
trait ParsersApi
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any
trait Api
object default
trait MacroApi
trait OutputApi

Type members


class ArgumentParser(val description: String, val helpFlags: Seq[String], val bashCompletionFlags: Seq[String])

A simple command line argument parser.

A simple command line argument parser.


  1. Define parameters with param, requiredParam and repeatedParam. Each of these methods gives back a handle to a future argument value.

  2. Call parseOrExit() with actual arguments.

  3. If parsing succeeds, the arguments will be available in the handles defined in step 1.

If parsing fails, error descriptions are printed and the program exits with 2.


val parser = argparse.default.ArgumentParser()

val p1 = parser.param[String]("--this-is-a-named-param", default = "default value")
val p2 = parser.param[Int]("positional-param", default = 2)

parser.parseOrExit(Seq("--this-is-a-named-param=other", 5))
Value Params

Use these flags to print a sourceable bash-completion script. Set to empty to disable.


A short description of this command. Used in help messages.


Use these flags to print the help message. Set to empty to disable.


Inherited classlikes

object Reader
Inherited from
@implicitNotFound("No Reader[${A}] found. A reader is required to parse a command line argument from a string to a ${A}. ".+("Please define a Reader[${A}]."))
trait Reader[A]

A typeclass that defines how to convert a string from a single command line argument to a given type.

A typeclass that defines how to convert a string from a single command line argument to a given type.

Inherited from

Value members

Concrete methods

def defaultBashCompletionFlags: Seq[String]

The name of the flag to use for generating standalone bash-completion.

The name of the flag to use for generating standalone bash-completion.

Set this to empty to disable bash-completion entirely.

Note that individual argument parsers may override this.

def defaultHelpFlags: Seq[String]

The name of the flag to use for printing help messages.

The name of the flag to use for printing help messages.

Set this to empty to disable help entirely.

Note that individual argument parsers may override this.

def defaultHelpMessage(parser: ArgumentParser): String

Generate a help message from parameters.

Generate a help message from parameters.

This message will be used by ArgumentParsers. Overriding this allows you to customize the help message of all ArgumentParsers.

protected def exit(code: Int): Nothing

Called by parseOrExit in case of error.

Called by parseOrExit in case of error.

Overriding this can be useful in situations where you do not want to exit, for example in tests.


Inherited implicits

implicit val StringReader: Reader[String]
Inherited from