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AbstractServerFactory - Class in io.dropwizard.server
A base class for ServerFactory implementations.
AbstractServerFactory() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
addBundle(ConfiguredBundle<? super T>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Adds the given bundle to the bootstrap.
addCommand(Command) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Adds the given command to the bootstrap.
addCommand(ConfiguredCommand<T>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Adds the given command to the bootstrap.
addDefaultCommands(Bootstrap<T>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
Called by to add the standard "server" and "check" commands
addFileArgument(Subparser) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand
Adds the configuration file argument for the configured command.
addRequestLog(Server, Handler, String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
addStatsHandler(Handler) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
addTask(Task) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.AdminEnvironment
Adds the given task to the set of tasks exposed via the admin interface.
admin() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's AdminEnvironment.
AdminEnvironment - Class in io.dropwizard.setup
The administrative environment of a Dropwizard application.
AdminEnvironment(MutableServletContextHandler, HealthCheckRegistry, MetricRegistry, AdminFactory) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.setup.AdminEnvironment
Creates a new AdminEnvironment.
AdminFactory - Class in io.dropwizard.setup
A factory for configuring the admin interface for the environment.
AdminFactory() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.setup.AdminFactory
Application<T extends Configuration> - Class in io.dropwizard
The base class for Dropwizard applications.
Application() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.Application


Bootstrap<T extends Configuration> - Class in io.dropwizard.setup
The pre-start application environment, containing everything required to bootstrap a Dropwizard command.
Bootstrap(Application<T>) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Creates a new Bootstrap for the given application.
bootstrapLogging() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
bootstrapLogLevel() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
The log level at which to bootstrap logging on application startup.
build(Environment) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
build(Environment) - Method in interface io.dropwizard.server.ServerFactory
Build a server for the given Dropwizard application.
build(Environment) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
buildGzipHandler(Handler) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
buildServer(LifecycleEnvironment, ThreadPool) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
buildSetUIDListener() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
Bundle - Interface in io.dropwizard


CheckCommand<T extends Configuration> - Class in io.dropwizard.cli
Parses and validates the application's configuration.
CheckCommand(Application<T>) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.cli.CheckCommand
cleanup() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand
cleanupAsynchronously() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand
Cli - Class in io.dropwizard.cli
The command-line runner for Dropwizard application.
Cli(JarLocation, Bootstrap<?>, OutputStream, OutputStream) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.cli.Cli
Create a new CLI interface for a application and its bootstrapped environment.
Command - Class in io.dropwizard.cli
A basic CLI command.
Command(String, String) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.cli.Command
Create a new command with the given name and description.
Configuration - Class in io.dropwizard
An object representation of the YAML configuration file.
Configuration() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.Configuration
configure(Subparser) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.Command
Configure the command's Subparser.
configure(Subparser) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand
Configure the command's Subparser.
configure(Environment) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
configure(Environment) - Method in interface io.dropwizard.server.ServerFactory
Configures the given environment with settings defined in the factory.
configure(Environment) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
configure() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.ExceptionMapperBinder
configure(FeatureContext) - Method in class io.dropwizard.validation.InjectValidatorFeature
ConfiguredBundle<T> - Interface in io.dropwizard
A reusable bundle of functionality, used to define blocks of application behavior that are conditional on configuration parameters.
ConfiguredCommand<T extends Configuration> - Class in io.dropwizard.cli
A command whose first parameter is the location of a YAML configuration file.
ConfiguredCommand(String, String) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand
createAdminServlet(Server, MutableServletContextHandler, MetricRegistry, HealthCheckRegistry) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
createAppServlet(Server, JerseyEnvironment, ObjectMapper, Validator, MutableServletContextHandler, Servlet, MetricRegistry) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
createThreadPool(MetricRegistry) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory


DefaultServerFactory - Class in io.dropwizard.server
The default implementation of ServerFactory, which allows for multiple sets of application and admin connectors, all running on separate ports.
DefaultServerFactory() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory


Environment - Class in io.dropwizard.setup
A Dropwizard application's environment.
Environment(String, ObjectMapper, ValidatorFactory, MetricRegistry, ClassLoader, HealthCheckRegistry, Configuration) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Creates a new environment.
Environment(String) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Creates an environment with the system classloader, default object mapper, default validator factory, default health check registry, and default configuration for tests.
EnvironmentCommand<T extends Configuration> - Class in io.dropwizard.cli
A command which executes with a configured Environment.
EnvironmentCommand(Application<T>, String, String) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.cli.EnvironmentCommand
Creates a new environment command.
ExceptionMapperBinder - Class in io.dropwizard.setup
A binder that registers all the default exception mappers while allowing users to override individual exception mappers without disabling all others.
ExceptionMapperBinder(boolean) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.setup.ExceptionMapperBinder
execute(Map<String, List<String>>, PrintWriter) - Method in class io.dropwizard.sslreload.SslReloadTask


getAdminConnectors() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
getAdminContext() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
getAdminContextPath() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
getAdminContextPath() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
getAdminFactory() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
Returns the admin interface-specific section of the configuration file.
getAdminMaxThreads() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
getAdminMinThreads() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
getAllowedMethods() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getApplication() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Returns the bootstrap's Application.
getApplicationConnectors() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
getApplicationContext() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
getApplicationContextPath() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
getApplicationContextPath() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
getClassLoader() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Returns the bootstrap's class loader.
getCommands() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Returns the application's commands.
getConfigurationClass() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
Returns the Class of the configuration class type parameter.
getConfigurationClass() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.CheckCommand
getConfigurationClass() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand
Returns the Class of the configuration type.
getConfigurationClass() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ServerCommand
getConfigurationFactoryFactory() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
getConfigurationSourceProvider() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Returns the bootstrap's ConfigurationSourceProvider.
getConnector() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
getDescription() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.Command
Returns the command's description.
getDetailedJsonProcessingExceptionMapper() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getDumpAfterStart() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getDumpBeforeStop() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getEnableThreadNameFilter() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getGid() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getGroup() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getGzipFilterFactory() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getHealthCheckExecutorService() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns an ExecutorService to run time bound health checks
getHealthCheckRegistry() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
returns the health check registry
getHealthChecks() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.AdminFactory
getIdleThreadTimeout() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getJerseyRootPath() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getJerseyServletContainer() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
getJmxReporter() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Returns the JmxReporter registered with the bootstrap's MetricRegistry.
getLoggingFactory() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
Returns the logging-specific section of the configuration file.
getMaxQueuedRequests() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getMaxThreads() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getMaxThreads() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.HealthCheckConfiguration
getMetricRegistry() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Returns the application metrics.
getMetricsFactory() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
getMinThreads() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getMinThreads() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.HealthCheckConfiguration
getName() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
Returns the name of the application.
getName() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.Command
Returns the command's name.
getName() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's name.
getNofileHardLimit() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getNofileSoftLimit() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getObjectMapper() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Returns the bootstrap's ObjectMapper.
getObjectMapper() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's ObjectMapper.
getRegisterDefaultExceptionMappers() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getReloaders() - Method in class io.dropwizard.sslreload.SslReloadTask
getRequestLogFactory() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getServerFactory() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
Returns the server-specific section of the configuration file.
getServerPush() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getShutdownGracePeriod() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getStartsAsRoot() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getStdErr() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.Cli
getStdOut() - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.Cli
getTasks() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.AdminFactory
getUid() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getUmask() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getUser() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
getValidator() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's Validator.
getValidatorFactory() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Returns the application's validator factory.
getWorkQueueSize() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.HealthCheckConfiguration


HealthCheckConfiguration - Class in io.dropwizard.setup
A factory for configuring the health check sub-system for the environment.
HealthCheckConfiguration() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.setup.HealthCheckConfiguration
healthChecks() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's HealthCheckRegistry.


initialize(Bootstrap<T>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
Initializes the application bootstrap.
initialize(Bootstrap<?>) - Method in interface io.dropwizard.ConfiguredBundle
Initializes the application bootstrap.
InjectValidatorFeature - Class in io.dropwizard.validation
InjectValidatorFeature(ValidatorFactory) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.validation.InjectValidatorFeature
io.dropwizard - package io.dropwizard
io.dropwizard.cli - package io.dropwizard.cli
io.dropwizard.server - package io.dropwizard.server
io.dropwizard.setup - package io.dropwizard.setup
io.dropwizard.sslreload - package io.dropwizard.sslreload
io.dropwizard.validation - package io.dropwizard.validation
isShowDetails() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.ExceptionMapperBinder
isThreadPoolSizedCorrectly() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory


jersey() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's JerseyEnvironment.


lifecycle() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's LifecycleEnvironment.


metrics() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's MetricRegistry.


onError(Cli, Namespace, Throwable) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.CheckCommand
onError(Cli, Namespace, Throwable) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.Command
Method is called if there is an issue parsing configuration, setting up the environment, or running the command itself.
onFatalError(Throwable) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
Called by to indicate there was a fatal error running the requested command.
onFatalError() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
Use #onFatalError(Throwable) instead.


printBanner(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory


registerMetrics() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Registers the JVM metrics to the metric registry and start to report the registry metrics via JMX.
run(T, Environment) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
When the application runs, this is called after the ConfiguredBundles are run.
run(String...) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Application
Parses command-line arguments and runs the application.
run(Configuration, Environment) - Method in interface io.dropwizard.Bundle
run(Environment) - Method in interface io.dropwizard.Bundle
Use ConfiguredBundle#run(Configuration, Environment)
run(Bootstrap<T>, Namespace, T) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.CheckCommand
run(String...) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.Cli
Runs the command line interface given some arguments.
run(Bootstrap<?>, Namespace) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.Command
Executes when the user runs this specific command.
run(Bootstrap<?>, Namespace) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand
run(Bootstrap<T>, Namespace, T) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ConfiguredCommand
Runs the command with the given Bootstrap and Configuration.
run(Bootstrap<T>, Namespace, T) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.EnvironmentCommand
run(Environment, Namespace, T) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.EnvironmentCommand
Runs the command with the given Environment and Configuration.
run(Environment, Namespace, T) - Method in class io.dropwizard.cli.ServerCommand
run(T, Environment) - Method in interface io.dropwizard.ConfiguredBundle
Initializes the environment.
run(T, Environment) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Runs the bootstrap's bundles with the given configuration and environment.
run(Configuration, Environment) - Method in class io.dropwizard.sslreload.SslReloadBundle


ServerCommand<T extends Configuration> - Class in io.dropwizard.cli
Runs a application as an HTTP server.
ServerCommand(Application<T>) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.cli.ServerCommand
ServerCommand(Application<T>, String, String) - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.cli.ServerCommand
A constructor to allow reuse of the server command as a different name
ServerFactory - Interface in io.dropwizard.server
A factory for building Server instances for Dropwizard applications.
servlets() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Returns the application's ServletEnvironment.
setAdminConnectors(List<ConnectorFactory>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
setAdminContextPath(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
setAdminContextPath(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
setAdminFactory(AdminFactory) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
Sets the admin interface-specific section of the configuration file.
setAdminMaxThreads(int) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
setAdminMinThreads(int) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
setAllowedMethods(Set<String>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setApplicationConnectors(List<ConnectorFactory>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
setApplicationContextPath(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
setApplicationContextPath(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
setClassLoader(ClassLoader) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Sets the bootstrap's class loader.
setConfigurationFactoryFactory(ConfigurationFactoryFactory<T>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
setConfigurationSourceProvider(ConfigurationSourceProvider) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Sets the bootstrap's ConfigurationSourceProvider.
setConnector(ConnectorFactory) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
setDetailedJsonProcessingExceptionMapper(Boolean) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setDumpAfterStart(boolean) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setDumpBeforeStop(boolean) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setEnableThreadNameFilter(boolean) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setGid(Integer) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setGroup(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setGzipFilterFactory(GzipHandlerFactory) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setHealthCheckRegistry(HealthCheckRegistry) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
setHealthChecks(HealthCheckConfiguration) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.AdminFactory
setIdleThreadTimeout(Duration) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setJerseyRootPath(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setLoggingFactory(LoggingFactory) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
Sets the logging-specific section of the configuration file.
setMaxQueuedRequests(int) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setMaxThreads(int) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.HealthCheckConfiguration
setMetricRegistry(MetricRegistry) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Sets a custom registry for the application metrics.
setMetricsFactory(MetricsFactory) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
setMinThreads(int) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setMinThreads(int) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.HealthCheckConfiguration
setNofileHardLimit(Integer) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setNofileSoftLimit(Integer) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setObjectMapper(ObjectMapper) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
Sets the given ObjectMapper to the bootstrap.
setRegisterDefaultExceptionMappers(Boolean) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setReloaders(Collection<SslReload>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.sslreload.SslReloadTask
setRequestLogFactory(RequestLogFactory<?>) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setServerFactory(ServerFactory) - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
Sets the HTTP-specific section of the configuration file.
setServerPush(ServerPushFilterFactory) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setShutdownGracePeriod(Duration) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setStartsAsRoot(Boolean) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setTasks(TaskConfiguration) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.AdminFactory
setUid(Integer) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setUmask(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setUser(String) - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.AbstractServerFactory
setValidator(Validator) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Environment
Sets the application's Validator.
setValidatorFactory(ValidatorFactory) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.Bootstrap
setWorkQueueSize(int) - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.HealthCheckConfiguration
SimpleServerFactory - Class in io.dropwizard.server
A single-connector implementation of ServerFactory, suitable for PaaS deployments (e.g., Heroku) where applications are limited to a single, runtime-defined port.
SimpleServerFactory() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.server.SimpleServerFactory
SslReloadBundle - Class in io.dropwizard.sslreload
Bundle that gathers all the ssl connectors and registers an admin task that will refresh ssl configuration on request
SslReloadBundle() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.sslreload.SslReloadBundle
SslReloadTask - Class in io.dropwizard.sslreload
A task that will refresh all ssl factories with up to date certificate information
SslReloadTask() - Constructor for class io.dropwizard.sslreload.SslReloadTask


toString() - Method in class io.dropwizard.Configuration
toString() - Method in class io.dropwizard.server.DefaultServerFactory
toString() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.AdminFactory
toString() - Method in class io.dropwizard.setup.HealthCheckConfiguration
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