Interface Store<T>

  • Type Parameters:
    T - resource
    All Known Subinterfaces:
    All Known Implementing Classes:
    Cache, DeltaFIFO

    public interface Store<T>
    Store is a generic object storage interface. Reflector knows how to watch a server and update a store. A generic store is provided, which allows Reflector to be used as a local caching system, and an Least Recently Used store, which allows Reflector to work like a queue of items yet to be processed. It makes no assumptions about the stored object identity; it is the responsibility of a Store implementation to provide a mechanism to correctly key objects and to define the contract for obtaining objects by some arbitrary key type. This is ported from official go client:
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Abstract Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void add​(T obj)
      Inserts an item into the store
      void delete​(T obj)
      Removes an item from the store
      Object get​(T object)
      Returns the requested item.
      T getByKey​(String key)
      Returns the request item with specific key.
      void isPopulated​(boolean isPopulated)
      Updates the status of cache in case of any API error from Kubernetes server
      List<T> list()
      Returns a list of all the items.
      List<String> listKeys()
      returns a list of all keys of the object currently in the store.
      void replace​(List<T> list, String resourceVersion)
      Deletes the contents of the store, using instead the given list.
      void resync()
      Sends a resync event for each item.
      void update​(T obj)
      Sets an item in the store to its updated state.
    • Method Detail

      • add

        void add​(T obj)
        Inserts an item into the store
        obj - object
      • update

        void update​(T obj)
        Sets an item in the store to its updated state.
        obj - object
      • delete

        void delete​(T obj)
        Removes an item from the store
        obj - object
      • list

        List<T> list()
        Returns a list of all the items.
        list of all items
      • listKeys

        List<String> listKeys()
        returns a list of all keys of the object currently in the store.
        list of all keys
      • get

        Object get​(T object)
        Returns the requested item.
        object - object
        requested item if exists.
      • getByKey

        T getByKey​(String key)
        Returns the request item with specific key.
        key - specific key
        the requested item
      • replace

        void replace​(List<T> list,
                     String resourceVersion)
        Deletes the contents of the store, using instead the given list. Store takes ownership of the list, you should not reference it after calling this function
        list - list of objects
        resourceVersion - resource version
      • resync

        void resync()
        Sends a resync event for each item.
      • isPopulated

        void isPopulated​(boolean isPopulated)
        Updates the status of cache in case of any API error from Kubernetes server
        isPopulated - boolean value indicating whether cache is populated or not