
Type members


trait HeaderChecks[+A]

Maintains a list of operators that checks if the Headers meet the give constraints.

Maintains a list of operators that checks if the Headers meet the give constraints.

NOTE: Add methods here, if it tests the Headers for something, and returns a true or false based on if the conditions are met or not.

Contains a list of helpful methods that can create Headers.

Contains a list of helpful methods that can create Headers.

NOTE: Add methods here if it provides an alternative succinct way to create Headers.

trait HeaderGetters[+A]

Maintains a list of operators that parse and extract data from the headers.

Maintains a list of operators that parse and extract data from the headers.

NOTE: Add methods here if it performs some kind of processing on the header and returns the result.

trait HeaderModifier[+A]

Maintains a list of operators that modify the current Headers. Once modified, a new instance of the same type is returned. So or eg: request.addHeader("A", "B") should return a new Request and similarly headers.add("A", "B") should return a new Headers instance.

Maintains a list of operators that modify the current Headers. Once modified, a new instance of the same type is returned. So or eg: request.addHeader("A", "B") should return a new Request and similarly headers.add("A", "B") should return a new Headers instance.

NOTE: Add methods here that modify the current headers and returns an instance of the same type.

List of commonly use HeaderNames. They are provided to reduce bugs caused by typos and also to improve performance. HeaderNames arent encoded everytime one needs to send them over the wire.

List of commonly use HeaderNames. They are provided to reduce bugs caused by typos and also to improve performance. HeaderNames arent encoded everytime one needs to send them over the wire.

List of commonly use HeaderValues. They are provided to reduce bugs caused by typos and also to improve performance. HeaderValues arent encoded everytime one needs to send them over the wire.

List of commonly use HeaderValues. They are provided to reduce bugs caused by typos and also to improve performance. HeaderValues arent encoded everytime one needs to send them over the wire.