Class Timer

All Implemented Interfaces:
Counting, Metered, Metric, Sampling

public class Timer extends Object implements Metered, Sampling
A timer metric which aggregates timing durations and provides duration statistics, plus throughput statistics via Meter.
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • update

      public void update(long duration, TimeUnit unit)
      Adds a recorded duration.
      duration - the length of the duration
      unit - the scale unit of duration
    • update

      public void update(Duration duration)
      Adds a recorded duration.
      duration - the Duration to add to the timer. Negative or zero value are ignored.
    • time

      public <T> T time(Callable<T> event) throws Exception
      Times and records the duration of event.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the value returned by event
      event - a Callable whose method implements a process whose duration should be timed
      the value returned by event
      Exception - if event throws an Exception
    • timeSupplier

      public <T> T timeSupplier(Supplier<T> event)
      Times and records the duration of event. Should not throw exceptions, for that use the time(Callable) method.
      Type Parameters:
      T - the type of the value returned by event
      event - a Supplier whose Supplier.get() method implements a process whose duration should be timed
      the value returned by event
    • time

      public void time(Runnable event)
      Times and records the duration of event.
      event - a Runnable whose method implements a process whose duration should be timed
    • time

      public Timer.Context time()
      Returns a new Timer.Context.
      a new Timer.Context
      See Also:
    • getCount

      public long getCount()
      Description copied from interface: Metered
      Returns the number of events which have been marked.
      Specified by:
      getCount in interface Counting
      Specified by:
      getCount in interface Metered
      the number of events which have been marked
    • getFifteenMinuteRate

      public double getFifteenMinuteRate()
      Description copied from interface: Metered
      Returns the fifteen-minute moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
      Specified by:
      getFifteenMinuteRate in interface Metered
      the fifteen-minute moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created
    • getFiveMinuteRate

      public double getFiveMinuteRate()
      Description copied from interface: Metered
      Returns the five-minute moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
      Specified by:
      getFiveMinuteRate in interface Metered
      the five-minute moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created
    • getMeanRate

      public double getMeanRate()
      Description copied from interface: Metered
      Returns the mean rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
      Specified by:
      getMeanRate in interface Metered
      the mean rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created
    • getOneMinuteRate

      public double getOneMinuteRate()
      Description copied from interface: Metered
      Returns the one-minute moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created.
      Specified by:
      getOneMinuteRate in interface Metered
      the one-minute moving average rate at which events have occurred since the meter was created
    • getSnapshot

      public Snapshot getSnapshot()
      Description copied from interface: Sampling
      Returns a snapshot of the values.
      Specified by:
      getSnapshot in interface Sampling
      a snapshot of the values