
Provides helpers for creating Source[XmlEvent] using for the underlying event provider.

class Object
trait Matchable
class Any

Value members

Concrete methods

def apply(eventReader: XMLEventReader): Source[XmlEvent]
def fromFile(file: File, factory: XMLInputFactory)(implicit codec: Codec): Source[XmlEvent]

Returns a Source[XmlEvent] which can open the given file to read raw XML data.

Returns a Source[XmlEvent] which can open the given file to read raw XML data.

The returned Source is reusable. The underlying streams are managed by the open method and the close function it returns.

Value parameters:

Implicit Codec used to interpret the bytes to characters. Default is null


Factory instance for the underlying Javax parser


A file containing XML


A reusable Source[XmlEvent]

def fromInputStream(rawXml: InputStream, factory: XMLInputFactory)(implicit codec: Codec): Source[XmlEvent]

Returns a single-use Source[XmlEvent] which interprets the contents of the given InputStream as raw XML bytes.

Returns a single-use Source[XmlEvent] which interprets the contents of the given InputStream as raw XML bytes.

The returned Source will not attempt to close the rawXml stream; responsibility for closing rawXml lies with whoever created it.

Value parameters:

Implicit Codec used to interpret the bytes to characters. Default is null


Factory instance for the underlying Javax parser


An InputStream containing raw XML bytes


A single-use Source[XmlEvent]

def fromReader(rawXml: Reader, factory: XMLInputFactory): Source[XmlEvent]

Returns a single-use Source[XmlEvent] which interprets the contents of the given Reader as raw XML characters.

Returns a single-use Source[XmlEvent] which interprets the contents of the given Reader as raw XML characters.

The returned Source will not attempt to close the rawXml reader; responsibility for closing rawXml lies with whoever created it.

Value parameters:

Factory instance for the underlying Javax parser


A Reader containing raw XML character data


A single-use Source[XmlEvent]

def fromString(rawXml: String, factory: XMLInputFactory): Source[XmlEvent]

Returns a Source[XmlEvent] which interprets the given string as raw XML.

Returns a Source[XmlEvent] which interprets the given string as raw XML.

Value parameters:

Factory instance for the underlying Javax parser


A string of raw XML


A reusable Source[XmlEvent]

Concrete fields

lazy val defaultFactory: XMLInputFactory

Default XMLInputFactory used when creating an underlying XMLEventReader with the methods in this object.

Default XMLInputFactory used when creating an underlying XMLEventReader with the methods in this object.

This factory disables the IS_REPLACING_ENTITY_REFERENCES and IS_SUPPORTING_EXTERNAL_ENTITIES features, in efforts to mitigate xml injection attacks.

When using the methods in this object, if you want to override this default factory, define an implicit XMLInputFactory somewhere and make it available in the scope where you call the method, e.g.

  implicit val mySpecificXmlFactory: XMLInputFactory = ???
  val xmlEvents = JavaxSource[IO](new File("./stuff.xml"))