
class param(val name: String | Null, val aliases: Seq[String], val endOfNamed: Boolean, val interactiveCompleter: String => Seq[String] | Null, val standaloneCompleter: BashCompleter | Null, val argName: String | Null, val reader: Reader[_] | Null) extends StaticAnnotation

Annotate to scala parameters to customize or override cli parameter derivation.

Since this annotation will be set by user code, in order to reduce boilerplate, optional parameters of this class are declared as A | Null instead of Option[A], with a default null value. Thus, a user who wishes to set a parameter can simply assign it without having to wrap it in a Some. E.g. @param(name = "foo"). Any unset parameter means "use the default behavior from derivation".



Additional names by which this parameter can be set.


The name of the argument given to a named arg. E.g. <path> in --base-dir=<path>.


If set, then all subsequent parameters will be treated as positional, regardless of their name.


A function invoked during command completion. Given a partially types argument, returns all possible value for said argument.


Set the name explicitly rather than derive it.


Override the reader used to used to deserialize a string to a scala value. Note that the type of the reader must match the type of scala parameter definition that this annotation is applied to.


A builtin completer when completion is handles by external scripts.

trait StaticAnnotation
class Annotation
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Members list

Concise view

Value members

Concrete fields

val aliases: Seq[String]
val argName: String | Null
val endOfNamed: Boolean
val interactiveCompleter: String => Seq[String] | Null
val name: String | Null
val reader: Reader[_] | Null