement.
ElementListInterceptor(ElementLocator) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.ElementListInterceptor
ElementOption - Class in io.appium.java_client.touch.offset
ElementOption() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
ENABLE_ASYNC_EXECUTE_FROM_HTTPS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsEnableAsyncExecuteFromHttpsOption
ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
(Web and webview only) Enable ChromeDriver's (on Android) or Safari's (on iOS) performance logging (default false).
ENABLE_PERFORMANCE_LOGGING_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEnablePerformanceLoggingOption
enableAsyncExecuteFromHttps() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsEnableAsyncExecuteFromHttpsOption
Enforces to allow simulators to execute async JavaScript on pages using HTTPS.
enableBugReport() - Method in class
Makes the recorder to display an additional information on the video overlay, such as a timestamp, that is helpful in videos captured to illustrate bugs.
enableClicksCapture() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
Whether to capture the click gestures while recording the screen.
enableClicksCapture() - Method in class
Whether to capture the click gestures while recording the screen.
enableCursorCapture() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
Whether to capture the mouse cursor while recording the screen.
enableCursorCapture() - Method in class
Whether to capture the mouse cursor while recording the screen.
enableDefaultSlf4jLoggingOfOutputData() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Enables server output data logging through SLF4J loggers.
enableForcedRestart() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions
Whether to ignore the result of previous capture and start a new recording immediately.
enableMultiple() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.OccurrenceMatchingOptions
Whether to enable the support of multiple image occurrences.
enableNotificationListener(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to enable or disable the notification listener.
enablePerformanceLogging() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEnablePerformanceLoggingOption
Set the app to enable performance logging.
END_TEST_COVERAGE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
endTestCoverage(String, String) - Method in class
This API will be removed
endTestCoverageCommand(String, String) - Static method in class
endTimestamp - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.CommandEvent
ENFORCE_APP_INSTALL - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
By default application installation is skipped if newer or the same version of this app is already present on the device under test.
ENFORCE_APP_INSTALL - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
By default application installation is not skipped if newer or the same version of this app is already present on the device under test.
ENFORCE_APP_INSTALL_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEnforceAppInstallOption
ENFORCE_FRESH_SIMULATOR_CREATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsEnforceFreshSimulatorCreationOption
enforceAppInstall() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEnforceAppInstallOption
Sets the application under test is always reinstalled even if a newer version of it already exists on the device under test.
enforceFreshSimulatorCreation() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsEnforceFreshSimulatorCreationOption
Enforce creation of a new simulator for each new test session.
ENSURE_WEBVIEWS_HAVE_PAGES - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Whether or not Appium should augment its webview detection with page detection, guaranteeing that any webview contexts which show up in the context list have active pages.
ENSURE_WEBVIEWS_HAVE_PAGES_OPTION - Static variable in interface
ensureAutomationName(Capabilities, String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Changes automation name if it is not set and returns merged capabilities.
ensurePlatformAndAutomationNames(Capabilities, String, String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Changes platform and automation names if they are not set and returns merged capabilities.
ensurePlatformName(Capabilities, String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
Changes platform name if it is not set and returns merged capabilities.
ensureWebviewsHavePages() - Method in interface
Set to skip web views that have no pages from being shown in getContexts output.
ENVIRONMENT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsEnvironmentOption
ErrorCodesMobile - Class in io.appium.java_client
Defines common error codes for the mobile JSON wire protocol.
ErrorCodesMobile() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
ESPRESSO - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
ESPRESSO_BUILD_CONFIG_OPTION - Static variable in interface
ESPRESSO_SERVER_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
EspressoBuildConfig - Class in
EspressoBuildConfig() - Constructor for class
EspressoBuildConfig(String) - Constructor for class
EspressoOptions - Class in
EspressoOptions() - Constructor for class
EspressoOptions(Capabilities) - Constructor for class
EspressoOptions(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class
EVENT_TIMINGS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Enable or disable the reporting of the timings for various Appium-internal events (e.g., the start and end of each command, etc.).
EVENT_TIMINGS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEventTimingsOption
events - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.ServerEvents
eventTimings() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEventTimingsOption
Set the app to report the timings for various Appium-internal events.
execute(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
execute(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
execute(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumExecutionMethod
This method executes a command supported by Appium JSONWP.
execute(ExecutesMethod, Map.Entry<String, Map<String, ?>>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.CommandExecutionHelper
execute(ExecutesMethod, String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.CommandExecutionHelper
execute(String, Map<String, ?>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ExecutesMethod
Executes the given command and returns a response.
execute(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ExecutesMethod
Executes the given command and returns a response.
execute(Command) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
EXECUTE_DRIVER_SCRIPT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
EXECUTE_GOOGLE_CDP_COMMAND - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
ExecuteCDPCommand - Interface in io.appium.java_client
executeCdpCommand(String, Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ExecuteCDPCommand
Allows to execute ChromeDevProtocol commands against Android Chrome browser session.
executeCdpCommand(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ExecuteCDPCommand
Allows to execute ChromeDevProtocol commands against Android Chrome browser session without parameters.
executeDriverScript(String, ScriptOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ExecutesDriverScript
Run a set of scripts in scope of the current session.
executeDriverScript(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ExecutesDriverScript
Run a set of scripts in scope of the current session with default options.
executeScript(ExecutesMethod, String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.CommandExecutionHelper
executeScript(ExecutesMethod, String, Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.CommandExecutionHelper
Simplifies arguments preparation for the script execution command.
ExecutesDriverScript - Interface in io.appium.java_client
ExecutesMethod - Interface in io.appium.java_client
ExpectedCondition<T> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.functions
This is extended version of ExpectedCondition.
experimentalWebDriver() - Method in interface
Enforce to enable experimental driver features and optimizations.
extractChromeAndroidPackageFromContextName() - Method in interface
Tell chromedriver to attach to the android package we have associated with the context name, rather than the package of the application under test.


FeatureDetector - Enum in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
FeaturesMatchingOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
FeaturesMatchingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingOptions
FeaturesMatchingResult - Class in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
FeaturesMatchingResult(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingResult
findDefaultExecutable() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
findElement(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
findElement(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.ByAll
findElement(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.ByChained
findElement(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentMappedBy
findElement(By) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
findElements(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
findElements(SearchContext) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentMappedBy
findElements(By) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
findImageOccurrence(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching by template to find possible occurrence of the partial image in the full image with default options.
findImageOccurrence(byte[], byte[], OccurrenceMatchingOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching by template to find possible occurrence of the partial image in the full image.
findImageOccurrence(File, File) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching by template to find possible occurrence of the partial image in the full image with default options.
findImageOccurrence(File, File, OccurrenceMatchingOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching by template to find possible occurrence of the partial image in the full image.
FINGER_PRINT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
fingerPrint(int) - Method in interface
Authenticate users by using their finger print scans on supported emulators.
fingerPrintCommand(int) - Static method in class
FIREFOX_OS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform
FORCE_APP_LAUNCH_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsForceAppLaunchOption
FORCE_ESPRESSO_REBUILD_OPTION - Static variable in interface
FORCE_SIMULATOR_SOFTWARE_KEYBOARD_PRESENCE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsForceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresenceOption
forceEspressoRebuild() - Method in interface
Enforces Espresso server rebuild on a new session startup.
forceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresence() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsForceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresenceOption
Enforce software keyboard presence.
fromClientConfig(ClientConfig) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
Return the instance of AppiumClientConfig from the given ClientConfig parameters.
fromString(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.remote.options.UnhandledPromptBehavior
Converts the given value to an enum member.
FULL_CONTEXT_LIST_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsFullContextListOption
FULL_RESET - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Perform a complete reset.
FULL_RESET_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsFullResetOption
fullContextList() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsFullContextListOption
Enforces to return the detailed information on contexts for the get available context command.
fullReset() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsFullResetOption
Set the app to do a full reset.


GECKO - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
GeckoDriver - Class in io.appium.java_client.gecko
GeckoDriver is an officially supported Appium driver created to automate Mobile browsers and web views based on the Gecko engine.
GeckoDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoDriver(URL, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
This is a special constructor used to connect to a running driver instance.
GeckoDriver(ClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
GeckoDriver(AppiumClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
GeckoDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.GeckoDriver
GeckoOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.gecko.options
GeckoOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.GeckoOptions
GeckoOptions(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.GeckoOptions
GeckoOptions(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.GeckoOptions
GeneralServerFlag - Enum in io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
Here is the list of common Appium server arguments.
GET_ALLSESSION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_CLIPBOARD - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_CURRENT_PACKAGE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_DEVICE_TIME - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_DISPLAY_DENSITY - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_EVENTS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_NETWORK_CONNECTION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_PERFORMANCE_DATA - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_SESSION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_SETTINGS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_STRINGS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_SUPPORTED_PERFORMANCE_DATA_TYPES - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GET_SYSTEM_BARS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
getAction() - Method in class
Get the action name.
getActivityOptions() - Method in interface
Get activity options.
getAdbExecTimeout() - Method in interface
Get maximum time to wait until single ADB command is executed.
getAdbPort() - Method in interface
Get number of the port where ADB is running.
getAdditionalAndroidTestDependencies() - Method in class
Get the array of dependent Android test module names with their versions.
getAdditionalAppDependencies() - Method in class
Get the array of dependent application module names with their versions.
getAdditionalCommands() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
getAdditionalWebviewBundleIds() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsAdditionalWebviewBundleIdsOption
Get the array of possible bundle identifiers for webviews.
getAndroidGradlePluginVersion() - Method in class
Get Gradle plugin version.
getAndroidInstallTimeout() - Method in interface
Get maximum amount of time to wait until the application under test is installed.
getAndroidStorage() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsAndroidStorageOption
Get the currently set storage type.
getApp() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the app location.
getApp() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAppOption
Get the app location.
getAppActivity() - Method in interface
Get the name of the main app activity.
getAppInstallStrategy() - Method in interface
Get the app install strategy.
getAppLocale() - Method in interface
Get the locale for the app under test.
getAppPackage() - Method in interface
Get the app package identifier.
getAppPermissions(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.Permissions
Get permissions mapping for the given app bundle identifier.
getAppPushTimeout() - Method in interface
Get maximum timeout for application upload.
getAppStringMap() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasAppStrings
Get all defined Strings from an app for the default language.
getAppStringMap(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasAppStrings
Get all defined Strings from an app for the specified language.
getAppStringMap(String, String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasAppStrings
Get all defined Strings from an app for the specified language and strings filename.
getAppTopLevelWindow() - Method in interface
Get the hexadecimal handle of an existing application top level window to attach to.
getAppWaitActivity() - Method in interface
Get the name of the app activity to wait for.
getAppWaitDuration() - Method in interface
Get the identifier of the app package to wait for.
getAppWaitPackage() - Method in interface
Get the identifier of the app package to wait for.
getAppWorkingDir() - Method in interface
Get the full path to the folder, which is going to be set as the working dir for the application under test.
getArgument() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.AndroidServerFlag
getArgument() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.GeneralServerFlag
getArgument() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.IOSServerFlag
getArgument() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.ServerArgument
getArguments() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsArgumentsOption
Get the array of application command line arguments.
getAutomationName() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the automation engine to use.
getAutomationName() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAutomationNameOption
Get the automation driver to use.
getAutoWebviewTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the timeout to wait until a web view is available.
getAvd() - Method in interface
Get the name of Android emulator to run the test on.
getAvdArgs() - Method in interface
Get emulator command line arguments.
getAvdEnv() - Method in interface
Get the mapping of emulator environment variables.
getAvdLaunchTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the timeout to wait until Android Emulator is started.
getAvdReadyTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the timeout to wait until Android Emulator is fully booted and is ready for usage.
getBasePath() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
getBatteryInfo() - Method in class
getBatteryInfo() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.battery.HasBattery
Retrieves battery info from the device under test.
getBatteryInfo() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
getBitMask() - Method in class
getBootstrapRoot() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsBootstrapRootOption
Get the full path to WebDriverAgentMac root folder where Xcode project of the server sources lives.
getBuildToolsVersion() - Method in interface
Get the version of Android build tools to use.
getBuildToolsVersion() - Method in class
Get Android build tools version.
getBundleId() - Method in interface
Get the app bundle identifier.
getBundleId() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsBundleIdOption
Get the bundle identifier of the application to automate.
getC(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This methods forms GET commands.
getCalendarFormat() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCalendarFormatOption
Get calendar format to set for the iOS Simulator.
getCapability(Capabilities, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
Helper that is used for capability values retrieval.
getCapability(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
getCategories() - Method in class
Get intent categories.
getChromedriverArgs() - Method in interface
Get the array of chromedriver CLI arguments.
getChromedriverChromeMappingFile() - Method in interface
Get full path to the chromedrivers mapping file is located.
getChromedriverExecutable() - Method in interface
Get the path to the chromedriver executable on the server file system..
getChromedriverExecutableDir() - Method in interface
Get full path to the folder where chromedriver executables are located.
getChromedriverPort() - Method in interface
Get the local port number to use for Chromedriver communication.
getChromedriverPorts() - Method in interface
Get the local port number to use for Chromedriver communication.
getChromeLoggingPrefs() - Method in interface
Get chrome logging preferences.
getChromeOptions() - Method in interface
Get chrome options.
getClassName() - Method in class
Get class name.
getClient() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
getClipboard(ClipboardContentType) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.clipboard.HasClipboard
Get the content of the clipboard.
getClipboardImage() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSClipboard
Get an image from the clipboard.
getClipboardText() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.clipboard.HasClipboard
Get the clipboard text.
getClipboardUrl() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSClipboard
Get an URL from the clipboard.
getClock() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
getCode() - Method in enum
getCommand() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.AppleScriptData
Get a single-line AppleScript.
getCommand() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SystemScript
getCommand() - Method in class
Get a single-line PowerShell script.
getCommandCodec() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
getCommandTimeout(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.CommandTimeouts
Get the command timeout.
getCommandTimeouts() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsCommandTimeoutsOption
Get custom timeout(s) in milliseconds for WDA backend commands execution.
getCompileSdkVersion() - Method in class
Get the target Android SDK version.
getComponent() - Method in class
Get intent component name.
getComposeVersion() - Method in class
Get the version of included androidx.compose.ui components.
getConnection() - Method in interface
Get the current network settings of the device.
getConnectionHandlers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all registered web socket connection handlers.
getConnectionHandlers() - Method in class
getContext() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsContextSwitching
Get the name of the current context.
getContextHandles() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsContextSwitching
Get the names of available contexts.
getCount() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingResult
Returns a count of matched edges on both images.
getCountry() - Method in class
Get the country identifier.
getCreateSessionTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the timeout used to retry Appium Windows Driver session startup.
getCurrentContentType(SearchContext) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.WebDriverUnpackUtility
Detects content type by the provided search context.
getCurrentPackage() - Method in interface
Get the current package being run on the mobile device.
getCurrentScore() - Method in exception io.appium.java_client.ScreenshotState.ScreenshotComparisonTimeout
getData() - Method in class
Get intent data URI.
getDerivedDataPath() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsDerivedDataPathOption
Get the path to the derived data WDA folder.
getDeviceName() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the name of the device.
getDeviceName() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsDeviceNameOption
Get the name of the device.
getDeviceTime(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasDeviceTime
Gets device date and time for both iOS(host time is returned for simulators) and Android devices.
getDeviceTime() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasDeviceTime
Gets device date and time for both iOS(host time is returned for simulators) and Android devices.
getDisconnectionHandlers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all registered web socket disconnection handlers.
getDisconnectionHandlers() - Method in class
getDisplayDensity() - Method in interface
Retrieve the display density of the Android device.
getDisplayDensityCommand() - Static method in class
getEcn() - Method in class
Get intent component name parameters.
getEf() - Method in class
Get intent float parameters.
getEfa() - Method in class
Get intent float array parameters.
getEi() - Method in class
Get intent integer parameters.
getEia() - Method in class
Get intent integer array parameters.
getEl() - Method in class
Get intent long parameters.
getEla() - Method in class
Get intent long array parameters.
getEndpoint() - Method in class
getEnhancedProxy(Class<T>, MethodCallListener) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.ProxyFactory
Creates a proxy instance for the given class with an empty constructor.
getEnhancedProxy(Class<T>, Class<?>[], Object[], MethodCallListener) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.ProxyFactory
Creates a proxy instance for the given class.
getEnvironment() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsEnvironmentOption
Get the application environment variables mapping.
getErrorHandlers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all registered web socket error handlers.
getErrorHandlers() - Method in class
getEs() - Method in class
Get intent string parameters.
getEsn() - Method in class
Get intent null parameters.
getEspressoBuildConfig() - Method in interface
Get the Espresso build config.
getEu() - Method in class
Get intent URI parameters.
getEvents() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.LogsEvents
Log a custom event on the Appium server.
getExceptionType(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
Returns the exception type that corresponds to the given statusCode.
getExceptionType(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
Returns the exception type that corresponds to the given messageor null if there are no matching mobile exceptions.
getExecuteMethod() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getEz() - Method in class
Get intent boolean parameters.
getFlags() - Method in class
Get intent flag names.
getGpsEnabled() - Method in interface
Get the state of GPS service on emulator.
getGradleVersion() - Method in class
Get Gradle version.
getIgnoredExceptions() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
getImagesSimilarity(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching to calculate the similarity score between them with default options.
getImagesSimilarity(byte[], byte[], SimilarityMatchingOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching to calculate the similarity score between them.
getImagesSimilarity(File, File) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching to calculate the similarity score between them with default options.
getImagesSimilarity(File, File, SimilarityMatchingOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching to calculate the similarity score between them.
getInput() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
getInput() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.battery.BatteryInfo
getIntentAction() - Method in interface
Get intent action to be applied when starting the given appActivity by Activity Manager.
getIntentCategory() - Method in interface
Get intent category to be applied when starting the given appActivity by Activity Manager.
getIntentFlags() - Method in interface
Get intent flags to be applied when starting the given appActivity by Activity Manager.
getIntentOptions() - Method in interface
Get intent options.
getInterval() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
getIntFlags() - Method in class
Get intent flags.
getIosSimulatorLogsPredicate() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsIosSimulatorLogsPredicateOption
Get Simulator log filtering predicate.
getIsDeviceLockedCommand() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
getJvmTarget() - Method in class
Get the target version of the generated JVM bytecode as a string.
getKeychain() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsKeychainOptions
Get details to access custom keychain.
getKeychainsExcludePatterns() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsKeychainsExcludePatternsOption
Get keychains exclude patterns.
getKeystoreConfig() - Method in interface
Get the custom keystore config.
getKotlinVersion() - Method in class
Get the target Kotlin version.
getLanguage() - Method in class
Get the language identifier.
getLanguage() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get language abbreviation for use in session.
getLanguage() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsLanguageOption
Get language abbreviation for use in session.
getLaunchDisplayId() - Method in class
Get display id which you want to assign to launch the main app activity on.
getLevel() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.battery.BatteryInfo
Returns battery level.
getLocale() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get locale abbreviation for use in session.
getLocale() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsLocaleOption
Get locale abbreviation for use in session.
getLocaleScript() - Method in interface
Get canonical name of the locale to be set for the app under test.
getLocalizableStringsDir() - Method in interface
Get the resource folder name where the main locale strings are stored.
getLocationContext() - Method in class
getLocationContext() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
getLocationContext() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsLocation
getLogcatClient() - Method in class
getLogcatClient() - Method in interface
getLogcatFilterSpecs() - Method in interface
Get the logcat filter format.
getLogcatFormat() - Method in interface
Get the log print format.
getMarionettePort() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsMarionettePortOption
Get the number of the port for the Marionette server to listen on.
getMaxTypingFrequency() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsMaxTypingFrequencyOption
Get the number of keystrokes per minute.
getMessageHandlers() - Method in interface
Returns a list of all registered web socket messages handlers.
getMessageHandlers() - Method in class
getMessageSupplier() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
getMinSdkVersion() - Method in class
Get the minimum Android SDK version.
getMjpegScreenshotUrl() - Method in interface
Get URL of a service that provides realtime device screenshots in MJPEG format.
getMjpegServerPort() - Method in interface
Get the number of the port UiAutomator2 server starts the MJPEG server on.
getMjpegServerPort() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsMjpegServerPortOption
Get the port number on which WDA broadcasts screenshots stream encoded into MJPEG format from the device under test.
getMockLocationApp() - Method in interface
Get the identifier of the app, which is used as a system mock location provider.
getMozFirefoxOptions() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsMozFirefoxOptionsOption
Get Firefox options mapping.
getMultiple() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.OccurrenceMatchingResult
Returns the list of multiple matches (if any).
getName() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.Slf4jLogMessageContext
Returns the name of the Logger associated with this context.
getNetworkConnectionCommand() - Static method in class
getNetworkSpeed() - Method in interface
Get the desired network speed limit for the emulator.
getNewCommandTimeout() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the timeout for new commands.
getNewCommandTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsNewCommandTimeoutOption
Get the timeout for new commands.
getObject(WebElement, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.ElementInterceptor
getObject(List<WebElement>, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.ElementListInterceptor
getObject(List<WebElement>, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfAListOfElements
getObject(WebElement, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
getObject(WebElement, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WidgetInterceptor
getObject(List<WebElement>, Method, Object[]) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WidgetListInterceptor
getOptionalIntentArguments() - Method in interface
Get intent arguments to be applied when starting the given appActivity by Activity Manager.
getOptionalValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.Config
Retrieve a value from properties file.
getOptionValue(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseMapOptionData
Retrieves a value with the given name from a data object.
getOrientation() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the orientation of the screen.
getOrientation() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsOrientationOption
Get the orientation of the screen.
getOrientation() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsRotation
Get device orientation.
getOtherApps() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the list of apps to install before running a test.
getOtherApps() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsOtherAppsOption
Get the list of apps to install before running a test.
getOverlapScore(BufferedImage, BufferedImage) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ScreenshotState
Compares two valid java bitmaps and calculates similarity score between them.
getPageLoadStrategy() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPageLoadStrategyOption
Get the current session’s page load strategy.
getParameterMap() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction.ActionParameter
getParameters() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction
getParameters() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Get the mjsonwp parameters for this Action.
getPerformanceData(String, String, int) - Method in interface
returns the resource usage information of the application.
getPerformanceDataCommand(String, String, int) - Static method in class
returns the resource usage information of the application.
getPermissions() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsPermissionsOption
Get Simulator permissions.
getPlatformName() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
getPlatformVersion() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the version of the platform.
getPlatformVersion() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPlatformVersionOption
Get the version of the platform.
getPoints1() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingResult
Returns a list of matching points on the first image.
getPoints2() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingResult
Returns a list of matching points on the second image.
getPostrun() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.Mac2Options
Get the postrun script.
getPostrun() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPostrunOption
getPostrun() - Method in class
Get the postrun script.
getPrerun() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.Mac2Options
Get the prerun script.
getPrerun() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPrerunOption
getPrerun() - Method in class
Get the prerun script.
getPrivateFieldValue(Class<?>, Object, String, Class<T>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.ReflectionHelpers
Fetches the value of a private instance field.
getPrivateFieldValue(Class<? extends CommandExecutor>, String, Class<B>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
getProcessArguments() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsProcessArgumentsOption
Get process arguments of the app under test.
getProxy() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsProxyOption
Get the current session’s proxy configuration.
getRect() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.OccurrenceMatchingResult
Returns rectangle of partial image occurrence.
getRect1() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingResult
Returns a rect for the `points1` list.
getRect2() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingResult
Returns a rect for the `points2` list.
getRemoteAdbHost() - Method in interface
Get the address of the host where ADB is running.
getRemoteAddress() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getRemoteAppsCacheLimit() - Method in interface
Get the maximum amount of apps that could be cached on the remote device.
getResultBundlePath() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsResultBundlePathOption
Get the path where the resulting XCTest bundle should be stored.
getSafariDeviceName() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceNameOption
Get the name of the device.
getSafariDeviceType() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceTypeOption
Get the type of the device.
getSafariDeviceUdid() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceUdidOption
Get the UDID of the device.
getSafariIgnoreWebHostnames() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariIgnoreWebHostnamesOption
Get the comma-separated list of host names to be ignored.
getSafariInitialUrl() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariInitialUrlOption
Get the initial safari url.
getSafariPlatformBuildVersion() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariPlatformBuildVersionOption
Get the build version of the platform.
getSafariPlatformVersion() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariPlatformVersionOption
Get the version of the platform.
getSafariSocketChunkSize() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariSocketChunkSizeOption
Get the size of a single remote debugger socket chunk.
getSafariWebInspectorMaxFrameLength() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariWebInspectorMaxFrameLengthOption
Get the maximum size in bytes of a single data frame for the Web Inspector.
getScaleFactor() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsScaleFactorOption
Get Simulator scale factor.
getScore() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.SimilarityMatchingResult
Returns the similarity score as a float number in range [0.0, 1.0].
getScreenshotAs(OutputType<X>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
getScreenshotQuality() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsScreenshotQualityOption
Get the screenshot quality value.
getScript() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.AppleScriptData
Get a multiline AppleScript.
getScript() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SystemScript
getScript() - Method in class
Get a multiline PowerShell script.
getSelfReference() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
getServerStartupTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsServerStartupTimeoutOption
Get the timeout to wait util the WebDriverAgentMac project is built and started.
getSettings() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasSettings
Get settings stored for this test session It's probably better to use a convenience function, rather than use this function directly.
getSettingsCommand() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
getSimulatorDevicesSetPath() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorDevicesSetPathOption
Get the alternative path to the simulator devices set.
getSimulatorPasteboardAutomaticSync() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorPasteboardAutomaticSyncOption
Get the pasteboard automation sync state.
getSimulatorStartupTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorStartupTimeoutOption
Get the Simulator startup timeout.
getSimulatorWindowCenter() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorWindowCenterOption
Get Simulator window center coordinates.
getSleeper() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
getSourceCompatibility() - Method in class
Get the minimum version of JVM the project sources are compatible with.
getState() - Method in class
getState() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.battery.BatteryInfo
Returns battery state.
getState() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSBatteryInfo
getStatus() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
This method is used to get build version status of running Appium server.
getStdOut() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Logs as string.
getSupportedPerformanceDataTypes() - Method in interface
returns the information type of the system state which is supported to read as like cpu, memory, network traffic, and battery.
getSupportedPerformanceDataTypesCommand() - Static method in class
returns the information type of the system state which is supported to read as like cpu, memory, network traffic, and battery.
getSyslogClient() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
getSyslogClient() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
getSystemBars() - Method in interface
Retrieve visibility and bounds information of the status and navigation bars.
getSystemBarsCommand() - Static method in class
getSystemHost() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSystemHostOption
Get the name of the host for the internal server to listen on.
getSystemPort() - Method in interface
Get the system port value.
getSystemPort() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsSystemPortOption
Get the number of the port for the internal server to listen on.
getSystemPort() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSystemPortOption
Get the number of the port for the internal server to listen on.
getSystemPort() - Method in interface
Get the port number to execute Appium Windows Driver server listener on.
getTargetCompatibility() - Method in class
Get the target version of JVM the project sources are compatible with.
getTargetSdkVersion() - Method in class
Get the target Android SDK version.
getTimeout() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
getTotalCount() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingResult
Returns a count of matched edges on both images.
getType() - Method in class
Get an intent type.
getUdid() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the id of the device.
getUdid() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsUdidOption
Get the id of the device.
getUiautomator2ServerInstallTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the maximum timeout to wait until Espresso server is listening on the device.
getUiautomator2ServerInstallTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the maximum timeout to wait until UiAutomator2Server is installed on the device.
getUiautomator2ServerLaunchTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the maximum timeout to wait until UiAutomator2Server is listening on the device.
getUiautomator2ServerReadTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the maximum timeout to wait for a HTTP response from UiAutomator2Server.
getUnhandledPromptBehavior() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsUnhandledPromptBehaviorOption
Get the current session’s page load strategy.
getUninstallOtherPackages() - Method in interface
Get identifiers of packages to be uninstalled from the device before a test starts.
getUnlockKey() - Method in interface
Get the unlock key.
getUnlockStrategy() - Method in interface
Get the strategy key.
getUnlockSuccessTimeout() - Method in interface
Get the timeout to wait until the device is unlocked.
getUnlockType() - Method in interface
Get the unlock type.
getUpdatedWdaBundleId() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUpdatedWdaBundleIdOption
Get the WDA bundle identifier.
getUrl() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.DirectConnect
Returns a URL instance built with members in the DirectConnect instance.
getUrl() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Base URL.
getUserProfile() - Method in interface
Get the integer identifier of a user profile.
getValue() - Method in enum
getValue() - Method in enum
getValue(String, Class<T>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.Config
Retrieve a value from properties file.
getVariant() - Method in class
Get the language variant.
getVerbosity() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsVerbosityOption
Get the verbosity level of driver logging.
getVisualization() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonResult
Returns the visualization of the matching result.
getWaitForIdleTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWaitForIdleTimeoutOption
Get the maximum timeout to wait until WDA responds to HTTP requests.
getWdaBaseUrl() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaBaseUrlOption
Get a prefix to build a custom WebDriverAgent URL.
getWdaConnectionTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaConnectionTimeoutOption
Get the maximum timeout to wait until WDA responds to HTTP requests.
getWdaEventloopIdleDelay() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaEventloopIdleDelayOption
Get the event loop idle delay.
getWdaLaunchTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaLaunchTimeoutOption
Get the maximum timeout to wait until WDA is listening.
getWdaLocalPort() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaLocalPortOption
Get the local port number where the WDA traffic is being forwarded.
getWdaStartupRetries() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaStartupRetriesOption
Get number of retries before to fail WDA deployment.
getWdaStartupRetryInterval() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaStartupRetryIntervalOption
Get the interval to wait between tries to build and launch WebDriverAgent.
getWebDriverAgentMacUrl() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsWebDriverAgentMacUrlOption
Get the URL Appium will connect to an existing WebDriverAgentMac instance.
getWebDriverAgentUrl() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWebDriverAgentUrlOption
Get the WDA URL.
getWebkitResponseTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsWebkitResponseTimeoutOption
Get the time to wait for a response from WebKit in a Safari session.
getWebkitWebrtc() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsWebkitWebrtcOption
Get WebRTC policies.
getWebviewConnectRetries() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebviewConnectRetriesOption
Get the number of retries to send connection message to remote debugger, to get a webview.
getWebviewConnectTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebkitResponseTimeoutOption
Get the timeout to wait for a response from WebKit in a Safari session.
getWebviewConnectTimeout() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebviewConnectTimeoutOption
Get the timeout to wait for the initial presence of webviews.
getWebviewDevtoolsPort() - Method in interface
Get the local port number to use for devtools communication.
getWrappedDriver() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
getWrappedElement() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
getXcodeCertificate() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsXcodeCertificateOptions
Get a signing certificate for WebDriverAgent compilation.
GPS_ENABLED - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Toggle gps location provider for emulators before starting the session.
GPS_ENABLED_OPTION - Static variable in interface
gpsEnabled() - Method in interface
Enables GPS service in the Emulator.
GSM_CALL - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GSM_SIGNAL - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GSM_VOICE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
GsmCallActions - Enum in
gsmCallCommand(String, GsmCallActions) - Static method in class
GsmSignalStrength - Enum in
gsmSignalStrengthCommand(GsmSignalStrength) - Static method in class
gsmVoiceCommand(GsmVoiceState) - Static method in class
GsmVoiceState - Enum in


HasAndroidClipboard - Interface in
HasAndroidDeviceDetails - Interface in
HasAndroidSettings - Interface in
HasAppStrings - Interface in io.appium.java_client
HasBattery<T extends BatteryInfo> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.battery
HasBrowserCheck - Interface in io.appium.java_client
HasClipboard - Interface in io.appium.java_client.clipboard
HasDeviceTime - Interface in io.appium.java_client
HasIOSClipboard - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios
HasIOSSettings - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios
HasNetworkConnection - Interface in
HasNotifications - Interface in
HasOnScreenKeyboard - Interface in io.appium.java_client
HasSettings - Interface in io.appium.java_client
HasSupportedPerformanceDataType - Interface in
headless() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsIsHeadlessOption
Set emulator/simulator to start in headless mode (e.g.
Helpers - Class in io.appium.java_client.proxy
HIDE_KEYBOARD - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
hideKeyboard() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HidesKeyboard
Hides the keyboard if it is showing.
hideKeyboard(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HidesKeyboardWithKeyName
Hides the keyboard by pressing the button specified by keyName if it is showing.
hideKeyboard(String, String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HidesKeyboardWithKeyName
This API is deprecated and will be removed in the future.
hideKeyboardCommand(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
hideKeyboardCommand(String, String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
HideKeyboardStrategy - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
HidesKeyboard - Interface in io.appium.java_client
HidesKeyboardWithKeyName - Interface in io.appium.java_client
HowToUseLocators - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
HowToUseSelectors - Enum in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder


id(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
For IOS the element name.
IGNORE_HIDDEN_API_POLICY_ERROR_OPTION - Static variable in interface
IGNORE_UNIMPORTANT_VIEWS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Calls the setCompressedLayoutHierarchy() uiautomator function.
ignoreHiddenApiPolicyError() - Method in interface
Prevents the driver from ever killing the ADB server explicitl.
ignoreUnimportantViews(Boolean) - Method in interface
Set the `ignoreUnimportantViews` setting.
image(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
This locator strategy is available only if OpenCV libraries and NodeJS bindings are installed on the server machine.
image(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
INCLUDE_DEVICE_CAPS_TO_SESSION_INFO_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general.SupportsIncludeDeviceCapsToSessionInfoOption
INCLUDE_SAFARI_IN_WEBVIEWS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsIncludeSafariInWebviewsOption
includeSafariInWebviews() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsIncludeSafariInWebviewsOption
Enforces Safari web views to be added to the list of contexts available during a native/webview app test.
INSTALL_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
installApp(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Install an app on the mobile device.
installApp(String, BaseInstallApplicationOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Install an app on the mobile device.
INSTANCE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.W3CCapabilityKeys
INTENT_ACTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Intent action which will be used to start activity (default android.intent.action.MAIN).
INTENT_ACTION_OPTION - Static variable in interface
INTENT_CATEGORY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Intent category which will be used to start activity (default android.intent.category.LAUNCHER).
INTENT_CATEGORY_OPTION - Static variable in interface
INTENT_FLAGS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Flags that will be used to start activity (default 0x10200000).
INTENT_FLAGS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
INTENT_OPTIONS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
IntentOptions - Class in
IntentOptions() - Constructor for class
IntentOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
INTER_KEY_DELAY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
The delay, in ms, between keystrokes sent to an element when typing.
InteractsWithApps - Interface in io.appium.java_client
intercept(Object, Method, Object[], Callable<?>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.proxy.Interceptor
A magic method used to wrap public method calls in classes patched by ByteBuddy and acting as proxies.
Interceptor - Class in io.appium.java_client.proxy
Interceptor() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.proxy.Interceptor
InterceptorOfAListOfElements - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors
InterceptorOfAListOfElements(ElementLocator) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfAListOfElements
InterceptorOfASingleElement - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors
InterceptorOfASingleElement(ElementLocator, WebDriver) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
InvalidNodeJSInstance - Exception in io.appium.java_client.service.local
InvalidNodeJSInstance(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.InvalidNodeJSInstance
InvalidServerInstanceException - Exception in io.appium.java_client.service.local
InvalidServerInstanceException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.InvalidServerInstanceException
InvalidServerInstanceException(String) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.service.local.InvalidServerInstanceException
io.appium.java_client - package io.appium.java_client - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package - package
io.appium.java_client.appmanagement - package io.appium.java_client.appmanagement
io.appium.java_client.battery - package io.appium.java_client.battery
io.appium.java_client.clipboard - package io.appium.java_client.clipboard
io.appium.java_client.driverscripts - package io.appium.java_client.driverscripts
io.appium.java_client.functions - package io.appium.java_client.functions
io.appium.java_client.gecko - package io.appium.java_client.gecko
io.appium.java_client.gecko.options - package io.appium.java_client.gecko.options
io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison - package io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
io.appium.java_client.internal - package io.appium.java_client.internal
io.appium.java_client.ios - package io.appium.java_client.ios
io.appium.java_client.ios.options - package io.appium.java_client.ios.options - package
io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general - package io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general
io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other - package io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other
io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator - package io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda - package io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview - package io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
io.appium.java_client.ios.touch - package io.appium.java_client.ios.touch
io.appium.java_client.mac - package io.appium.java_client.mac
io.appium.java_client.mac.options - package io.appium.java_client.mac.options
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator
io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils - package io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils
io.appium.java_client.proxy - package io.appium.java_client.proxy
io.appium.java_client.remote - package io.appium.java_client.remote
io.appium.java_client.remote.options - package io.appium.java_client.remote.options
io.appium.java_client.safari - package io.appium.java_client.safari
io.appium.java_client.safari.options - package io.appium.java_client.safari.options
io.appium.java_client.screenrecording - package io.appium.java_client.screenrecording
io.appium.java_client.serverevents - package io.appium.java_client.serverevents
io.appium.java_client.service.local - package io.appium.java_client.service.local
io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags - package io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
io.appium.java_client.touch - package io.appium.java_client.touch
io.appium.java_client.touch.offset - package io.appium.java_client.touch.offset - package - package - package
IOS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform
IOS_INSTALL_PAUSE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Time in milliseconds to pause between installing the application and starting WebDriverAgent on the device.
IOS_SIMULATOR_LOGS_PREDICATE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsIosSimulatorLogsPredicateOption
IOS_XCUI_TEST - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
IOSBatteryInfo - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSBatteryInfo(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSBatteryInfo
IOSBatteryInfo.BatteryState - Enum in io.appium.java_client.ios
iOSBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to build a complex iOS automation locator.
iOSClassChain(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
This locator strategy is available in XCUITest Driver mode.
iOSClassChain(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
IOSDriver - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
iOS driver implementation.
IOSDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on command executor and capabilities.
IOSDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on Appium server URL and capabilities.
IOSDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on Appium server URL, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
IOSDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on Appium driver local service and capabilities.
IOSDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on Appium driver local service, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
IOSDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on Appium service builder and capabilities.
IOSDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on Appium service builder, HTTP client factory and capabilities.
IOSDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on HTTP client factory and capabilities.
IOSDriver(ClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
IOSDriver(AppiumClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
IOSDriver(URL) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
This is a special constructor used to connect to a running driver instance.
IOSDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
Creates a new instance based on capabilities.
IOSMobileCapabilityType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
The list of iOS-specific capabilities.
IOSMobileCommandHelper - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSMobileCommandHelper() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
iOSNsPredicateString(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
This locator strategy is available in XCUITest Driver mode.
iOSNsPredicateString(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
IOSPressOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios.touch
IOSPressOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.touch.IOSPressOptions
iosPressOptions() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.touch.IOSPressOptions
It creates an empty instance of IOSPressOptions.
IOSServerFlag - Enum in io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
Here is the list of iOS specific server arguments.
IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions.VideoQuality - Enum in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSStopScreenRecordingOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
IOSStopScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStopScreenRecordingOptions
IOSTouchAction - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios
Touch actions are deprecated. Please use W3C Actions instead or the corresponding extension methods for the driver (if available). Check - - - for more details.
IOSTouchAction(PerformsTouchActions) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSTouchAction
iOSXCUITBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to build a complex iOS XCUIT mode locator.
iOSXCUITFindAll - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page/Screen Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of iOSXCUITBy tags.
iOSXCUITFindBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
iOSXCUITFindByAllSet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Defines set of chained/possible locators.
iOSXCUITFindByChainSet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Defines set of chained/possible locators.
iOSXCUITFindBys - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of iOSXCUITBy tags.
iOSXCUITFindBySet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
IS_APP_INSTALLED - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
IS_HEADLESS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Set this capability to true to run the Emulator headless when device display is not needed to be visible.
IS_HEADLESS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsIsHeadlessOption
IS_KEYBOARD_SHOWN - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
IS_LOCKED - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
isAirplaneModeEnabled() - Method in class
Is airplane mode enabled or not.
isAndroid() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
isAppInstalled(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Checks if an app is installed on the device.
isBrowser() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasBrowserCheck
Validates if the driver is currently in a web browser context.
isConfirmKey() - Method in enum
Whether key will, by default, trigger a click on the focused view.
isDataEnabled() - Method in class
Is data connection enabled or not.
isDeviceLocked() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.LocksDevice
Check if the device is locked.
isDirectConnectEnabled() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
Whether enable directConnect feature is enabled.
isEnablePerformanceLogging() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Get the app logs performance.
isEnablePerformanceLogging() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEnablePerformanceLoggingOption
Get the app logs performance.
isExperimentalWebDriver() - Method in interface
Get whether to enable experimental features and optimizations.
isGamepadButton() - Method in enum
Returns true if the specified nativekey is a gamepad button.
isHeadless() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsIsHeadlessOption
Get whether the emulator/simulator starts in headless mode.
isIOS() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
isIOSXcuit() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
isKeyboardShown() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasOnScreenKeyboard
Check if the on-screen keyboard is displayed.
isKeyboardShownCommand() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
isListening() - Method in class
isLocationServicesEnabled() - Method in interface
Check GPS service state.
isLockedCommand() - Static method in class
isLookupCached() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
Defines whether or not given element should be returned from cache on further calls.
isLookupCached() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.DefaultElementByBuilder
isLookUpCached() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.locator.CacheableLocator
isMediaKey() - Method in enum
Whether this key is a media key, which can be send to apps that are interested in media key events.
isRunning() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
isSystemKey() - Method in enum
Is this a system key? System keys can not be used for menu shortcuts.
isTvOS() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
isValid() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.DirectConnect
Returns true if the DirectConnect instance member has nonnull values.
isWakeKey() - Method in enum
Is it wake key or not.
isWiFiEnabled() - Method in class
Is Wi-Fi connection enabled or not.
isWindows() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
IterationInfo(long, Duration, Duration, Duration) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait.IterationInfo
The class is used to represent information about a single loop iteration in AppiumFluentWait.until(Function) method.


jsonData - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.ServerEvents


KEEP_KEY_CHAINS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Whether to keep keychains (Library/Keychains) when appium session is started/finished.
KEEP_KEY_CHAINS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsKeepKeyChainsOption
keepKeyChains() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsKeepKeyChainsOption
Enforce preservation of Simulator keychains folder after full reset.
KEY_ALIAS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Alias for key.
KEY_ALIAS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
KEY_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Password for key.
KEY_PASSWORD_OPTION - Static variable in interface
Keychain - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
Keychain() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.Keychain
KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Password for unlocking keychain specified in keychainPath.
KEYCHAIN_PASSWORD_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsKeychainOptions
KEYCHAIN_PATH - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Full path to the private development key exported from the system keychain.
KEYCHAIN_PATH_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsKeychainOptions
KEYCHAINS_EXCLUDE_PATTERNS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsKeychainsExcludePatternsOption
KeyEvent - Class in
KeyEvent() - Constructor for class
KeyEvent(AndroidKey) - Constructor for class
KeyEventFlag - Enum in
KeyEventMetaModifier - Enum in
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Password for custom keystore.
KEYSTORE_PASSWORD_OPTION - Static variable in interface
KEYSTORE_PATH - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Path to custom keystore, default ~/.android/debug.keystore.
KEYSTORE_PATH_OPTION - Static variable in interface
KeystoreConfig - Class in
KeystoreConfig() - Constructor for class


LANGUAGE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Language to set for iOS (XCUITest driver only) and Android.
LANGUAGE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsLanguageOption
LAUNCH_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
LAUNCH_WITH_IDB_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsLaunchWithIdbOption
launchApp() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.SupportsLegacyAppManagement
This method is deprecated and will be removed. See
launchApp() - Method in class
Launch the application app under test after it was closed.
launchWithIdb() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsLaunchWithIdbOption
Enforces launching of WebDriverAgentRunner with idb instead of xcodebuild.
ListensToLogcatMessages - Interface in
ListensToSyslogMessages - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios
loadSystemProperties() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
LOCALE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Locale to set for iOS (XCUITest driver only) and Android.
LOCALE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsLocaleOption
LOCALE_SCRIPT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Sets the locale script.
LOCALE_SCRIPT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
LOCALIZABLE_STRINGS_DIR - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Where to look for localizable strings.
LOCALIZABLE_STRINGS_DIR_OPTION - Static variable in interface
location() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsLocation
LOCATION_SERVICES_AUTHORIZED - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Set location services to be authorized or not authorized for app via plist, so that location services alert doesn't pop up.
LOCATION_SERVICES_ENABLED - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Force location services to be either on or off.
locationContext - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
locator - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfAListOfElements
locator - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.interceptors.InterceptorOfASingleElement
LocatorGroupStrategy - Enum in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
LOCK - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
lockDevice() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.LocksDevice
This method locks a device.
lockDevice(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.LocksDevice
Lock the device (bring it to the lock screen) for a given number of seconds or forever (until the command for unlocking is called).
lockDeviceCommand(Duration) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
LocksDevice - Interface in io.appium.java_client
LOG_EVENT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
LOGCAT_FILTER_SPECS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
LOGCAT_FORMAT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
logEvent(CustomEvent) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.LogsEvents
Log a custom event on the Appium server.
LogsEvents - Interface in io.appium.java_client
LONG_PRESS_KEY_CODE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
longPress(LongPressOptions) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press and hold the at the center of an element until the context menu event has fired.
longPress(PointOption) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press and hold the at the center of an element until the context menu event has fired.
longPressKey(KeyEvent) - Method in interface
Send a long press key event to the device under test.
longPressKeyCodeCommand(int) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
longPressKeyCodeCommand(int, Integer) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
LongPressOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.touch
LongPressOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.touch.LongPressOptions
longPressOptions() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.LongPressOptions
It creates an empty instance of LongPressOptions.


MAC - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform
MAC2 - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
Mac2Driver - Class in io.appium.java_client.mac
Mac2Driver is an officially supported Appium driver created to automate Mac OS apps.
Mac2Driver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Driver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Driver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Driver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Driver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Driver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Driver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Driver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Driver(URL) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
This is a special constructor used to connect to a running driver instance.
Mac2Driver(ClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
Mac2Driver(AppiumClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
Mac2Driver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2Driver
Mac2Options - Class in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
Mac2Options() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.Mac2Options
Mac2Options(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.Mac2Options
Mac2Options(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.Mac2Options
Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.mac
Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
Mac2StopScreenRecordingOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.mac
Mac2StopScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StopScreenRecordingOptions
main() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.Config
Retrieve a facade for the main config.
makeGsmCall(String, GsmCallActions) - Method in interface
Emulate GSM call event on the connected emulator.
mapToPoint(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonResult
Transforms a map into Point object.
mapToRect(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonResult
Transforms a map into Rectangle object.
MARIONETTE_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsMarionettePortOption
markExtensionAbsence(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
markExtensionAbsence(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.CanRememberExtensionPresence
Marks the given extension as absent for the given driver instance.
matchImagesFeatures(byte[], byte[]) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching by features with default options.
matchImagesFeatures(byte[], byte[], FeaturesMatchingOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching by features.
matchImagesFeatures(File, File) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching by features with default options.
matchImagesFeatures(File, File, FeaturesMatchingOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ComparesImages
Performs images matching by features.
MatchingFunction - Enum in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
MAX_TYPING_FREQUENCY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Maximum frequency of keystrokes for typing and clear.
MAX_TYPING_FREQUENCY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsMaxTypingFrequencyOption
merge(Capabilities) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
merge(Capabilities) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
MethodCallListener - Interface in io.appium.java_client.proxy
MJPEG_SCREENSHOT_URL_OPTION - Static variable in interface
MJPEG_SERVER_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
MJPEG_SERVER_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsMjpegServerPortOption
MobileBrowserType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
MobileBy - Class in io.appium.java_client
Use AppiumBy instead.
MobileBy(String, String, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByAndroidDataMatcher - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByAndroidViewMatcher - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByAndroidViewTag - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByCustom - Class in io.appium.java_client
Use AppiumBy.ByCustom instead.
MobileBy.ByImage - Class in io.appium.java_client
Use AppiumBy.ByImage instead.
MobileBy.ByIosClassChain - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByIosNsPredicate - Class in io.appium.java_client
MobileBy.ByWindowsAutomation - Class in io.appium.java_client
Not supported on the server side.
MobileCapabilityType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
The list of common capabilities.
MobileCommand - Class in io.appium.java_client
The repository of mobile commands defined in the Mobile JSON wire protocol.
MobileCommand() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
MobileOptions<T extends MobileOptions<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote
MobileOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Creates new instance with no preset capabilities.
MobileOptions(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Creates new instance with provided capabilities capabilities.
MobilePlatform - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
MOCK_LOCATION_APP_OPTION - Static variable in interface
moveTo(PointOption) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Moves current touch to a new position.
MOZ_FIREFOX_OPTIONS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsMozFirefoxOptionsOption
MS_EXPERIMENTAL_WEBDRIVER_OPTION - Static variable in interface
MS_WAIT_FOR_APP_LAUNCH_OPTION - Static variable in interface
MultiTouchAction - Class in io.appium.java_client
Touch actions are deprecated. Please use W3C Actions instead or the corresponding extension methods for the driver (if available). Check - - - for more details.
MultiTouchAction(PerformsTouchActions) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction


name(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
For IOS the element name.
name - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.CommandEvent
name - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.TimedEvent
NATIVE_INSTRUMENTS_LIB - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Use native intruments lib (ie disable instruments-without-delay).
NATIVE_WEB_SCREENSHOT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
In a web context, use native (adb) method for taking a screenshot, rather than proxying to ChromeDriver, default false.
NATIVE_WEB_SCREENSHOT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
NATIVE_WEB_TAP - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Enable "real", non-javascript-based web taps in Safari.
NATIVE_WEB_TAP_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsNativeWebTapOption
NATIVE_WEB_TAP_STRICT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsNativeWebTapStrictOption
nativeWebScreenshot() - Method in interface
Enforce to use screenshoting endpoint provided by UiAutomator framework rather than the one provided by chromedriver.
nativeWebTap(Boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
Set the `nativeWebTap` setting.
nativeWebTap() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsNativeWebTapOption
Enforces native non-javascript-based taps in web context mode.
nativeWebTapStrict() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsNativeWebTapStrictOption
Enforce native taps to be done by XCUITest driver rather than WebDriverAgent.
NETWORK_SPEED - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
NETWORK_SPEED - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Set the network speed emulation.
NETWORK_SPEED_OPTION - Static variable in interface
NetworkSpeed - Enum in
networkSpeedCommand(NetworkSpeed) - Static method in class
NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
How long (in seconds) Appium will wait for a new command from the client before assuming the client quit and ending the session.
NEW_COMMAND_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsNewCommandTimeoutOption
NO_RESET - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Don't reset app state before this session.
NO_RESET_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsNoResetOption
NO_SIGN - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Skip checking and signing of app with debug keys, will work only with UiAutomator and not with selendroid, default false.
NO_SIGN_OPTION - Static variable in interface
NO_SUCH_CONTEXT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
noReset() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsNoResetOption
Set the app not to do a reset.
normalizeTagNames(boolean) - Method in interface
Setting this value to true will enforce source tree dumper to transliterate all class names used as XML tags to the limited set of ASCII characters supported by Apache Harmony lib and used by default in Android to avoid possible XML parsing exceptions caused by XPath lookup.
noSign() - Method in interface
Skips application signing.
NoSuchContextException - Exception in io.appium.java_client
NoSuchContextException(String) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.NoSuchContextException
NoSuchContextException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.NoSuchContextException
NotImplementedException - Exception in io.appium.java_client.proxy
NotImplementedException() - Constructor for exception io.appium.java_client.proxy.NotImplementedException


OBJECT_METHOD_NAMES - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.proxy.Helpers
OccurrenceMatchingOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
OccurrenceMatchingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.OccurrenceMatchingOptions
OccurrenceMatchingResult - Class in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
OccurrenceMatchingResult(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.OccurrenceMatchingResult
occurrences - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.TimedEvent
ofCode(long) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.ApplicationState
Creates ApplicationState instance based on the code.
onClose(int, String) - Method in class
onError(Object, Method, Object[], Throwable) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.proxy.MethodCallListener
The callback to be invoked if a public method or its Call replacement throws an exception.
onError(Throwable) - Method in class
onOpen() - Method in class
onText(CharSequence) - Method in class
OPEN_NOTIFICATIONS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
openNotifications() - Method in interface
Opens notification drawer on the device under test.
openNotificationsCommand() - Static method in class
OPTIONAL_INTENT_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Additional intent arguments that will be used to start activity.
OPTIONAL_INTENT_ARGUMENTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface
ORIENTATION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
(Sim/Emu-only) start in a certain orientation.
ORIENTATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsOrientationOption
OTHER_APPS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
App or list of apps (as a JSON array) to install prior to running tests.
OTHER_APPS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsOtherAppsOption
overrideServerUrl(URL) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
Override the http client in the HttpCommandExecutor class with a new http client instance with the given URL.
OverrideWidget - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
This annotation should mark an abstract/certain Widget object class or field that declares some abstract/certain Widget object class.


PAGE_LOAD_STRATEGY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPageLoadStrategyOption
parameterBuilder - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
parseSessionAddress(URL) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.SessionHelpers
Parses the address of a running remote session.
PasteboardSyncState - Enum in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
perform() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MultiTouchAction
Perform the multi-touch action on the mobile performsTouchActions.
perform() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PerformsActions
perform() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Perform this chain of actions on the performsTouchActions.
PERFORM_MULTI_TOUCH - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
PERFORM_TOUCH_ACTION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
performMultiTouchAction(MultiTouchAction) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PerformsTouchActions
PerformsActions<T extends PerformsActions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client
PerformsTouchActions - Interface in io.appium.java_client
PerformsTouchID - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios
performTouchAction(TouchAction) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PerformsTouchActions
performTouchID(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.PerformsTouchID
Simulate touchId event on iOS Simulator.
Permissions - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
Permissions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.Permissions
Permissions(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.Permissions
Permissions(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.Permissions
PERMISSIONS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsPermissionsOption
platform - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
PLATFORM_VERSION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Mobile OS version.
PLATFORM_VERSION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPlatformVersionOption
point(Point) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption
It creates a built instance of PointOption which takes x and y coordinates.
point(int, int) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption
It creates a built instance of PointOption which takes x and y coordinates.
PointOption<T extends PointOption<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.touch.offset
PointOption() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption
postC(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This methods forms POST commands.
POSTRUN_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPostrunOption
POWER_AC_STATE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
POWER_CAPACITY - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
powerACCommand(PowerACState) - Static method in class
PowerACState - Enum in
powerCapacityCommand(int) - Static method in class
PowerShellData - Class in
PowerShellData() - Constructor for class
PowerShellData(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
prepareArguments(String, Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
Prepares single argument.
prepareArguments(String[], Object[]) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
Prepares collection of arguments.
PRERUN_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPrerunOption
press(IOSPressOptions) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSTouchAction
Press action on the screen.
press(PointOption) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Press action on the screen.
PRESS_KEY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.HideKeyboardStrategy
PRESS_KEY_CODE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
PressesKey - Interface in
pressKey(KeyEvent) - Method in interface
Send a key event to the device under test.
pressKeyCodeCommand(int) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
pressKeyCodeCommand(int, Integer) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
PREVENT_WDAATTACHMENTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
This capability was deleted at Appium 1.14.0
PRINT_PAGE_SOURCE_ON_FIND_FAILURE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
When a find operation fails, print the current page source.
PRINT_PAGE_SOURCE_ON_FIND_FAILURE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPrintPageSourceOnFindFailureOption
printPageSourceOnFindFailure() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPrintPageSourceOnFindFailureOption
Set the app to print page source when a find operation fails.
PROCESS_ARGUMENTS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Arguments to pass to the AUT using instruments.
PROCESS_ARGUMENTS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsProcessArgumentsOption
ProcessArguments - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
ProcessArguments(List<String>, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.ProcessArguments
ProcessArguments(List<String>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.ProcessArguments
ProcessArguments(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.ProcessArguments
propagateIfNotIgnored(Throwable) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
proxy(Proxy) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
PROXY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsProxyOption
ProxyFactory - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils
Original class is a super class of a proxy object here.
PULL_FILE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
PULL_FOLDER - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
pullFile(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PullsFiles
Pull a file from the remote system.
pullFolder(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PullsFiles
Pull a folder content from the remote system.
PullsFiles - Interface in io.appium.java_client
PUSH_FILE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
PushesFiles - Interface in io.appium.java_client
pushFile(String, byte[]) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PushesFiles
Saves base64-encoded data as a file on the remote system.
pushFile(String, File) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.PushesFiles
Sends the file to the remote device.
pushFileCommand(String, byte[]) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.


QUERY_APP_STATE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
queryAppState(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Queries the state of an application.


readTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
RECREATE_CHROME_DRIVER_SESSIONS - Static variable in interface
RECREATE_CHROME_DRIVER_SESSIONS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Kill ChromeDriver session when moving to a non-ChromeDriver webview.
recreateChromeDriverSessions() - Method in interface
Enforce chromedriver sessions to be killed and then recreated instead of just suspending it on context switch.
REDUCE_MOTION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsReduceMotionOption
reduceMotion() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsReduceMotionOption
Enforce reduce motion accessibility preference.
ReflectionHelpers - Class in io.appium.java_client.internal
ReflectionHelpers() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.internal.ReflectionHelpers
refreshAdditionalCommands() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
release() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Remove the current touching implement from the screen (withdraw your touch).
remember() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ScreenshotState
Call this method to save the initial screenshot state.
remember(BufferedImage) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ScreenshotState
This method allows to pass a custom bitmap for further comparison instead of taking one using screenshot provider function.
REMOTE_ADB_HOST - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Optional remote ADB server host.
REMOTE_ADB_HOST_OPTION - Static variable in interface
REMOTE_APPS_CACHE_LIMIT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Set the maximum number of remote cached apks which are pushed to the device-under-test's local storage.
REMOTE_APPS_CACHE_LIMIT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
REMOVE_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
removeAllHandlers() - Method in class
Remove all the registered handlers.
removeAllLogcatListeners() - Method in interface
Removes all existing logcat handlers.
removeAllSyslogListeners() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Removes all existing syslog handlers.
removeApp(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Remove the specified app from the device (uninstall).
removeApp(String, BaseRemoveApplicationOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Remove the specified app from the device (uninstall).
removeConnectionHandlers() - Method in interface
Removes existing web socket connection handlers.
removeDisconnectionHandlers() - Method in interface
Removes existing disconnection handlers.
removeErrorHandlers() - Method in interface
Removes existing error handlers.
removeMessageHandlers() - Method in interface
Removes existing message handlers.
removeOutPutStream(OutputStream) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Remove the outputStream which is receiving server output data.
REPLACE_VALUE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
replaceElementValue(RemoteWebElement, String) - Method in interface
Sends a text to the given element by replacing its previous content.
replaceElementValueCommand(RemoteWebElement, String) - Static method in class
RESET - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
RESET_KEYBOARD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Reset keyboard to its original state, after running Unicode tests with unicodeKeyboard capability.
RESET_LOCATION_SERVICE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general.SupportsResetLocationServiceOption
RESET_ON_SESSION_START_ONLY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Whether to perform reset on test session finish (false) or not (true).
RESET_ON_SESSION_START_ONLY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsResetOnSessionStartOnlyOption
resetApp() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.SupportsLegacyAppManagement
This method is deprecated and will be removed. See
resetLocationService() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general.SupportsResetLocationServiceOption
Set to reset the location service in the session deletion on real device.
RESULT_BUNDLE_PATH_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsResultBundlePathOption
rotate(DeviceRotation) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsRotation
rotate(ScreenOrientation) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsRotation
rotation() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsRotation
Get device rotation.
RUN_APP_IN_BACKGROUND - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
runAppInBackground(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Runs the current app in the background for the time requested.


SAFARI - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
SAFARI - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileBrowserType
SAFARI_ALLOW_POPUPS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Allow javascript to open new windows in Safari.
SAFARI_ALLOW_POPUPS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariAllowPopupsOption
SAFARI_AUTOMATIC_INSPECTION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariAutomaticInspectionOption
SAFARI_AUTOMATIC_PROFILING_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariAutomaticProfilingOption
SAFARI_DEVICE_NAME_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceNameOption
SAFARI_DEVICE_TYPE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceTypeOption
SAFARI_DEVICE_UDID_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceUdidOption
SAFARI_GARBAGE_COLLECT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariGarbageCollectOption
SAFARI_IGNORE_FRAUD_WARNING - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Prevent Safari from showing a fraudulent website warning.
SAFARI_IGNORE_FRAUD_WARNING_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariIgnoreFraudWarningOption
SAFARI_IGNORE_WEB_HOSTNAMES_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariIgnoreWebHostnamesOption
SAFARI_INITIAL_URL - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) (>= 8.1) Initial safari url, default is a local welcome page.
SAFARI_INITIAL_URL_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariInitialUrlOption
SAFARI_LOG_ALL_COMMUNICATION_HEX_DUMP_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationHexDumpOption
SAFARI_LOG_ALL_COMMUNICATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationOption
SAFARI_OPEN_LINKS_IN_BACKGROUND - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
(Sim-only) Whether Safari should allow links to open in new windows.
SAFARI_OPEN_LINKS_IN_BACKGROUND_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariOpenLinksInBackgroundOption
SAFARI_PLATFORM_BUILD_VERSION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariPlatformBuildVersionOption
SAFARI_PLATFORM_VERSION_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariPlatformVersionOption
SAFARI_SOCKET_CHUNK_SIZE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariSocketChunkSizeOption
SAFARI_USE_SIMULATOR_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariUseSimulatorOption
SAFARI_WEB_INSPECTOR_MAX_FRAME_LENGTH_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariWebInspectorMaxFrameLengthOption
safariAllowPopups() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariAllowPopupsOption
Enforces to allow javascript to open popups in Safari.
safariAutomaticInspection() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariAutomaticInspectionOption
Enforces safaridriver to use Automatic Inspection.
safariAutomaticProfiling() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariAutomaticProfilingOption
Enforces safaridriver to use Automatic Inspection.
SafariDriver - Class in io.appium.java_client.safari
GeckoDriver is an officially supported Appium driver created to automate mobile Safari browser.
SafariDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
SafariDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
SafariDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
SafariDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
SafariDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
SafariDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
SafariDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
SafariDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
SafariDriver(URL) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
This is a special constructor used to connect to a running driver instance.
SafariDriver(ClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
SafariDriver(AppiumClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
SafariDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.SafariDriver
safariGarbageCollect() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariGarbageCollectOption
Enforces to turn on garbage collection when executing scripts on Safari.
safariIgnoreFraudWarning() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariIgnoreFraudWarningOption
Enforces to prevent Safari from showing a fraudulent website warning.
safariLogAllCommunication() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationOption
Enforces logging of plists sent to and received from the Web Inspector.
safariLogAllCommunicationHexDump() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationHexDumpOption
Enforces logging of plists sent to and received from the Web Inspector in hex dump format.
safariOpenLinksInBackground() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariOpenLinksInBackgroundOption
Enforces Safari to open links in new windows.
SafariOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SafariOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SafariOptions
SafariOptions(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SafariOptions
SafariOptions(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SafariOptions
safariUseSimulator() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariUseSimulatorOption
Enforces safaridriver to use iOS Simulator.
save(Path) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.ServerEvents
SCALE_FACTOR - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Simulator scale factor.
SCALE_FACTOR_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsScaleFactorOption
score(Capabilities) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Provides a measure of how strongly this DriverService supports the given capabilities.
ScreenRecordingUploadOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.screenrecording
ScreenRecordingUploadOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
ScreenRecordingUploadOptions.RequestMethod - Enum in io.appium.java_client.screenrecording
SCREENSHOT_QUALITY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsScreenshotQualityOption
SCREENSHOT_WAIT_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Max timeout in sec to wait for a screenshot to be generated.
ScreenshotState - Class in io.appium.java_client
ScreenshotState(ComparesImages, Supplier<BufferedImage>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ScreenshotState
The class constructor accepts two arguments.
ScreenshotState(ComparesImages) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ScreenshotState
ScreenshotState.ScreenshotComparisonError - Exception in io.appium.java_client
ScreenshotState.ScreenshotComparisonTimeout - Exception in io.appium.java_client
ScriptOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.driverscripts
ScriptOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.driverscripts.ScriptOptions
ScriptType - Enum in io.appium.java_client.driverscripts
ScriptValue - Class in io.appium.java_client.driverscripts
ScriptValue(Object, Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.driverscripts.ScriptValue
SEND_KEY_STRATEGY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
strategy to use to type test into a test field.
SEND_SMS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
sendSMS(String, String) - Method in interface
Emulate send SMS event on the connected emulator.
sendSMSCommand(String, String) - Static method in class
SERVER_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsServerStartupTimeoutOption
ServerArgument - Interface in io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags
ServerEvents - Class in io.appium.java_client.serverevents
ServerEvents() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.ServerEvents
SessionAddress() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.internal.SessionHelpers.SessionAddress
SessionHelpers - Class in io.appium.java_client.internal
SessionHelpers() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.internal.SessionHelpers
SessionHelpers.SessionAddress - Class in io.appium.java_client.internal
SET_CLIPBOARD - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
SET_NETWORK_CONNECTION - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
SET_SETTINGS - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
SET_VALUE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
SET_WINDOW_RECT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsSetWindowRectOption
setAbsoluteWebLocations(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsAbsoluteWebLocationsOption
This capability will direct the Get Element Location command, when used within webviews, to return coordinates which are relative to the origin of the page, rather than relative to the current scroll offset.
setAcceptInsecureCerts(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAcceptInsecureCertsOption
Set whether untrusted and self-signed TLS certificates are implicitly trusted on navigation for the duration of the session.
setActivityOptions(ActivityOptions) - Method in interface
The mapping of custom options for the main app activity that is going to be started.
setAdbExecTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Maximum time to wait until single ADB command is executed.
setAdbPort(int) - Method in interface
Set number of the port where ADB is running.
setAdditionalWebviewBundleIds(List<String>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsAdditionalWebviewBundleIdsOption
Array of possible bundle identifiers for webviews.
setAllowDelayAdb(boolean) - Method in interface
Being set to false prevents emulator to use -delay-adb feature to detect its startup.
setAllowProvisioningDeviceRegistration(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAllowProvisioningDeviceRegistrationOption
Allow xcodebuild to register your destination device on the developer portal if necessary.
setAllowTestPackages(boolean) - Method in interface
If set to true then it would be possible to use packages built with the test flag for the automated testing (literally adds -t flag to the adb install command).
setAndroidInstallTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Maximum amount of time to wait until the application under test is installed.
setAndroidStorage(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsAndroidStorageOption
See /Flags.html#code-android-storage-var-android-storage-var-code
setAnnotated(AnnotatedElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.AppiumByBuilder
This method should be used for the setting up of AnnotatedElement instances before the building of By-locator strategies.
setApp(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the absolute local path for the location of the App.
setApp(URL) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the remote http URL for the location of the App.
setApp(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAppOption
Set the absolute local path for the location of the App.
setApp(URL) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAppOption
Set the remote http URL for the location of the App.
setAppActivity(String) - Method in interface
Main application activity identifier.
setAppArguments(String) - Method in interface
Application arguments string.
setAppArguments() - Method in interface
Get application arguments.
setAppInstallStrategy(String) - Method in interface
Select application installation strategy for real devices.
setAppLocale(AppLocale) - Method in interface
Sets the locale for the app under test.
setAppPackage(String) - Method in interface
Application package identifier to be started.
setAppPushTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
The timeout for application upload.
setAppTopLevelWindow(String) - Method in interface
Set the hexadecimal handle of an existing application top level window to attach to, for example 0x12345 (should be of string type).
setAppWaitActivity(String) - Method in interface
Identifier of the activity that the driver should wait for (not necessarily the main one).
setAppWaitDuration(Duration) - Method in interface
Maximum amount of time to wait until the application under test is started (e.g.
setAppWaitForLaunch(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to block until the app under test returns the control to the caller after its activity has been started by Activity Manager (true, the default value) or to continue the test without waiting for that (false).
setAppWaitPackage(String) - Method in interface
Identifier of the package that the driver should wait for (not necessarily the main one).
setAppWorkingDir(String) - Method in interface
Full path to the folder, which is going to be set as the working dir for the application under test.
setArguments(List<String>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsArgumentsOption
Array of application command line arguments.
setAutoAcceptAlerts(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAutoAcceptAlertsOption
Accept all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up.
setAutoDismissAlerts(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsAutoDismissAlertsOption
Dismiss all iOS alerts automatically if they pop up.
setAutoGrantPermissions(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to grant all the requested application permissions automatically when a test starts(true).
setAutomationName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the automation engine to use.
setAutomationName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAutomationNameOption
Set the automation driver to use.
setAutoWebview() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the app to move directly into Webview context.
setAutoWebview(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set whether the app moves directly into Webview context.
setAutoWebview(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsAutoWebViewOption
Set whether the app moves directly into Webview context.
setAutoWebviewTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Set the maximum timeout to wait until a web view is available if autoWebview capability is set to true.
setAvd(String) - Method in interface
The name of Android emulator to run the test on.
setAvdArgs(List<String>) - Method in interface
Set emulator command line arguments.
setAvdArgs(String) - Method in interface
Set emulator command line arguments.
setAvdEnv(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Set the mapping of emulator environment variables.
setAvdLaunchTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Maximum timeout to wait until Android Emulator is started.
setAvdReadyTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Maximum timeout to wait until Android Emulator is fully booted and is ready for usage.
setBootstrapRoot(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsBootstrapRootOption
The full path to WebDriverAgentMac root folder where Xcode project of the server sources lives.
setBrowserVersion(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsBrowserVersionOption
Provide the version number of the browser to automate if there are multiple versions installed on the same machine where the driver is running.
setBuildToolsVersion(String) - Method in interface
The version of Android build tools to use.
setBundleId(String) - Method in interface
Bundle identifier of the app under test, for example com.mycompany.myapp.
setBundleId(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsBundleIdOption
The bundle identifier of the application to automate, for example
setCalendarAccessAuthorized(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCalendarAccessAuthorizedOption
Set this to true if you want to enable calendar access on IOS Simulator with given bundleId.
setCalendarFormat(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCalendarFormatOption
Set calendar format for the iOS Simulator.
setCapability(String, Object) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
setCapability(String, Object) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.CanSetCapability
setChromedriverArgs(List<String>) - Method in interface
Array of chromedriver [command line arguments](
setChromedriverChromeMappingFile(String) - Method in interface
Full path to the chromedrivers mapping file.
setChromedriverDisableBuildCheck(boolean) - Method in interface
Being set to true disables the compatibility validation between the current chromedriver and the destination browser/web view.
setChromedriverExecutable(String) - Method in interface
Full path to the chromedriver executable on the server file system.
setChromedriverExecutableDir(String) - Method in interface
Full path to the folder where chromedriver executables are located.
setChromedriverPort(int) - Method in interface
The port number to use for Chromedriver communication.
setChromedriverPorts(List<Integer>) - Method in interface
Array of possible port numbers to assign for Chromedriver communication.
setChromedriverUseSystemExecutable(boolean) - Method in interface
Set it to true in order to enforce the usage of chromedriver, which gets downloaded by Appium automatically upon installation.
setChromeLoggingPrefs(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
Chrome logging preferences mapping.
setChromeOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface
A mapping, that allows to customize chromedriver options.
setClearDeviceLogsOnStart(boolean) - Method in interface
If set to true then UiAutomator2 deletes all the existing logs in the device buffer before starting a new test.
setClearSystemFiles() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the app to delete any generated files at the end of a session.
setClearSystemFiles(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set whether the app deletes generated files at the end of a session.
setClearSystemFiles(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsClearSystemFilesOption
Set whether the app deletes generated files at the end of a session.
setClipboard(String, ClipboardContentType, byte[]) - Method in interface
Set the content of device's clipboard.
setClipboard(ClipboardContentType, byte[]) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.clipboard.HasClipboard
Set the content of device's clipboard.
setClipboardImage(BufferedImage) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSClipboard
Set an image to the clipboard.
setClipboardText(String, String) - Method in interface
Set the clipboard text.
setClipboardText(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.clipboard.HasClipboard
Set the clipboard text.
setClipboardUrl(URL) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSClipboard
Set an URL to the clipboard.
setCommandCodec(CommandCodec<HttpRequest>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
setCommandTimeouts(CommandTimeouts) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsCommandTimeoutsOption
Custom timeout(s) in milliseconds for WDA backend commands execution.
setCommandTimeouts(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsCommandTimeoutsOption
Custom timeout for all WDA backend commands execution.
setConnectHardwareKeyboard(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsConnectHardwareKeyboardOption
Set this option to true in order to enable hardware keyboard in Simulator.
setConnection(ConnectionState) - Method in interface
Set the network connection of the device.
setConnectionCommand(long) - Static method in class
setCreateSessionTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Set the timeout used to retry Appium Windows Driver session startup.
setCustomSSLCert(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCustomSslCertOption
Adds a root SSL certificate to IOS Simulator.
setCustomSSLCert() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsCustomSslCertOption
Get the SSL certificate content.
setDerivedDataPath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsDerivedDataPathOption
Use along with usePrebuiltWDA capability and choose where to search for the existing WDA app.
setDeviceName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the name of the device.
setDeviceName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsDeviceNameOption
Set the name of the device.
setDhowChromedriverLog(boolean) - Method in interface
If set to true then all the output from chromedriver binary will be forwarded to the Appium server log.
setDisableAutomaticScreenshots(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsDisableAutomaticScreenshotsOption
Disable automatic screenshots taken by XCTest at every interaction.
setDisableSuppressAccessibilityService(boolean) - Method in interface
Being set to true tells the instrumentation process to not suppress accessibility services during the automated test.
setDisableWindowAnimation(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether to disable window animations when starting the instrumentation process.
setElementResponseAttributes(String) - Method in interface
Which attributes should be returned if compact responses are disabled.
setElementResponseAttributes(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
Which attributes should be returned if compact responses are disabled.
setEnableAsyncExecuteFromHttps(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsEnableAsyncExecuteFromHttpsOption
Capability to allow simulators to execute asynchronous JavaScript on pages using HTTPS.
setEnablePerformanceLogging() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the app to enable performance logging.
setEnablePerformanceLogging(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set whether the app logs performance.
setEnablePerformanceLogging(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEnablePerformanceLoggingOption
Set whether the app logs performance.
setEnforceAppInstall(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEnforceAppInstallOption
Allows setting whether the application under test is always reinstalled even if a newer version of it already exists on the device under test.
setEnforceFreshSimulatorCreation(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsEnforceFreshSimulatorCreationOption
Creates a new simulator in session creation and deletes it in session deletion.
setEnsureWebviewsHavePages(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to skip web views that have no pages from being shown in getContexts output.
setEnvironment(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsEnvironmentOption
A dictionary of environment variables (name->value) that are going to be passed to the application under test on top of environment variables inherited from the parent process.
setEspressoBuildConfig(String) - Method in interface
This config allows to customize several important properties of Espresso server.
setEspressoBuildConfig(EspressoBuildConfig) - Method in interface
This config allows to customize several important properties of Espresso server.
setEventTimings() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the app to report the timings for various Appium-internal events.
setEventTimings(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set whether the app reports the timings for various Appium-internal events.
setEventTimings(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsEventTimingsOption
Set whether the app reports the timings for various Appium-internal events.
setExperimentalWebDriver(boolean) - Method in interface
Enables experimental features and optimizations.
setExtractChromeAndroidPackageFromContextName(boolean) - Method in interface
If set to true, tell chromedriver to attach to the android package we have associated with the context name, rather than the package of the application under test.
setForceAppLaunch(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsForceAppLaunchOption
Specify if the app should be forcefully restarted if it is already running on session startup.
setForceEspressoRebuild(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to always enforce Espresso server rebuild (true).
setForceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresence(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsForceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresenceOption
Set this option to true in order to turn software keyboard on and turn hardware keyboard off in Simulator since Appium 1.22.0.
setFullContextList(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsFullContextListOption
Sets to return the detailed information on contexts for the get available context command.
setFullReset() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the app to do a full reset.
setFullReset(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set whether the app does a full reset.
setFullReset(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsFullResetOption
Set whether the app does a full reset.
setGpsEnabled(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether to enable (true) or disable (false) GPS service in the Emulator.
setGsmSignalStrength(GsmSignalStrength) - Method in interface
Emulate GSM signal strength change event on the connected emulator.
setGsmVoice(GsmVoiceState) - Method in interface
Emulate GSM voice event on the connected emulator.
setIgnoreHiddenApiPolicyError(boolean) - Method in interface
Being set to true ignores a failure while changing hidden API access policies.
setIncludeDeviceCapsToSessionInfo(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general.SupportsIncludeDeviceCapsToSessionInfoOption
Whether to include screen information as the result of Get Session Capabilities.
setIncludeSafariInWebviews(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsIncludeSafariInWebviewsOption
Add Safari web contexts to the list of contexts available during a native/webview app test.
setIntentAction(String) - Method in interface
Set an optional intent action to be applied when starting the given appActivity by Activity Manager.
setIntentCategory(String) - Method in interface
Set an optional intent category to be applied when starting the given appActivity by Activity Manager.
setIntentFlags(String) - Method in interface
Set an optional intent flags to be applied when starting the given appActivity by Activity Manager.
setIntentOptions(IntentOptions) - Method in interface
The mapping of custom options for the intent that is going to be passed to the main app activity.
setIosSimulatorLogsPredicate(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsIosSimulatorLogsPredicateOption
Set the --predicate flag in the ios simulator logs.
setIsHeadless(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsIsHeadlessOption
If set to true then emulator/simulator starts in headless mode (e.g.
setKeepKeyChains(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsKeepKeyChainsOption
Set the capability to true in order to preserve Simulator keychains folder after full reset.
setKeyboardAutocorrection(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
Changes the 'Auto-Correction' preference in Keyboards setting.
setKeyboardPrediction(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
Changes the 'Predictive' preference in Keyboards setting.
setKeychain(Keychain) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsKeychainOptions
Provides details to access custom keychain, which contains the private development key exported from the system keychain.
setKeychainsExcludePatterns(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsKeychainsExcludePatternsOption
This capability accepts comma-separated path patterns, which are going to be excluded from keychains restore while full reset is being performed on Simulator.
setKeystoreConfig(KeystoreConfig) - Method in interface
Use a custom keystore to sign the app under test.
setLanguage(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set language abbreviation for use in session.
setLanguage(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsLanguageOption
Set language abbreviation for use in session.
setLaunchWithIdb(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsLaunchWithIdbOption
Launch WebDriverAgentRunner with idb instead of xcodebuild.
setLocale(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set locale abbreviation for use in session.
setLocale(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsLocaleOption
Set locale abbreviation for use in session.
setLocaleScript(String) - Method in interface
Set canonical name of the locale to be set for the app under test, for example zh-Hans-CN.
setLocalizableStringsDir(String) - Method in interface
Where to look for localizable strings in the application bundle.
setLocation(AndroidGeoLocation) - Method in interface
Allows to set geo location with extended parameters available for Android platform.
setLocation(Location) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.SupportsLocation
setLogcatFilterSpecs(String) - Method in interface
Series of tag[:priority] where tag is a log component tag (or * for all) and priority is: V Verbose, D Debug, I Info, W Warn, E Error, F Fatal, S Silent (supress all output).
setLogcatFormat(String) - Method in interface
The log print format, where format is one of: brief process tag thread raw time threadtime long.
setMarionettePort(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsMarionettePortOption
Selects the port for Geckodriver’s connection to the Marionette remote protocol.
setMaxTypingFrequency(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsMaxTypingFrequencyOption
Maximum frequency of keystrokes for typing and clear.
setMjpegScalingFactor(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
The scale of screenshots in range 1..100.
setMjpegScreenshotUrl(URL) - Method in interface
The URL of a service that provides realtime device screenshots in MJPEG format.
setMjpegScreenshotUrl(String) - Method in interface
The URL of a service that provides realtime device screenshots in MJPEG format.
setMjpegServerFramerate(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
The frame rate at which the background screenshots broadcaster should broadcast screenshots in range 1..60.
setMjpegServerPort(int) - Method in interface
The number of the port UiAutomator2 server starts the MJPEG server on.
setMjpegServerPort(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsMjpegServerPortOption
The port number on which WDA broadcasts screenshots stream encoded into MJPEG format from the device under test.
setMjpegServerScreenshotQuality(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
The quality of the screenshots generated by the screenshots broadcaster, The value of 0 represents the maximum compression (or lowest quality) while the value of 100 represents the least compression (or best quality).
setMockLocationApp(String) - Method in interface
Sets the package identifier of the app, which is used as a system mock location provider since Appium 1.18.0+.
setMozFirefoxOptions(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsMozFirefoxOptionsOption
setNativeWebScreenshot(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to use screenshoting endpoint provided by UiAutomator framework (true) rather than the one provided by chromedriver (false, the default value).
setNativeWebTap(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsNativeWebTapOption
Enable native, non-javascript-based taps being in web context mode.
setNativeWebTapStrict(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsNativeWebTapStrictOption
Configure native taps to be done by XCUITest driver rather than WebDriverAgent.
setNetworkSpeed(String) - Method in interface
Sets the desired network speed limit for the emulator.
setNetworkSpeed(NetworkSpeed) - Method in interface
Emulate network speed change event on the connected emulator.
setNewCommandTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the timeout for new commands.
setNewCommandTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsNewCommandTimeoutOption
Set the timeout for new commands.
setNoReset() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the app not to do a reset.
setNoReset(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set whether the app does not do a reset.
setNoReset(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsNoResetOption
Set whether the app does not do a reset.
setNoSign(boolean) - Method in interface
Set it to true in order to skip application signing.
setOptionalIntentArguments(String) - Method in interface
Set an optional intent arguments to be applied when starting the given appActivity by Activity Manager.
setOrientation(ScreenOrientation) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the orientation of the screen.
setOrientation(ScreenOrientation) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsOrientationOption
Set the orientation of the screen.
setOtherApps(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the location of the app(s) to install before running a test.
setOtherApps(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsOtherAppsOption
Set the location of the app(s) to install before running a test.
setPageLoadStrategy(PageLoadStrategy) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPageLoadStrategyOption
Defines the current session’s page load strategy.
setPermissions(Permissions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsPermissionsOption
Allows setting of permissions for the specified application bundle on Simulator only.
setPlatformName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the kind of mobile device or emulator to use.
setPlatformName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
Set the kind of mobile device or emulator to use.
setPlatformVersion(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the version of the platform.
setPlatformVersion(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPlatformVersionOption
Set the version of the platform.
setPostrun(AppleScriptData) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.Mac2Options
An object containing either script or command key.
setPostrun(S) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPostrunOption
setPostrun(PowerShellData) - Method in class
An object containing either script or command key.
setPowerAC(PowerACState) - Method in interface
Emulate power state change on the connected emulator.
setPowerCapacity(int) - Method in interface
Emulate power capacity change on the connected emulator.
setPrerun(AppleScriptData) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.Mac2Options
An object containing either script or command key.
setPrerun(S) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPrerunOption
setPrerun(PowerShellData) - Method in class
An object containing either script or command key.
setPrintPageSourceOnFindFailure() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the app to print page source when a find operation fails.
setPrintPageSourceOnFindFailure(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set whether the app to print page source when a find operation fails.
setPrintPageSourceOnFindFailure(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsPrintPageSourceOnFindFailureOption
Set whether the app to print page source when a find operation fails.
setPrivateFieldValue(Class<?>, T, String, Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.ReflectionHelpers
Sets the given value to a private instance field.
setPrivateFieldValue(Class<? extends CommandExecutor>, String, Object) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
setProcessArguments(ProcessArguments) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsProcessArgumentsOption
Provides process arguments and environment which will be sent to the WebDriverAgent server.
setProxy(Proxy) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsProxyOption
Defines the current session’s proxy configuration.
setRecreateChromeDriverSessions(boolean) - Method in interface
If this capability is set to true then chromedriver session is always going to be killed and then recreated instead of just suspending it on context switching.
setReduceMotion(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsReduceMotionOption
It allows to turn on/off reduce motion accessibility preference.
setRemoteAdbHost(String) - Method in interface
Address of the host where ADB is running (the value of -H ADB command line option).
setRemoteAppsCacheLimit(int) - Method in interface
Sets the maximum amount of application packages to be cached on the device under test.
setResetLocationService(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general.SupportsResetLocationServiceOption
Whether reset the location service in the session deletion on real device.
setResetOnSessionStartOnly(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsResetOnSessionStartOnlyOption
Whether to perform reset on test session finish (false) or not (true).
setResponseCodec(ResponseCodec<HttpResponse>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.AppiumCommandExecutor
setResultBundlePath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsResultBundlePathOption
Specify the path to the result bundle path as xcodebuild argument for WebDriverAgent build under a security flag.
setSafariAllowPopups(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariAllowPopupsOption
Allow javascript to open new windows in Safari.
setSafariAutomaticInspection(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariAutomaticInspectionOption
This capability instructs Safari to preload the Web Inspector and JavaScript debugger in the background prior to returning a newly-created window.
setSafariAutomaticProfiling(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariAutomaticProfilingOption
This capability instructs Safari to preload the Web Inspector and start a Timeline recording in the background prior to returning a newly-created window.
setSafariDeviceName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceNameOption
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose device name matches the value of safari:deviceName.
setSafariDeviceType(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceTypeOption
If the value of safari:deviceType is 'iPhone', safaridriver will only create a session using an iPhone device or iPhone simulator.
setSafariDeviceUdid(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariDeviceUdidOption
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose device UDID matches the value of safari:deviceUDID.
setSafariGarbageCollect(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariGarbageCollectOption
Turns on/off Web Inspector garbage collection when executing scripts on Safari.
setSafariIgnoreFraudWarning(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariIgnoreFraudWarningOption
Prevent Safari from showing a fraudulent website warning.
setSafariIgnoreWebHostnames(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariIgnoreWebHostnamesOption
Provide a list of hostnames (comma-separated) that the Safari automation tools should ignore.
setSafariInitialUrl(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariInitialUrlOption
Set initial safari url, default is a local welcome page.
setSafariLogAllCommunication(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationOption
Log all plists sent to and received from the Web Inspector, as plain text.
setSafariLogAllCommunicationHexDump(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationHexDumpOption
Log all communication sent to and received from the Web Inspector, as raw hex dump and printable characters.
setSafariOpenLinksInBackground(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariOpenLinksInBackgroundOption
Whether Safari should allow links to open in new windows.
setSafariPlatformBuildVersion(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariPlatformBuildVersionOption
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose OS build version matches the value of safari:platformBuildVersion.
setSafariPlatformVersion(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariPlatformVersionOption
safaridriver will only create a session using hosts whose OS version matches the value of safari:platformVersion.
setSafariSocketChunkSize(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariSocketChunkSizeOption
The size, in bytes, of the data to be sent to the Web Inspector on iOS 11+ real devices.
setSafariUseSimulator(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsSafariUseSimulatorOption
If the value of safari:useSimulator is true, safaridriver will only use iOS Simulator hosts.
setSafariWebInspectorMaxFrameLength(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsSafariWebInspectorMaxFrameLengthOption
The maximum size in bytes of a single data frame for the Web Inspector.
setScaleFactor(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsScaleFactorOption
Simulator scale factor.
setScreenshotQuality(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
Changes the quality of phone display screenshots according to XCTest/XCTImageQuality enum.
setScreenshotQuality(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsScreenshotQualityOption
Changes the quality of phone display screenshots following xctest/xctimagequality Default value is 1.
setServerStartupTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsServerStartupTimeoutOption
The timeout to wait util the WebDriverAgentMac project is built and started.
setSetting(Setting, Object) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasSettings
Set a setting for this test session It's probably better to use a convenience function, rather than use this function directly.
setSetting(String, Object) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasSettings
Set a setting for this test session It's probably better to use a convenience function, rather than use this function directly.
setSettings(EnumMap<Setting, Object>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasSettings
Sets settings for this test session.
setSettings(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.HasSettings
Sets settings for this test session.
setSettingsCommand(String, Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
setSettingsCommand(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
setShouldTerminateApp(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShouldTerminateAppOption
Specify if the app should be terminated on session end.
setShouldUseCompactResponses(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to return compact (standards-compliant) and faster responses in find element/s (the default setting).
setShouldUseCompactResponses(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.HasIOSSettings
Whether to return compact (standards-compliant) and faster responses from find element/s (the default setting).
setShouldUseSingletonTestManager(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShouldUseSingletonTestManagerOption
Use default proxy for test management within WebDriverAgent.
setShowGradleLog(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to include Gradle log to the regular server logs while building Espresso server.
setShowIosLog(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsShowIosLogOption
Whether to show any logs captured from a device in the appium logs.
setShowServerLogs(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsShowServerLogsOption
Set it to true in order to include xcodebuild output to the Appium server log.
setShowXcodeLog(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShowXcodeLogOption
Whether to display the output of the Xcode command used to run the tests in Appium logs.
setShutdownOtherSimulators(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsShutdownOtherSimulatorsOption
If this capability set to true and the current device under test is an iOS Simulator then Appium will try to shutdown all the other running Simulators before to start a new session.
setSimpleIsVisibleCheck(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsSimpleIsVisibleCheckOption
Use native methods for determining visibility of elements.
setSimulatorDevicesSetPath(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorDevicesSetPathOption
This capability allows to set an alternative path to the simulator devices set in case you have multiple sets deployed on your local system.
setSimulatorPasteboardAutomaticSync(PasteboardSyncState) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorPasteboardAutomaticSyncOption
Handle the -PasteboardAutomaticSync flag when simulator process launches.
setSimulatorStartupTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorStartupTimeoutOption
Allows to change the default timeout for Simulator startup.
setSimulatorTracePointer(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorTracePointerOption
Whether to highlight pointer moves in the Simulator window.
setSimulatorWindowCenter(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorWindowCenterOption
Allows to explicitly set the coordinates of Simulator window center for Xcode9+ SDK.
setSkipAppKill(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSkipAppKillOption
Set whether to skip the termination of the application under test when the testing session quits.
setSkipDeviceInitialization(boolean) - Method in interface
If set to true then device startup checks (whether it is ready and whether Settings app is installed) will be canceled on session creation.
setSkipLogCapture(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsSkipLogCaptureOption
Skips to start capturing system logs.
setSkipLogcatCapture(boolean) - Method in interface
Being set to true disables automatic logcat output collection during the test run.
setSkipServerInstallation(boolean) - Method in interface
Set whether to skip the server components installation on the device under test and all the related checks.
setSkipUnlock(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to skip the check for lock screen presence (true).
setSuppressKillServer(boolean) - Method in interface
Being set to true prevents the driver from ever killing the ADB server explicitly.
setSystemHost(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSystemHostOption
The name of the host for the internal server to listen on.
setSystemPort(int) - Method in interface
The number of the port the UiAutomator2 or Espresso server is listening on.
setSystemPort(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsSystemPortOption
The number of the port for the driver to listen on.
setSystemPort(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSystemPortOption
The number of the port for the internal server to listen on.
setSystemPort(int) - Method in interface
The port number to execute Appium Windows Driver server listener on, for example 5556.
Setting - Enum in io.appium.java_client
Enums defining constants for Appium Settings which can be set and toggled during a test session.
setTrackScrollEvents(boolean) - Method in interface
Turn on or off the tracking of scroll events as they happen.
setUdid(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileOptions
Set the id of the device.
setUdid(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsUdidOption
Set the id of the device.
setUiautomator2ServerInstallTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Set the maximum timeout to wait util Espresso is listening on the device.
setUiautomator2ServerInstallTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Set the maximum timeout to wait util UiAutomator2Server is installed on the device.
setUiautomator2ServerLaunchTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Set the maximum timeout to wait util UiAutomator2Server is listening on the device.
setUiautomator2ServerReadTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Set the maximum timeout to wait for a HTTP response from UiAutomator2Server.
setUnhandledPromptBehavior(UnhandledPromptBehavior) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsUnhandledPromptBehaviorOption
Defines the current session’s page load strategy.
setUninstallOtherPackages(String) - Method in interface
Allows to set one or more comma-separated package identifiers to be uninstalled from the device before a test starts.
setUnlockKey(String) - Method in interface
Allows to set an unlock key.
setUnlockStrategy(String) - Method in interface
Either 'locksettings' (default) or 'uiautomator'.
setUnlockSuccessTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface
Maximum timeout to wait until the device is unlocked.
setUnlockType(String) - Method in interface
Set one of the possible types of Android lock screens to unlock.
setUpdatedWdaBundleId(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUpdatedWdaBundleIdOption
Bundle id to update WDA to before building and launching on real devices.
setUseJSONSource(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsUseJsonSourceOption
Get JSON source from WDA and transform it to XML on the Appium server side.
setUseNativeCachingStrategy(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseNativeCachingStrategyOption
Set this capability to false in order to use the custom elements caching strategy.
setUseNewWDA(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseNewWdaOption
If true, forces uninstall of any existing WebDriverAgent app on device.
setUsePrebuiltWda(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUsePrebuiltWdaOption
Skips the build phase of running the WDA app.
setUserProfile(int) - Method in interface
Integer identifier of a user profile.
setUseSimpleBuildTest(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseSimpleBuildTestOption
Build with build and run test with test in xcodebuild for all Xcode versions if this is true, or build with build-for-testing and run tests with test-without-building for over Xcode 8 if this is false.
setUseXctestrunFile(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseXctestrunFileOption
Use Xctestrun file to launch WDA.
setVerbosity(Verbosity) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsVerbosityOption
The verbosity level of driver logging.
setWaitForAppLaunch(Duration) - Method in interface
Similar to createSessionTimeout, but is applied on the server side.
setWaitForIdleTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWaitForIdleTimeoutOption
The time to wait until the application under test is idling.
setWaitForQuiescence(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWaitForQuiescenceOption
It allows to turn on/off waiting for application quiescence in WebDriverAgent, while performing queries.
setWdaBaseUrl(URL) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaBaseUrlOption
This value, if specified, will be used as a prefix to build a custom WebDriverAgent url.
setWdaBaseUrl(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaBaseUrlOption
This value, if specified, will be used as a prefix to build a custom WebDriverAgent url.
setWdaConnectionTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaConnectionTimeoutOption
Connection timeout to wait for a response from WebDriverAgent.
setWdaEventloopIdleDelay(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaEventloopIdleDelayOption
Delays the invocation of -[XCUIApplicationProcess setEventLoopHasIdled:] by the duration specified with this capability.
setWdaLaunchTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaLaunchTimeoutOption
Timeout to wait for WebDriverAgent to be pingable, e.g.
setWdaLocalPort(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaLocalPortOption
This value, if specified, will be used to forward traffic from Mac host to real ios devices over USB.
setWdaStartupRetries(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaStartupRetriesOption
Number of times to try to build and launch WebDriverAgent onto the device.
setWdaStartupRetryInterval(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaStartupRetryIntervalOption
Time interval to wait between tries to build and launch WebDriverAgent.
setWebDriverAgentMacUrl(URL) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsWebDriverAgentMacUrlOption
Set the URL Appium will connect to an existing WebDriverAgentMac instance at this URL instead of starting a new one.
setWebDriverAgentMacUrl(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsWebDriverAgentMacUrlOption
Set the URL Appium will connect to an existing WebDriverAgentMac instance at this URL instead of starting a new one.
setWebDriverAgentUrl(URL) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWebDriverAgentUrlOption
If provided, Appium will connect to an existing WebDriverAgent instance at this URL instead of starting a new one.
setWebDriverAgentUrl(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWebDriverAgentUrlOption
If provided, Appium will connect to an existing WebDriverAgent instance at this URL instead of starting a new one.
setWebkitResponseTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsWebkitResponseTimeoutOption
(Real device only) Set the time to wait for a response from WebKit in a Safari session.
setWebkitWebrtc(WebrtcData) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsWebkitWebrtcOption
This capability allows a test to temporarily change Safari's policies for WebRTC and Media Capture.
setWebviewConnectRetries(int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebviewConnectRetriesOption
Number of times to send connection message to remote debugger, to get a webview.
setWebviewConnectTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebkitResponseTimeoutOption
(Real device only) Set the time to wait for a response from WebKit in a Safari session.
setWebviewConnectTimeout(Duration) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebviewConnectTimeoutOption
The time to wait for the initial presence of webviews in MobileSafari or hybrid apps.
setWebviewDevtoolsPort(int) - Method in interface
The local port number to use for devtools communication.
setWindowRect(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsSetWindowRectOption
Indicates whether the remote end supports all of the resizing and repositioning commands.
setXcodeCertificate(XcodeCertificate) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsXcodeCertificateOptions
Provides a signing certificate for WebDriverAgent compilation.
shake() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ShakesDevice
Simulate shaking the Simulator.
SHAKE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
shakeCommand() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
this helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
ShakesDevice - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios
SHOULD_TERMINATE_APP_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShouldTerminateAppOption
SHOULD_USE_SINGLETON_TEST_MANAGER_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShouldUseSingletonTestManagerOption
SHOULD_USE_SINGLETON_TESTMANAGER - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Use default proxy for test management within WebDriverAgent.
shouldUseSingletonTestManager() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShouldUseSingletonTestManagerOption
Enforce usage of the default proxy for test management within WebDriverAgent.
SHOW_CHROMEDRIVER_LOG_OPTION - Static variable in interface
SHOW_GRADLE_LOG_OPTION - Static variable in interface
SHOW_IOS_LOG - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Whether to show any logs captured from a device in the appium logs.
SHOW_IOS_LOG_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsShowIosLogOption
SHOW_SERVER_LOGS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsShowServerLogsOption
SHOW_XCODE_LOG - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Whether to display the output of the Xcode command used to run the tests.If this is true, there will be lots of extra logging at startup.
SHOW_XCODE_LOG_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShowXcodeLogOption
showChromedriverLog() - Method in interface
Enforces all the output from chromedriver binary to be forwarded to the Appium server log.
showGradleLog() - Method in interface
Enforces inclusion of the Gradle log to the regular server logs.
showIosLog() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsShowIosLogOption
Enforces showing any logs captured from a device in the appium logs.
showServerLogs() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsShowServerLogsOption
Enforce showing of WDA server logs in the Appium log..
showXcodeLog() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsShowXcodeLogOption
Enforce to display the output of the Xcode command used to run the tests in Appium logs.
SHUTDOWN_OTHER_SIMULATORS_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsShutdownOtherSimulatorsOption
shutdownOnPowerDisconnect(boolean) - Method in interface
Whether to enable or disable shutdown the server through the broadcast receiver on ACTION_POWER_DISCONNECTED.
shutdownOtherSimulators() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsShutdownOtherSimulatorsOption
Enforce shutdown of other booted simulators except of the current one.
SimilarityMatchingOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
SimilarityMatchingOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.SimilarityMatchingOptions
SimilarityMatchingResult - Class in io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison
SimilarityMatchingResult(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.SimilarityMatchingResult
SIMPLE_IS_VISIBLE_CHECK_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsSimpleIsVisibleCheckOption
SIMPLE_ISVISIBLE_CHECK - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Use native methods for determining visibility of elements.
simpleIsVisibleCheck() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsSimpleIsVisibleCheckOption
Enforce usage of native methods for determining visibility of elements.
SIMULATOR_DEVICES_SET_PATH_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorDevicesSetPathOption
SIMULATOR_PASTEBOARD_AUTOMATIC_SYNC - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorPasteboardAutomaticSyncOption
SIMULATOR_STARTUP_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorStartupTimeoutOption
SIMULATOR_TRACE_POINTER_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorTracePointerOption
SIMULATOR_WINDOW_CENTER_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorWindowCenterOption
simulatorTracePointer() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsSimulatorTracePointerOption
Enforce highlight of pointer moves in the Simulator window.
SKIP_APP_KILL_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSkipAppKillOption
SKIP_DEVICE_INITIALIZATION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Skip device initialization which includes i.a.: installation and running of Settings app or setting of permissions.
SKIP_DEVICE_INITIALIZATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface
SKIP_LOG_CAPTURE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsSkipLogCaptureOption
SKIP_LOGCAT_CAPTURE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Skips to start capturing logcat.
SKIP_LOGCAT_CAPTURE_OPTION - Static variable in interface
SKIP_SERVER_INSTALLATION_OPTION - Static variable in interface
SKIP_UNLOCK - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Skips unlock during session creation.
SKIP_UNLOCK_OPTION - Static variable in interface
skipAppKill() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSkipAppKillOption
Enforces skipping the termination of the application under test when the testing session quits.
skipDeviceInitialization() - Method in interface
Disables initial device startup checks by the server.
skipLogCapture() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsSkipLogCaptureOption
Skips capturing system logs.
skipLogcatCapture() - Method in interface
Disables automatic logcat output collection during the test run.
skipServerInstallation() - Method in interface
Enables skipping of the server components installation on the device under test and all the related checks.
skipUnlock() - Method in interface
Skip the check for lock screen presence.
Slf4jLogMessageContext - Class in io.appium.java_client.service.local
This class provides context to a Slf4jLogMessageConsumer.
start() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Starts the defined appium server.
START_ACTIVITY - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
START_IWDP - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Set this to true if you want to start ios_webkit_debug proxy server automatically for accessing webviews on iOS.
START_RECORDING_SCREEN - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
startActivity(Activity) - Method in interface
Use 'mobile: startActivity' extension instead
startActivityCommand(String, String, String, String, String, String, String, String, boolean) - Static method in class
startLogcatBroadcast() - Method in interface
Start logcat messages broadcast via web socket.
startLogcatBroadcast(String) - Method in interface
Start logcat messages broadcast via web socket.
startLogcatBroadcast(String, int) - Method in interface
Start logcat messages broadcast via web socket.
startRecordingScreen(T) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.CanRecordScreen
Start asynchronous screen recording process.
startRecordingScreen() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.CanRecordScreen
Start asynchronous screen recording process with default options.
startRecordingScreenCommand(BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
StartsActivity - Interface in
startScreenRecordingOptions() - Static method in class
startScreenRecordingOptions() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
startScreenRecordingOptions() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
startScreenRecordingOptions() - Static method in class
startSession(Capabilities) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumDriver
startSyslogBroadcast() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Start syslog messages broadcast via web socket.
startSyslogBroadcast(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Start syslog messages broadcast via web socket.
startSyslogBroadcast(String, int) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Start syslog messages broadcast via web socket.
startTimestamp - Variable in class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.CommandEvent
stop() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
Stops this service is it is currently running.
STOP_RECORDING_SCREEN - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
stopLogcatBroadcast() - Method in interface
Stops logcat messages broadcast via web socket.
stopRecordingScreen(T) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.CanRecordScreen
Gather the output from the previously started screen recording to a media file.
stopRecordingScreen() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.CanRecordScreen
Gather the output from the previously started screen recording to a media file with default options.
stopRecordingScreenCommand(BaseStopScreenRecordingOptions) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
stopScreenRecordingOptions() - Static method in class
stopScreenRecordingOptions() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStopScreenRecordingOptions
stopScreenRecordingOptions() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StopScreenRecordingOptions
stopScreenRecordingOptions() - Static method in class
stopSyslogBroadcast() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.ListensToSyslogMessages
Stops syslog messages broadcast via web socket.
storeVisualization(File) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonResult
Stores visualization image into the given file.
StringWebSocketClient - Class in
StringWebSocketClient() - Constructor for class
SupportsAbsoluteWebLocationsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsAcceptInsecureCertsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsActivityOptionsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAdbExecTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAdbPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAdditionalWebviewBundleIdsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsAllowDelayAdbOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAllowProvisioningDeviceRegistrationOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsAllowTestPackagesOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAndroidInstallTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAndroidStorageOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.gecko.options
SupportsAppActivityOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppArgumentsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppInstallStrategyOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppLocaleOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsAppPackageOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppPushTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppTopLevelWindowOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppWaitActivityOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppWaitDurationOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppWaitForLaunchOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppWaitPackageOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAppWorkingDirOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsArgumentsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsAutoAcceptAlertsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsAutoDismissAlertsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsAutoGrantPermissionsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAutomationNameOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsAutoWebViewOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsAutoWebviewTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAvdArgsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAvdEnvOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAvdLaunchTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAvdOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsAvdReadyTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsBootstrapRootOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsBrowserNameOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsBrowserVersionOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsBuildToolsVersionOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsBundleIdOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsBundleIdOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsCalendarAccessAuthorizedOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsCalendarFormatOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsChromedriverArgsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromedriverChromeMappingFileOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromedriverDisableBuildCheckOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromedriverExecutableDirOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromedriverExecutableOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromedriverPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromedriverPortsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromedriverUseSystemExecutableOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromeLoggingPrefsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsChromeOptionsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsClearDeviceLogsOnStartOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsClearSystemFilesOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsCommandTimeoutsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other
SupportsConnectHardwareKeyboardOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsContextSwitching - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
SupportsCreateSessionTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsCustomSslCertOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsDerivedDataPathOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsDeviceNameOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsDisableAutomaticScreenshotsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsDisableSuppressAccessibilityServiceOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsDisableWindowAnimationOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsEnableAsyncExecuteFromHttpsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsEnablePerformanceLoggingOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsEnforceAppInstallOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsEnforceFreshSimulatorCreationOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsEnsureWebviewsHavePagesOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsEnvironmentOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsEspressoBuildConfigOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsEspressoServerLaunchTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsEventTimingsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsExtendedGeolocationCommands - Interface in
SupportsExtractChromeAndroidPackageFromContextNameOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsForceAppLaunchOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsForceEspressoRebuildOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsForceSimulatorSoftwareKeyboardPresenceOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsFullContextListOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsFullResetOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsGpsEnabledOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsGpsStateManagement - Interface in
SupportsIgnoreHiddenApiPolicyErrorOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsIncludeDeviceCapsToSessionInfoOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general
SupportsIncludeSafariInWebviewsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsIntentActionOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsIntentCategoryOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsIntentFlagsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsIntentOptionsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsIosSimulatorLogsPredicateOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsIsHeadlessOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsKeepKeyChainsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsKeychainOptions<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsKeychainsExcludePatternsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsKeystoreOptions<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsLanguageOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsLaunchWithIdbOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other
SupportsLegacyAppManagement - Interface in io.appium.java_client
SupportsLocaleOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsLocaleScriptOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsLocalizableStringsDirOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsLocation - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
SupportsLogcatFilterSpecsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsLogcatFormatOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsMarionettePortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.gecko.options
SupportsMaxTypingFrequencyOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsMjpegScreenshotUrlOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsMjpegServerPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsMjpegServerPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsMockLocationAppOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsMozFirefoxOptionsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.gecko.options
SupportsMsExperimentalWebDriverOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsMsWaitForAppLaunchOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsNativeWebScreenshotOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsNativeWebTapOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsNativeWebTapStrictOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsNetworkSpeedOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsNetworkStateManagement - Interface in
SupportsNewCommandTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsNoResetOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsNoSignOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsOptionalIntentArgumentsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsOrientationOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsOtherAppsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsPageLoadStrategyOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsPermissionsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsPlatformVersionOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsPostrunOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>,S extends SystemScript<?>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsPrerunOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>,S extends SystemScript<?>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsPrintPageSourceOnFindFailureOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsProcessArgumentsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsProxyOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsRecreateChromeDriverSessionsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsReduceMotionOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsRemoteAdbHostOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsRemoteAppsCacheLimitOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsResetLocationServiceOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.general
SupportsResetOnSessionStartOnlyOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other
SupportsResultBundlePathOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsRotation - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
SupportsSafariAllowPopupsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariAutomaticInspectionOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsSafariAutomaticProfilingOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsSafariDeviceNameOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsSafariDeviceTypeOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsSafariDeviceUdidOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsSafariGarbageCollectOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariIgnoreFraudWarningOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariIgnoreWebHostnamesOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariInitialUrlOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationHexDumpOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariLogAllCommunicationOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariOpenLinksInBackgroundOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariPlatformBuildVersionOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsSafariPlatformVersionOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsSafariSocketChunkSizeOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsSafariUseSimulatorOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsSafariWebInspectorMaxFrameLengthOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsScaleFactorOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsScreenshotQualityOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsServerStartupTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsSetWindowRectOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsShouldTerminateAppOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsShouldUseSingletonTestManagerOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsShowChromedriverLogOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsShowGradleLogOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsShowIosLogOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other
SupportsShowServerLogsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsShowXcodeLogOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsShutdownOtherSimulatorsOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsSimpleIsVisibleCheckOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsSimulatorDevicesSetPathOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsSimulatorPasteboardAutomaticSyncOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsSimulatorStartupTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsSimulatorTracePointerOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsSimulatorWindowCenterOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsSkipAppKillOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsSkipDeviceInitializationOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsSkipLogCaptureOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsSkipLogcatCaptureOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsSkipServerInstallationOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsSkipUnlockOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsSpecialEmulatorCommands - Interface in
SupportsSuppressKillServerOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsSystemHostOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsSystemPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsSystemPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.gecko.options
SupportsSystemPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsSystemPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUdidOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsUiautomator2ServerInstallTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUiautomator2ServerLaunchTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUiautomator2ServerReadTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUnhandledPromptBehaviorOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SupportsUninstallOtherPackagesOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUnlockKeyOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUnlockStrategyOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUnlockSuccessTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUnlockTypeOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUpdatedWdaBundleIdOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsUseJsonSourceOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other
SupportsUseNativeCachingStrategyOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsUseNewWdaOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsUsePrebuiltWdaOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsUserProfileOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsUseSimpleBuildTestOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsUseXctestrunFileOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsVerbosityOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.gecko.options
SupportsWaitForIdleTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWaitForQuiescenceOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWdaBaseUrlOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWdaConnectionTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWdaEventloopIdleDelayOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWdaLaunchTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWdaLocalPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWdaStartupRetriesOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWdaStartupRetryIntervalOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWebDriverAgentMacUrlOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.mac.options
SupportsWebDriverAgentUrlOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SupportsWebkitResponseTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator
SupportsWebkitResponseTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsWebkitWebrtcOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
SupportsWebviewConnectRetriesOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsWebviewConnectTimeoutOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview
SupportsWebviewDevtoolsPortOption<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in
SupportsXcodeCertificateOptions<T extends BaseOptions<T>> - Interface in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
SUPPRESS_KILL_SERVER_OPTION - Static variable in interface
suppressKillServer() - Method in interface
Prevents the driver from ever killing the ADB server explicitl.
switchTo() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSDriver
SYSTEM_HOST_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSystemHostOption
SYSTEM_PORT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
systemPort used to connect to appium-uiautomator2-server or appium-espresso-driver.
SYSTEM_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
SYSTEM_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsSystemPortOption
SYSTEM_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsSystemPortOption
SYSTEM_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
SystemScript<T extends SystemScript<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
SystemScript() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SystemScript
SystemScript(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SystemScript


tap(TapOptions) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Tap on an element.
tap(PointOption) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Tap on a position.
TAP_OUTSIDE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.HideKeyboardStrategy
TAP_WITH_SHORT_PRESS_DURATION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
This capability is not being used.
TapOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.touch
TapOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.touch.TapOptions
tapOptions() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.TapOptions
It creates an empty instance of TapOptions.
TERMINATE_APP - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
terminateApp(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Terminate the particular application if it is running.
terminateApp(String, BaseTerminateApplicationOptions) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.InteractsWithApps
Terminate the particular application if it is running.
test(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.W3CCapabilityKeys
TimedEvent - Class in io.appium.java_client.serverevents
TimedEvent() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.serverevents.TimedEvent
toDouble(Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
Converts generic capability value to double.
toDuration(Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
Converts generic capability value to duration.
toDuration(Object, Function<Long, Duration>) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
Converts generic capability value to duration.
TOGGLE_AIRPLANE_MODE - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
TOGGLE_DATA - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
TOGGLE_LOCATION_SERVICES - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
TOGGLE_WIFI - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
toggleAirplaneCommand() - Static method in class
toggleAirplaneMode() - Method in interface
Toggle Airplane mode and this works on Android versions below 6 and above 10.
toggleData() - Method in interface
Toggle Mobile Data and this works on Emulators and real devices running Android version above 10.
toggleDataCommand() - Static method in class
toggleLocationServices() - Method in interface
Toggles GPS service state.
toggleLocationServicesCommand() - Static method in class
toggleTouchIDEnrollment(boolean) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.PerformsTouchID
Enrolls touchId in iOS Simulator.
toggleTouchIdEnrollmentCommand(boolean) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
this helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
toggleWifi() - Method in interface
Toggles Wifi on and off.
toggleWifiCommand() - Static method in class
toInteger(Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
Converts generic capability value to integer.
toJson() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseMapOptionData
toLong(Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
Converts generic capability value to long.
toMap() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.ProcessArguments
Returns the data object content as a map.
toMap() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseMapOptionData
TOOLS_VERSION - Static variable in class
toSafeBoolean(Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
Converts generic capability value to boolean without throwing exceptions.
toStatusCode(Throwable) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ErrorCodesMobile
Converts a thrown error into the corresponding status code.
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumBy
toString() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonMode
toString() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.MatchingFunction
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAccessibilityId
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidDataMatcher
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidUIAutomator
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidViewMatcher
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByAndroidViewTag
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByCustom
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByImage
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByIosClassChain
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByIosNsPredicate
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy.ByWindowsAutomation
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentMappedBy
toString() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseMapOptionData
toString() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.remote.options.UnhandledPromptBehavior
toString() - Method in enum io.appium.java_client.Setting
TOUCH_ID - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
TOUCH_ID_ENROLLMENT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
TouchAction<T extends TouchAction<T>> - Class in io.appium.java_client
Touch actions are deprecated. Please use W3C Actions instead or the corresponding extension methods for the driver (if available). Check - - - for more details.
TouchAction(PerformsTouchActions) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
TouchAction.ActionParameter - Class in io.appium.java_client
Just holds values to eventually return the parameters required for the mjsonwp.
touchIdCommand(boolean) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSMobileCommandHelper
this helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
toUrl(Object) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.internal.CapabilityHelpers
Converts generic capability value to a url.
toW3cName(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.BaseOptions
Adds the 'appium:' prefix to the given capability name if necessary.
TVOS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform


UDID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobileCapabilityType
Unique device identifier of the connected physical device.
UDID_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsUdidOption
UIAUTOMATOR2_SERVER_READ_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
UiAutomator2Options - Class in
UiAutomator2Options() - Constructor for class
UiAutomator2Options(Capabilities) - Constructor for class
UiAutomator2Options(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class
UNHANDLED_PROMPT_BEHAVIOR_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsUnhandledPromptBehaviorOption
UnhandledPromptBehavior - Enum in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
UNICODE_KEYBOARD - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Enable Unicode input, default false.
UNINSTALL_OTHER_PACKAGES - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
A package, list of packages or * to uninstall package/s before installing apks for test.
UNINSTALL_OTHER_PACKAGES_OPTION - Static variable in interface
UNLOCK - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
UNLOCK_KEY - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
A key pattern to unlock used by unlockType.
UNLOCK_KEY_OPTION - Static variable in interface
UNLOCK_STRATEGY_OPTION - Static variable in interface
UNLOCK_SUCCESS_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
UNLOCK_TYPE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Unlock the target device with particular lock pattern instead of just waking up the device with a helper app.
UNLOCK_TYPE_OPTION - Static variable in interface
unlockCommand() - Static method in class
unlockDevice() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.LocksDevice
Unlock the device if it is locked.
unlockDeviceCommand() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileCommand
This helper is deprecated and will be removed in future versions.
unpackWebDriverFromSearchContext(SearchContext) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.WebDriverUnpackUtility
This method extract an instance of WebDriver from the given SearchContext.
until(Function<? super T, V>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
Repeatedly applies this instance's input value to the given function until one of the following occurs: the function returns neither null nor false, the function throws an unignored exception, the timeout expires, the current thread is interrupted .
UPDATE_WDA_BUNDLEID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Bundle id to update WDA to before building and launching on real devices.
UPDATED_WDA_BUNDLE_ID_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUpdatedWdaBundleIdOption
uploadOptions() - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
USE_CARTHAGE_SSL - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Use SSL to download dependencies for WebDriverAgent.
USE_JSON_SOURCE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsUseJsonSourceOption
USE_KEYSTORE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
Use a custom keystore to sign apks, default false.
USE_KEYSTORE_OPTION - Static variable in interface
USE_NATIVE_CACHING_STRATEGY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseNativeCachingStrategyOption
USE_NEW_WDA - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
If true, forces uninstall of any existing WebDriverAgent app on device.
USE_NEW_WDA_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseNewWdaOption
USE_PREBUILT_WDA - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Skips the build phase of running the WDA app.
USE_PREBUILT_WDA_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUsePrebuiltWdaOption
USE_SIMPLE_BUILD_TEST_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseSimpleBuildTestOption
USE_XCTESTRUN_FILE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseXctestrunFileOption
useContent(ContentType) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentMappedBy
This method sets required content type for the further searching.
useJSONSource() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.SupportsUseJsonSourceOption
Enforces getting JSON source from WDA and transform it to XML on the Appium server side.
useNewWDA() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseNewWdaOption
Enforce uninstall of any existing WebDriverAgent app on the device under test.
usePrebuiltWda() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUsePrebuiltWdaOption
Enforce to skip the build phase of running the WDA app.
USER_AGENT - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumUserAgentFilter
A default User Agent name for Appium Java client.
USER_PROFILE_OPTION - Static variable in interface
useSimpleBuildTest() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseSimpleBuildTestOption
Enforce usage of simple build test.
useXctestrunFile() - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsUseXctestrunFileOption
Enforce usage of .xctestrun file to launch WDA.
usingAnyFreePort() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Configures the appium server to start on any available port.
usingDriverExecutable(File) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Sets which Node.js the builder will use.
usingPort(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Sets which port the appium server should be started on.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.ApplicationState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.clipboard.ClipboardContentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.driverscripts.ScriptType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.Verbosity
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonMode
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeatureDetector
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.MatchingFunction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSBatteryInfo.BatteryState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions.VideoQuality
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.PasteboardSyncState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.HowToUseSelectors
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.LocatorGroupStrategy
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.remote.options.UnhandledPromptBehavior
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions.RequestMethod
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.AndroidServerFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.GeneralServerFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.IOSServerFlag
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.Setting
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.appmanagement.ApplicationState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.clipboard.ClipboardContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.driverscripts.ScriptType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.Verbosity
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonMode
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeatureDetector
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.MatchingFunction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSBatteryInfo.BatteryState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions.VideoQuality
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.PasteboardSyncState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.builder.HowToUseSelectors
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.bys.ContentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.LocatorGroupStrategy
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.remote.options.UnhandledPromptBehavior
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions.RequestMethod
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.AndroidServerFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.GeneralServerFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.service.local.flags.IOSServerFlag
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum io.appium.java_client.Setting
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
Verbosity - Enum in io.appium.java_client.gecko.options
VERBOSITY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.gecko.options.SupportsVerbosityOption
verify() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.ActionOptions
This method is automatically called before building options map to verify the consistency of the instance.
verify() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.AbstractOptionCombinedWithPosition
verify() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
verify() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption
verify() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.WaitOptions
verifyChanged(Duration, double) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ScreenshotState
Verifies whether the state of the screenshot provided by stateProvider lambda function is changed within the given timeout.
verifyNotChanged(Duration, double) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ScreenshotState
Verifies whether the state of the screenshot provided by stateProvider lambda function is not changed within the given timeout.
verifyPropertyPresence(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.ComparisonResult
Verifies if the corresponding property is present in the commend result and throws an exception if not.
VERSION_KEY - Static variable in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumUserAgentFilter


W3CCapabilityKeys - Class in io.appium.java_client.remote.options
W3CCapabilityKeys() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.W3CCapabilityKeys
WAIT_FOR_APP_SCRIPT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
The ios automation script used to determined if the app has been launched, by default the system wait for the page source not to be empty.
WAIT_FOR_IDLE_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWaitForIdleTimeoutOption
WAIT_FOR_QUIESCENCE_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWaitForQuiescenceOption
waitAction() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
A wait action, used as a NOP in multi-chaining.
waitAction(WaitOptions) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.TouchAction
Waits for specified amount of time to pass before continue to next touch action.
WaitOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.touch
WaitOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.touch.WaitOptions
waitOptions(Duration) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.WaitOptions
Creates and instance of WaitOptions.
WDA_BASE_URL_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaBaseUrlOption
WDA_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Timeout, in ms, for waiting for a response from WebDriverAgent.
WDA_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaConnectionTimeoutOption
WDA_EVENTLOOP_IDLE_DELAY_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaEventloopIdleDelayOption
WDA_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Time, in ms, to wait for WebDriverAgent to be pingable.
WDA_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaLaunchTimeoutOption
WDA_LOCAL_PORT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
This value if specified, will be used to forward traffic from Mac host to real ios devices over USB.
WDA_LOCAL_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaLocalPortOption
WDA_STARTUP_RETRIES - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Number of times to try to build and launch WebDriverAgent onto the device.
WDA_STARTUP_RETRIES_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaStartupRetriesOption
WDA_STARTUP_RETRY_INTERVAL - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Time, in ms, to wait between tries to build and launch WebDriverAgent.
WDA_STARTUP_RETRY_INTERVAL_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWdaStartupRetryIntervalOption
WEB_DRIVER_AGENT_MAC_URL_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.mac.options.SupportsWebDriverAgentMacUrlOption
WEB_DRIVER_AGENT_URL - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Appium will connect to an existing WebDriverAgent, instance at this URL instead of starting a new one.
WEB_DRIVER_AGENT_URL_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsWebDriverAgentUrlOption
WebDriverUnpackUtility - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils
WebDriverUnpackUtility() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.utils.WebDriverUnpackUtility
WEBKIT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.SupportsWebkitResponseTimeoutOption
WEBKIT_RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebkitResponseTimeoutOption
WEBKIT_WEB_RTC_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.safari.options.SupportsWebkitWebrtcOption
WebrtcData - Class in io.appium.java_client.safari.options
WebrtcData() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.WebrtcData
WebrtcData(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.WebrtcData
WEBVIEW_CONNECT_RETRIES - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Number of times to send connection message to remote debugger, to get webview.
WEBVIEW_CONNECT_RETRIES_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebviewConnectRetriesOption
WEBVIEW_CONNECT_TIMEOUT_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.webview.SupportsWebviewConnectTimeoutOption
WEBVIEW_DEVTOOLS_PORT - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AndroidMobileCapabilityType
To support the `ensureWebviewsHavePages` feature, it is necessary to open a TCP port for communication with the webview on the device under test.
WEBVIEW_DEVTOOLS_PORT_OPTION - Static variable in interface
Widget - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
It is the Appium-specific extension of the Page Object design pattern.
Widget(WebElement) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.Widget
WidgetByBuilder - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
WidgetByBuilder(String, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WidgetByBuilder
WidgetInterceptor - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
WidgetInterceptor(CacheableLocator, WebDriver, WebElement, Map<ContentType, Constructor<? extends Widget>>, Duration) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WidgetInterceptor
Proxy interceptor class for widgets.
WidgetListInterceptor - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
WidgetListInterceptor(CacheableLocator, WebDriver, Map<ContentType, Constructor<? extends Widget>>, Class<? extends Widget>, Duration) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.pagefactory.WidgetListInterceptor
Proxy interceptor class for lists of widgets.
WIFI_MASK - Static variable in class
WINDOWS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
WINDOWS - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.MobilePlatform
windowsAutomation(String) - Static method in class io.appium.java_client.MobileBy
Not supported on the server side.
WindowsBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to build a complex Windows automation locator.
WindowsDriver - Class in
WindowsDriver(HttpCommandExecutor, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(URL, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(URL, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(AppiumDriverLocalService, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(AppiumServiceBuilder, HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(HttpClient.Factory, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(URL) - Constructor for class
WindowsDriver(ClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
WindowsDriver(AppiumClientConfig, Capabilities) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance based on the given ClientConfig and capabilities.
WindowsDriver(Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsFindAll - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page/Screen Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of WindowsBy tags It will then search for all elements that match any criteria.
WindowsFindBy - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate an alternative mechanism for locating the element or a list of elements.
WindowsFindByAllSet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Defines set of chained/possible locators.
WindowsFindByChainSet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Defines set of chained/possible locators.
WindowsFindBys - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Used to mark a field on a Page Object to indicate that lookup should use a series of WindowsBy tags.
WindowsFindBySet - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
Defines set of chained/possible locators.
WindowsOptions - Class in
WindowsOptions() - Constructor for class
WindowsOptions(Capabilities) - Constructor for class
WindowsOptions(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class
WindowsStartScreenRecordingOptions - Class in
WindowsStartScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class
WindowsStopScreenRecordingOptions - Class in
WindowsStopScreenRecordingOptions() - Constructor for class
withAction(String) - Method in class
An intent action name.
withAdditionalAndroidTestDependencies(List<String>) - Method in class
Set a non-empty array of dependent module names with their versions.
withAdditionalAppDependencies(List<String>) - Method in class
Set a non-empty array of dependent module names with their versions.
withAirplaneModeDisabled() - Method in class
Sets airplane mode to disabled state if it was enabled.
withAirplaneModeEnabled() - Method in class
Sets airplane mode to enabled state if it was disabled.
withAllowTestPackagesDisabled() - Method in class
Disables a possibility to install packages marked as test in the manifest (the default setting).
withAllowTestPackagesEnabled() - Method in class
Allows to install packages marked as test in the manifest.
withAltitude(double) - Method in class
Sets geo altitude value.
withAndroidGradlePluginVersion(String) - Method in class
Set Gradle plugin version.
withAppiumJS(File) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Sets an executable appium.js.
withAppPermissions(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.simulator.Permissions
Since Xcode SDK 11.4 Apple provides native APIs to interact with application settings.
withArgument(ServerArgument) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Boolean arguments have a special moment: the presence of an arguments means "true".
withArgument(ServerArgument, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Adds a server argument.
withAudioInput(String) - Method in class
If provided then the given audio input will be used to record the computer audio along with the desktop video.
withAuthCredentials(String, String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
Sets the credentials for remote ftp/http authentication (if needed).
withBasePath(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumDriverLocalService
withBitRate(int) - Method in class
The video bit rate for the video, in megabits per second.
withBrowserName(String) - Method in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SupportsBrowserNameOption
Set the browser name to use.
withBuildToolsVersion(String) - Method in class
Set Android build tools version to compile the server with.
withCapabilities(Capabilities) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Adds capabilities.
withCapabilities(Capabilities, boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Adds capabilities.
withCategories(String) - Method in class
Set intent categories.
withClassName(String) - Method in class
The name of a class inside of the application package that will be used as the component for this Intent.
withCommand(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.AppleScriptData
Allows to provide a single-line AppleScript.
withCommand(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SystemScript
withCommand(String) - Method in class
Allows to provide a single-line PowerShell script.
withCommandTimeout(String, Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.CommandTimeouts
Sets the timeout for the particular Appium command that is proxied to WDA.
withCompileSdkVersion(String) - Method in class
Set Android SDK version to compile the server for.
withComponent(String) - Method in class
Set intent component name with package name prefix to create an explicit intent.
withComposeVersion(String) - Method in class
Set the version of the included androidx.compose.ui components to compile the server for.
withCoordinates(Point) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
It defines x and y offset from the upper left corner of an element.
withCoordinates(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
It defines x and y offset from the upper left corner of an element.
withCoordinates(Point) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption
It defines x and y coordinates.
withCoordinates(int, int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.PointOption
It defines x and y coordinates.
withCountry(String) - Method in class
Allows to set a country identifier.
withData(String) - Method in class
Set an intent data URI.
withDataDisabled() - Method in class
Sets data connection mode to disabled state if it was enabled.
withDataEnabled() - Method in class
Sets data connection mode to enabled state if it was disabled.
withDefaultCommandTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.other.CommandTimeouts
Sets the default timeout for all Appium commands that are proxied to WDA.
withDetectorName(FeatureDetector) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingOptions
Sets the detector name for features matching algorithm.
withDeviceId(Integer) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
Screen device index to use for the recording.
withDisableIceCandidateFiltering(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.WebrtcData
To protect a user's privacy, Safari normally filters out WebRTC ICE candidates that correspond to internal network addresses when capture devices are not in use.
withDisableInsecureMediaCapture(boolean) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.safari.options.WebrtcData
Normally, Safari refuses to allow media capture over insecure connections.
withDuration(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.LongPressOptions
Set the long press duration.
withDuration(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.WaitOptions
Set the wait duration.
withEcn(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Intent component name parameters.
withEf(Map<String, Float>) - Method in class
Intent float parameters.
withEfa(Map<String, List<Float>>) - Method in class
Intent float array parameters.
withEi(Map<String, Integer>) - Method in class
Intent integer parameters.
withEia(Map<String, List<Integer>>) - Method in class
Intent integer array parameters.
withEl(Map<String, Long>) - Method in class
Intent long parameters.
withEla(Map<String, List<Long>>) - Method in class
Intent long array parameters.
withElement(ElementOption) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.AbstractOptionCombinedWithPosition
Most of touch action may use position which is relative to some element.
withElement(WebElement) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.ElementOption
This method sets the element as an option.
withEnabledVisualization() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.BaseComparisonOptions
Makes the endpoint to return an image, which contains the visualized result of the corresponding picture matching operation.
withEnvironment(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Defines the environment for the launched appium server.
withEs(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Intent string parameters.
withEsn(List<String>) - Method in class
Intent null parameters.
withEu(Map<String, String>) - Method in class
Intent URI-data parameters.
withEz(Map<String, Boolean>) - Method in class
Intent boolean parameters.
withFileFieldName(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
Sets the form field name containing the binary payload in multipart/form-data requests.
withFilter(Filter) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
withFlag(KeyEventFlag) - Method in class
Adds the flag.
withFlags(String) - Method in class
Comma-separated string of intent flag names.
withFormFields(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
Sets additional form fields in multipart/form-data requests.
withFps(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
The Frames Per Second rate of the recorded video.
withFps(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
The count of frames per second in the resulting video.
withFps(int) - Method in class
The count of frames per second in the resulting video.
withGoodMatchesFactor(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingOptions
Sets the maximum count of "good" matches (e.
withGradleVersion(String) - Method in class
Set Gradle version.
withGrantPermissionsDisabled() - Method in class
Does not grant all the permissions requested in the application's manifest automatically after the installation is completed (the default behavior).
withGrantPermissionsEnabled() - Method in class
Grants all the permissions requested in the application's manifest automatically after the installation is completed under Android 6+.
withHeaders(Map<String, String>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
Sets additional headers in multipart/form-data requests.
withHttpMethod(ScreenRecordingUploadOptions.RequestMethod) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
Sets the method name for http(s) upload.
withIntFlags(String) - Method in class
Single-string value, which represents intent flags set encoded into an integer.
withIPAddress(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
withJvmTarget(String) - Method in class
Set the target version of the generated JVM bytecode as a string.
withKeepDataDisabled() - Method in class
Forces uninstall to delete the application data and caches (the default behavior).
withKeepDataEnabled() - Method in class
Forces uninstall to keep the application data and caches.
withKey(AndroidKey) - Method in class
Sets the key code.
withKotlinVersion(String) - Method in class
Kotlin version to compile the server for.
withLanguage(String) - Method in class
Language identifier.
withLatitude(double) - Method in class
Sets geo latitude value.
withLaunchDisplayId(int) - Method in class
Display id which you want to assign to launch the main app activity on.
withLogFile(File) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.service.local.AppiumServiceBuilder
Configures the appium server to write log to the given file.
withLongitude(double) - Method in class
Sets geo longitude value.
withMatchFunc(MatchingFunction) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.FeaturesMatchingOptions
Sets the name of the matching function.
withMatchNeighbourThreshold(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.OccurrenceMatchingOptions
The pixel distance between matches we consider to be part of the same template match.
withMetaModifier(KeyEventMetaModifier) - Method in class
Adds the meta modifier.
withMinSdk(int) - Method in class
Set the minimum Android SDK version to compile the server for.
withPollingStrategy(Function<AppiumFluentWait.IterationInfo, Duration>) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumFluentWait
Sets the strategy for polling.
withPosition(PointOption) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.offset.AbstractOptionCombinedWithPosition
Some actions may require coordinates.
withPreset(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio.
withPreset(String) - Method in class
A preset is a collection of options that will provide a certain encoding speed to compression ratio.
withPressure(double) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.touch.IOSPressOptions
Set the pressure value.
withRemotePath(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.ScreenRecordingUploadOptions
The path to the remote location, where the resulting video should be uploaded.
withReplaceDisabled() - Method in class
Disables the possibility to upgrade/reinstall the application if it is already present on the device.
withReplaceEnabled() - Method in class
Enables the possibility to upgrade/reinstall the application if it is already present on the device (the default behavior).
withRetries() - Method in class io.appium.java_client.AppiumClientConfig
withSatellites(int) - Method in class
Sets the number of geo satellites being tracked.
withScript(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.options.AppleScriptData
Allows to provide a multiline AppleScript.
withScript(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.remote.options.SystemScript
withScript(String) - Method in class
Allows to provide a multiline PowerShell script.
withScriptType(ScriptType) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.driverscripts.ScriptOptions
Sets the script type.
withSourceCompatibility(String) - Method in class
Set the minimum version of JVM the project sources are compatible with.
withSpeed(double) - Method in class
Sets the movement speed.
withTapsCount(int) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.touch.TapOptions
Set the count of taps to perform.
withTargetCompatibility(String) - Method in class
Set the target version of JVM the project sources are compatible with.
withTargetSdk(int) - Method in class
Set the target Android SDK version to compile the server for.
withThreshold(double) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.imagecomparison.OccurrenceMatchingOptions
At what normalized threshold to reject an occurrence.
withTimeLimit(Duration) - Method in class
The maximum recording time.
withTimeLimit(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
The maximum recording time.
withTimeLimit(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
The maximum recording time.
withTimeLimit(Duration) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseStartScreenRecordingOptions
The maximum recording time.
withTimeLimit(Duration) - Method in class
The maximum recording time.
withTimeout(Duration) - Method in class
The time to wait until the app is installed (60000ms by default).
withTimeout(Duration) - Method in class
The time to wait until the app is removed (20000ms by default).
withTimeout(Duration) - Method in class
The time to wait until the app is terminated (500ms by default).
withTimeout(long) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.driverscripts.ScriptOptions
Sets the script execution timeout.
WithTimeout - Annotation Type in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
This annotation is used when some element waits for time that differs from defined by default.
WithTimeout.DurationBuilder - Class in io.appium.java_client.pagefactory
withType(String) - Method in class
Intent MIME type.
withUploadOptions(ScreenRecordingUploadOptions) - Method in class
Upload options set for the recorded screen capture.
withUploadOptions(ScreenRecordingUploadOptions) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
Upload options set for the recorded screen capture.
withUploadOptions(ScreenRecordingUploadOptions) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseScreenRecordingOptions
Upload options set for the recorded screen capture.
withUploadOptions(ScreenRecordingUploadOptions) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.screenrecording.BaseStopScreenRecordingOptions
The remotePath upload option is the path to the remote location, where the resulting video should be uploaded.
withUseSdcardDisabled() - Method in class
Forces the application to be installed to the internal memory (the default behavior).
withUseSdcardEnabled() - Method in class
Forces the application to be installed of SD card instead of the internal memory.
withVariant(String) - Method in class
Allows to set an optional language variant value.
withVideoFilter(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.mac.Mac2StartScreenRecordingOptions
The video filter spec to apply for ffmpeg.
withVideoFilter(String) - Method in class
The video filter spec to apply for ffmpeg.
withVideoFilters(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
The FFMPEG video filters to apply.
withVideoQuality(IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions.VideoQuality) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
The video encoding quality (low, medium, high, photo - defaults to medium).
withVideoScale(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
The scaling value to apply.
withVideoSize(String) - Method in class
The video size of the generated media file.
withVideoType(String) - Method in class io.appium.java_client.ios.IOSStartScreenRecordingOptions
The video codec type used for encoding of the recorded screen capture.
withWiFiDisabled() - Method in class
Sets Wi-Fi connection mode to disabled state if it was enabled.
withWiFiEnabled() - Method in class
Sets Wi-Fi connection mode to enabled state if it was disabled.


XCODE_CONFIG_FILE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Full path to an optional Xcode configuration file that specifies the code signing identity and team for running the WebDriverAgent on the real device.
XCODE_ORG_ID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
Apple developer team identifier string.
XCODE_ORG_ID_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsXcodeCertificateOptions
XCODE_SIGNING_ID - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.IOSMobileCapabilityType
String representing a signing certificate.
XCODE_SIGNING_ID_OPTION - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.SupportsXcodeCertificateOptions
XcodeCertificate - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda
XcodeCertificate(String, String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.XcodeCertificate
XcodeCertificate(String) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.wda.XcodeCertificate
XCUITestOptions - Class in io.appium.java_client.ios.options
XCUITestOptions() - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.XCUITestOptions
XCUITestOptions(Capabilities) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.XCUITestOptions
XCUITestOptions(Map<String, ?>) - Constructor for class io.appium.java_client.ios.options.XCUITestOptions


YOUI_ENGINE - Static variable in interface io.appium.java_client.remote.AutomationName
YouiEngineCapabilityType - Interface in io.appium.java_client.remote
The list of youiengine-specific capabilities.
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