
object Decoder extends LowPrioDecoders
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Type members


trait DefaultValueAware[T] extends Decoder[T]

A Decoder that might change its encoding strategy if T has a default value.

A Decoder that might change its encoding strategy if T has a default value.

object ForEither

The default Decoder for Either is not automatically in scope, because there is no clear "standard" way of encoding instances of Either.

The default Decoder for Either is not automatically in scope, because there is no clear "standard" way of encoding instances of Either.

trait Lazy[T] extends Decoder[T]

A Decoder that lazily wraps another Decoder. Useful, for example, for recursive definitions.

A Decoder that lazily wraps another Decoder. Useful, for example, for recursive definitions.

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply[T](implicit decoder: Decoder[T]): Decoder[T]

Creates a Decoder from the given function.

Creates a Decoder from the given function.

def forByte(intDecoder: Decoder[Int]): Decoder[Byte]
def forByteArray(jsonBaseEncoding: BaseEncoding): Decoder[Array[Byte]]
def forChar(intDecoder: Decoder[Int]): Decoder[Char]
def forJBigInteger(maxCborByteArraySize: Int, maxJsonNumberStringLength: Int, acceptStrings: Boolean): Decoder[BigInteger]
inline def forProduct[T <: Product](implicit m: ProductOf[T]): Decoder[T]

Creates a Decoder that decodes a product instance from a simple array of values. Used, for example, as the default 'given' decoder for tuples.

Creates a Decoder that decodes a product instance from a simple array of values. Used, for example, as the default 'given' decoder for tuples.

def forShort(intDecoder: Decoder[Int]): Decoder[Short]
def targetSpecific[T](cbor: Decoder[T], json: Decoder[T]): Decoder[T]

Creates a "unified" Decoder from two decoders that each target only a single data format.

Creates a "unified" Decoder from two decoders that each target only a single data format.

Inherited methods

final def constructForMap[A : Decoder, B : Decoder, M <: Map[A, B]](empty: M): Decoder[M]
Inherited from:



given fromCodec[T](using codec: Codec[T]): Decoder[T]



extension [A](underlying: Decoder[A])
def map[B](f: A => B): Decoder[B]
def mapWithReader[B](f: (Reader, A) => B): Decoder[B]
def unwrap: Decoder[A]
def withDefaultValue(defaultValue: A): Decoder[A]
extension [T](underlying: => Decoder[T])

Wraps a Decoder definition with lazy initialization.

Wraps a Decoder definition with lazy initialization.



implicit val _forJBigDecimal: Decoder[BigDecimal]
implicit val _forJBigInteger: Decoder[BigInteger]
implicit def forArray[T : Decoder]: Decoder[Array[T]]
implicit val forBigDecimal: Decoder[BigDecimal]
implicit val forBigInt: Decoder[BigInt]
implicit val forBoolean: Decoder[Boolean]
implicit def forBoxedBoolean: Decoder[Boolean]
implicit def forBoxedByte: Decoder[Byte]
implicit def forBoxedChar: Decoder[Character]
implicit def forBoxedDouble: Decoder[Double]
implicit def forBoxedFloat: Decoder[Float]
implicit def forBoxedInt: Decoder[Integer]
implicit def forBoxedLong: Decoder[Long]
implicit def forBoxedShort: Decoder[Short]
implicit val forByte: Decoder[Byte]
implicit val forByteArrayDefault: Decoder[Array[Byte]]
implicit val forChar: Decoder[Char]
implicit val forDouble: Decoder[Double]
implicit val forFloat: Decoder[Float]
implicit def forHashMap[A : Decoder, B : Decoder]: Decoder[HashMap[A, B]]
implicit val forInt: Decoder[Int]
implicit def forJBigDecimal(maxCborBigIntMantissaByteArraySize: Int, maxCborAbsExponent: Int, maxJsonNumberStringLength: Int, acceptStrings: Boolean): Decoder[BigDecimal]
implicit def forListMap[A : Decoder, B : Decoder]: Decoder[ListMap[A, B]]
implicit val forLong: Decoder[Long]
implicit val forNull: Decoder[Null]
implicit def forOption[T : Decoder]: DefaultValueAware[Option[T]]
implicit val forShort: Decoder[Short]
implicit val forString: Decoder[String]
implicit def forTreeMap[A : Decoder, B : Decoder]: Decoder[TreeMap[A, B]]
implicit inline def forTuple[T <: Tuple : ProductOf]: Decoder[T]
implicit val forUnit: Decoder[Unit]
implicit def fromFactory[T : Decoder, M[_]](implicit evidence$2: Decoder[T], factory: Factory[T, M[T]]): Decoder[M[T]]

Inherited implicits

final implicit def forMap[A : Decoder, B : Decoder]: Decoder[Map[A, B]]
Inherited from: