
object JavaxSupport

Provides implicits that allow various data sources to be passed to an XmlParser's parse method, using as the underlying XML event generator.

Provides implicits that allow various data sources to be passed to an XmlParser's parse method, using as the underlying XML event generator.

Provides an implicit Parsable instance for the following types that can be plugged into a to create an XMLEventReader:

  • String
  • File
  • Resource[F,]
  • Resource[F,]

A rough outline of the derivation/implementation of a Parsable[F, Source] is:

  Source -> Resource[F, XMLInputFactory] -> Stream[F, XmlEvent] -> Parsable[Source]
class Object
trait Matchable
class Any



implicit val javaxQNameAsQName: AsQName[QName]

Allows javax.xml.namespace.QName to be passed to name-based methods like elem and attr

Allows javax.xml.namespace.QName to be passed to name-based methods like elem and attr

implicit def xmlStreamReadableAsParsable[S](S: IntoXmlEventReader[[A] =>> SyncIO[A], S], factory: XMLInputFactory): Parsable[Id, S, XmlEvent]
implicit def xmlStreamReadableAsParsableF[F[_], S](F: Sync[F], S: IntoXmlEventReader[F, S], factory: XMLInputFactory, chunkSize: ChunkSize): Parsable[F, S, XmlEvent]

Allows types which can be opened as a javax XMLEventReader to be passed to an XmlParser's parse method. The "open as javax XMLEventReader" logic is defined by the IntoXmlEventReader typeclass.

Allows types which can be opened as a javax XMLEventReader to be passed to an XmlParser's parse method. The "open as javax XMLEventReader" logic is defined by the IntoXmlEventReader typeclass.