Class HealthCheck

Direct Known Subclasses:
AsyncHealthCheckDecorator, ThreadDeadlockHealthCheck

public abstract class HealthCheck extends Object
A health check for a component of your application.
  • Constructor Details

    • HealthCheck

      public HealthCheck()
  • Method Details

    • check

      protected abstract HealthCheck.Result check() throws Exception
      Perform a check of the application component.
      if the component is healthy, a healthy HealthCheck.Result; otherwise, an unhealthy HealthCheck.Result with a descriptive error message or exception
      Exception - if there is an unhandled error during the health check; this will result in a failed health check
    • execute

      public HealthCheck.Result execute()
      Executes the health check, catching and handling any exceptions raised by check().
      if the component is healthy, a healthy HealthCheck.Result; otherwise, an unhealthy HealthCheck.Result with a descriptive error message or exception
    • clock

      protected com.codahale.metrics.Clock clock()