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AnsiEscapes - Class in cucumber.api.formatter
append(CharSequence) - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.NiceAppendable
append(CharSequence, int, int) - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.NiceAppendable
append(char) - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.NiceAppendable
appendTo(NiceAppendable) - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
appendTo(StringBuilder) - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
asList(Class<T>) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Converts the table to a List.
asLists(Class<T>) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Converts the table to a List of List of scalar.
asMap(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Converts the table to a single Map.
asMaps(Class<K>, Class<V>) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Converts the table to a List of Map.


BLACK - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
BLUE - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes


canConvert(Class) - Method in class cucumber.api.Transformer
cells(int) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
close() - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.NiceAppendable
ColorAware - Interface in cucumber.api.formatter
Interface for Formatters that use ANSI escape codes to print coloured output.
convert(DataTable, Type, boolean) - Method in interface cucumber.api.TableConverter
create(List<?>) - Static method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
create(List<?>, String, String...) - Static method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
create(List<?>, Locale, String...) - Static method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
createTablePrinter() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
cucumber.api - package cucumber.api
cucumber.api.cli - package cucumber.api.cli
cucumber.api.event - package cucumber.api.event
cucumber.api.formatter - package cucumber.api.formatter
cucumber.runner - package cucumber.runner
cucumber.util - package cucumber.util
CucumberOptions - Annotation Type in cucumber.api
This annotation provides the same options as the cucumber command line, Main.
CYAN - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes


data - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.EmbedEvent
DataTable - Class in cucumber.api
Represents the data from a Gherkin DataTable.
DataTable(PickleTable, TableConverter) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.DataTable
Creates a new DataTable.
DEFAULT - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
DEFAULT_ENCODING - Static variable in class cucumber.util.Encoding
definitionMatch - Variable in class cucumber.api.TestStep
not part of the public api
Delimiter - Annotation Type in cucumber.api
This annotation can be specified on step definition method parameters to give Cucumber a hint about how to transform a String to a list of objects.
diff(List<?>) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Diffs this table with other, which can be a List&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; or a List&lt;YourType&gt;.
diff(DataTable) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Diffs this table with other.
diffableRows() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable


embed(byte[], String) - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
Embeds data into the report(s).
EmbedEvent - Class in cucumber.api.event
EmbedEvent(Long, byte[], String) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.EmbedEvent
Encoding - Class in cucumber.util
Utilities for reading the encoding of a file.
Encoding() - Constructor for class cucumber.util.Encoding
equals(Object) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Event - Interface in cucumber.api.event
EventBus - Class in cucumber.runner
EventBus(TimeService) - Constructor for class cucumber.runner.EventBus
EventHandler<T extends Event> - Interface in cucumber.api.event
EventListener - Interface in cucumber.api.event
This is the interface you should implement if you want your own custom formatter.
EventPublisher - Interface in cucumber.api.event
executeStep(String, Scenario, boolean) - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
executeStep(String, Scenario, boolean) - Method in class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep


firstLetterCapitalizedName() - Method in enum cucumber.api.Result.Type
FixJava - Class in cucumber.util
FixJava() - Constructor for class cucumber.util.FixJava
Format - Annotation Type in cucumber.api
This annotation can be specified on step definition method parameters to give Cucumber a hint about how to transform a String into an object such as a Date or a Calendar.
Formatter - Interface in cucumber.api.formatter
This is the interface you should implement if you want your own custom formatter.
fromLowerCaseName(String) - Static method in enum cucumber.api.Result.Type
fromString(String) - Static method in enum cucumber.api.SnippetType
fromString(String) - Method in class cucumber.api.Transformer


getCodeLocation() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getDefinitionArgument() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getDuration() - Method in class cucumber.api.Result
getError() - Method in class cucumber.api.Result
getErrorMessage() - Method in class cucumber.api.Result
getFunctionNameGenerator() - Method in enum cucumber.api.SnippetType
getGlue() - Method in class cucumber.runner.Runner
getHookType() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getHookType() - Method in class cucumber.runner.PickleTestStep
getHookType() - Method in class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep
getId() - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
getLine() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestCase
getLines() - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
getLocale() - Method in class cucumber.api.Transformer
getName() - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
getName() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestCase
getPattern() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getPickleRows() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Internal method.
getPickleStep() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getPickleStep() - Method in class cucumber.runner.PickleTestStep
getPickleStep() - Method in class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep
getScenarioDesignation() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestCase
getSourceTagNames() - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
getStatus() - Method in class cucumber.api.Result
getStatus() - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
getStepArgument() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getStepArgument() - Method in class cucumber.runner.PickleTestStep
getStepArgument() - Method in class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep
getStepLine() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getStepLine() - Method in class cucumber.runner.PickleTestStep
getStepLine() - Method in class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep
getStepLocation() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getStepLocation() - Method in class cucumber.runner.PickleTestStep
getStepLocation() - Method in class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep
getStepText() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
getStepText() - Method in class cucumber.runner.PickleTestStep
getStepText() - Method in class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep
getTableConverter() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
getTags() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestCase
getTestSteps() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestCase
getTime() - Method in class cucumber.runner.EventBus
getTimeStamp() - Method in interface cucumber.api.event.Event
getUri() - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
getUri() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestCase
GREEN - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
GREY - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes


hashCode() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
HookType - Enum in cucumber.api


INTENSITY_BOLD - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
is(Result.Type) - Method in class cucumber.api.Result
isFailed() - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
isHook() - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
isHook() - Method in class cucumber.runner.PickleTestStep
isHook() - Method in class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep
isOk(boolean) - Method in class cucumber.api.Result


join(List<String>, String) - Static method in class cucumber.util.FixJava


lowerCaseName() - Method in enum cucumber.api.Result.Type


MAGENTA - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
Main - Class in cucumber.api.cli
Main() - Constructor for class cucumber.api.cli.Main
main(String[]) - Static method in class cucumber.api.cli.Main
map(List<T>, Mapper<T, R>) - Static method in class cucumber.util.FixJava
map(T) - Method in interface cucumber.util.Mapper
Mapper<T,R> - Interface in cucumber.util
mimeType - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.EmbedEvent


NiceAppendable - Class in cucumber.api.formatter
A nice appendable that doesn't throw checked exceptions
NiceAppendable(Appendable) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.formatter.NiceAppendable
nonExceptionStatus(boolean) - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep


Pending - Annotation Type in cucumber.api
Any exception class annotated with this annotation will be treated as a "pending" exception.
PendingException - Exception in cucumber.api
PendingException() - Constructor for exception cucumber.api.PendingException
PendingException(String) - Constructor for exception cucumber.api.PendingException
PickleTestStep - Class in cucumber.runner
PickleTestStep(String, PickleStep, DefinitionMatch) - Constructor for class cucumber.runner.PickleTestStep
Plugin - Interface in cucumber.api
Marker interface for all plugins.
print(Runtime) - Method in interface cucumber.api.SummaryPrinter
println() - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.NiceAppendable
println(CharSequence) - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.NiceAppendable


raw() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
readFile(Resource) - Static method in class cucumber.util.Encoding
readReader(Reader) - Static method in class cucumber.util.FixJava
readResource(String) - Static method in class cucumber.util.FixJava
readStream(InputStream) - Static method in class cucumber.util.FixJava
receive(T) - Method in interface cucumber.api.event.EventHandler
RED - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
registerHandlerFor(Class<T>, EventHandler<T>) - Method in interface cucumber.api.event.EventPublisher
Registers an event handler for a specific event.
registerHandlerFor(Class<T>, EventHandler<T>) - Method in class cucumber.runner.EventBus
reportStepDefinitions(StepDefinitionReporter) - Method in class cucumber.runner.Runner
RESET - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
result - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.TestCaseFinished
result - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.TestStepFinished
Result - Class in cucumber.api
Result(Result.Type, Long, Throwable) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.Result
The result of a step or scenario
Result.Type - Enum in cucumber.api
run(String[], ClassLoader) - Static method in class cucumber.api.cli.Main
Launches the Cucumber-JVM command line.
run(EventBus) - Method in class cucumber.api.TestCase
not part of the public api
run(EventBus, String, Scenario, boolean) - Method in class cucumber.api.TestStep
not part of the public api
Runner - Class in cucumber.runner
Runner(Glue, EventBus, Collection<? extends Backend>, RuntimeOptions) - Constructor for class cucumber.runner.Runner
runPickle(PickleEvent) - Method in class cucumber.runner.Runner
runUnreportedStep(String, String, String, int, List<PickleRow>, PickleString) - Method in class cucumber.runner.Runner


Scenario - Interface in cucumber.api
Before or After Hooks that declare a parameter of this type will receive an instance of this class.
send(Event) - Method in class cucumber.runner.EventBus
setEventPublisher(EventPublisher) - Method in interface cucumber.api.event.EventListener
Set the event publisher.
setMonochrome(boolean) - Method in interface cucumber.api.formatter.ColorAware
When set to monochrome the formatter should not use colored output.
setParameterInfoAndLocale(ParameterInfo, Locale) - Method in class cucumber.api.Transformer
setStrict(boolean) - Method in interface cucumber.api.formatter.StrictAware
When set to strict the formatter should indicate failure for undefined and pending steps
SKIPPED - Static variable in class cucumber.api.Result
snippets - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
SnippetsSuggestedEvent - Class in cucumber.api.event
SnippetsSuggestedEvent(Long, String, List<PickleLocation>, List<String>) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
SnippetType - Enum in cucumber.api
source - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.TestSourceRead
stepDefinition(StepDefinition) - Method in interface cucumber.api.StepDefinitionReporter
Called when a step definition is defined
StepDefinitionReporter - Interface in cucumber.api
stepLocations - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
StrictAware - Interface in cucumber.api.formatter
Interface for Formatters that need to know if the Runtime is strict.
SummaryPrinter - Interface in cucumber.api
Interface for plugins that print a summary after test execution.
SYSTEM - Static variable in interface cucumber.runner.TimeService


TableConverter - Interface in cucumber.api
testCase - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.TestCaseFinished
testCase - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.TestCaseStarted
TestCase - Class in cucumber.api
TestCase(List<TestStep>, PickleEvent) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.TestCase
not part of the public api
TestCase(List<TestStep>, PickleEvent, boolean) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.TestCase
not part of the public api
TestCaseFinished - Class in cucumber.api.event
TestCaseFinished(Long, TestCase, Result) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.TestCaseFinished
TestCaseStarted - Class in cucumber.api.event
TestCaseStarted(Long, TestCase) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.TestCaseStarted
TestRunFinished - Class in cucumber.api.event
TestRunFinished(Long) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.TestRunFinished
TestRunStarted - Class in cucumber.api.event
TestRunStarted(Long) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.TestRunStarted
TestSourceRead - Class in cucumber.api.event
TestSourceRead(Long, String, String) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.TestSourceRead
testStep - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.TestStepFinished
testStep - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.TestStepStarted
TestStep - Class in cucumber.api
TestStep(DefinitionMatch) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.TestStep
not part of the public api
TestStepFinished - Class in cucumber.api.event
TestStepFinished(Long, TestStep, Result) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.TestStepFinished
TestStepStarted - Class in cucumber.api.event
TestStepStarted(Long, TestStep) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.TestStepStarted
text - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.WriteEvent
time() - Method in interface cucumber.runner.TimeService
TimeService - Interface in cucumber.runner
toList(DataTable, Type) - Method in interface cucumber.api.TableConverter
toLists(DataTable, Type) - Method in interface cucumber.api.TableConverter
toMap(DataTable, Type, Type) - Method in interface cucumber.api.TableConverter
toMaps(DataTable, Type, Type) - Method in interface cucumber.api.TableConverter
topCells() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
toString() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
toString() - Method in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
toString() - Method in enum cucumber.api.HookType
toString(Object) - Method in class cucumber.api.Transformer
toTable(List<?>, String...) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Creates another table using the same Locale and Format that was used to create this table.
toTable(List<?>, String...) - Method in interface cucumber.api.TableConverter
Transform - Annotation Type in cucumber.api
An annotation to specify how a Step Definition argument is transformed.
transform(String) - Method in class cucumber.api.Transformer
Transformer<T> - Class in cucumber.api
Allows transformation of a step definition argument to a custom type, giving you full control over how that type is instantiated.
Transformer() - Constructor for class cucumber.api.Transformer
transpose() - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Transpose - Annotation Type in cucumber.api
This annotation can be specified on step definition method parameters to give Cucumber a hint to transpose a DataTable into an object or list of objects.


UNDEFINED - Static variable in class cucumber.api.Result
unorderedDiff(DataTable) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Diffs this table with other.
unorderedDiff(List<?>) - Method in class cucumber.api.DataTable
Diffs this table with other, which can be a List&lt;List&lt;String&gt;&gt; or a List&lt;YourType&gt;.
UnskipableStep - Class in cucumber.runner
UnskipableStep(HookType, DefinitionMatch) - Constructor for class cucumber.runner.UnskipableStep
up(int) - Static method in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
uri - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.SnippetsSuggestedEvent
uri - Variable in class cucumber.api.event.TestSourceRead


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cucumber.api.HookType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cucumber.api.Result.Type
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum cucumber.api.SnippetType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum cucumber.api.HookType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cucumber.api.Result.Type
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum cucumber.api.SnippetType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


WHITE - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
write(String) - Method in interface cucumber.api.Scenario
Outputs some text into the report.
WriteEvent - Class in cucumber.api.event
WriteEvent(Long, String) - Constructor for class cucumber.api.event.WriteEvent


YELLOW - Static variable in class cucumber.api.formatter.AnsiEscapes
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